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What are my daughters rights regarding someone calling her child a 'spastic'?

Ok it MUST be UNLAWFUL of course but she is very upset of course that after falling out with a ''friend'' the EX friend called my daughters son a 'spastic' just because he has special needs ie Autism

This must of course be against the law in the UK?

She wants to take the girl to court but was wondering what sort of sentence the girl would get as she has all the evidence on text

Thanks , please would you answer this as urgent as we know it is against the law but we don't know what sort of punishment is usually handed out regarding this sort of thing???


Well the police are taking it seriously as it is discrimination against someone with special needs and they said they take it more seriously than racism which is also against the law & surely the law is there to protect people ESPECIALLY a child with special needs or shall we all go round being cruel / offensive / vile to each other without any consequences and without ANY protection for those who are more vunerable in society!!

Anyway I am GLAD my daughter is taking it seriously and that the police are taking it seriously even though obviously the public on here think it is NOTHING...........

Have a child with special needs yourself & let someone call them a ''spastic'' and see YOUR REACTION!

Update 2:

WOW! Am truly touched by the amount of compassion & understanding on here , wish I had never asked now , only did because my daughter wanted to know what her rights were as you CAN sue someone for racism or discrimination & am glad that at least my daughter has her family behind her as you have all confirmed exactly what society is like against people with special needs or disabilites , anyway , go & be happy coz we will be! :-)

Update 4:

And ; as she is harassing & threatening my daughter & like I said the police ARE taking it very seriously & are at my daughters house now , it has not got the same meaning in the USA as the UK but in the UK you can't just go round using the word spastic to a disabled child!!!

12 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    yes its Verbal abuse :( But proving it near impossible :(

    And she called herself A friend :(

  • 7 years ago

    Wow, I can't believe how rude some of these answers are, and are doing absolutely sod all to help the asker. Instead of hurling abuse at someone already distressed enough, whether you disagree with the question or not, there's no necessity to further extend the abuse. You don't even know this person, so you should shut the hell up before insulting and name-calling someone you don't even know, you bunch of Keyboard Warriors.

    No wonder society is getting so full of Chavs! There's an abundance of influence, as you can see! The Americans that have answered, even though stating that this is non-suable, have been so much more polite about it. Just shows you a lot, doesn't it?

    Source(s): Nobody should bother replying to swear at me or offend me. I don't give a shit about what some random bаstardized c'sucker thinks of me or my opinions; I couldn't care less if you got nuked.
  • Tim
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    You got some weird laws over there. What happened to freedom of speech?

    If there is a law that prohibits this, then you may have a case. But to be honest, the police really couldn't give a monkeys about a text. They do have real crime to deal with you know.

    If you had a really good lawyer, I guess you could try and sue for compensation. Deformation of charachter or something. But really, even though you say you have a text. You cannot prove she sent it.

  • 4 years ago

    The lack of information of your question astounds me. i'm speaking some Radioactive pink Bigfoot hidden in my cellar filming a pornographic movie starring Angelia Jolie and Ron Jeremy. that would not make it genuine. Now then, faith therapeutic . . . those human beings: want. To. Be. Commited. era, hospitalize them, they're lunatics. they have not any appropriate to reproduce or shelter different's infants, each. This must be as, if not extra irresponsible than giving a three 12 months old a loaded rifle. they could be held to blame, and being allowed to cover at the back of their faith is unacceptable. They exceeded over thier infants. and that they did not have them taken away . . . eff that. I had a daughter die of SIDS and had to combat to maintain my eldest newborn and there substitute into no ignore in touch, yet those human beings, they get to maintain their different little ones. No. those infants want faraway from the abode, and those mom and dad sent someplace distant the place they could not harm something of society.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Thankfully it IS NOT the law in UK.

    Why has it upset you that someone has made an accurate remark about your Grand child.

    My Aunt always refered to herself as spastic in later years, and as it was accurate saw no reason to soften it for idiots like you.

    Personally I am glad you are upset because it may just give you pause to think, what you are upset about.

    You, not your Grandchild, it is you that is upset at you, self centred or what, yes it has been used in derogatory ways and was for many years, but unless it was meant offensively should not be taken offensively, which I suspect is the case, and even where it is tough, welcome to the real world where people like me are not defended from fools like you.

    And no it is not against the Law and never should be.

    Let us see the Court case.

    There will not be one, and if any Police came round to my house, it would be recorded and shown on You Tube the old bill having a lesson in not threatening people unless they can charge them (they can't) and a History lesson at the same time, as well as asking them when they will be relieved of their jobs as they have no serious crime to chase.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Chandra shut the freak up and grow up. Kids say and do that sort of thing. If you are going to get in a frenzy every time a kid says something that you find a bit unusual then I suggest you and the kid go to a freaking nunnery as soon as you can and lock yourself away. I mean what the heck is the matter with folks today, is this younger generation all mamby pamby weak kneed idiots. And I am saving the best bit, as far as I am concerned, for last I am glad to tell you that it is NOT illegal, so learn to deal with it.And before you even bother to waste you time and effort with a thumbs down, Who the hell cares. Grow up.

  • Don
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    I have to comment that the UK must be a nice safe place to live, if the police have time to investigate and charge someone with name-calling. Must not be too much serious crime over there.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    It is NOT unlawful. It is an exercise of free speech, as hurtful as it may be. You do NOT have a right to not be insulted or have your feelings hurt by what someone says.

  • Yup
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    what are you people? 5? grow the hell up. you are not entitled to a life free of offense. yeah the person was a jackass for saying that but so what? are you really so weak and feeble that a simple word can turn your life upside down? what is this world coming to?

  • 9 years ago

    Are you serious? Take her to court? Just don't be friends with that person anymore. How is calling someone a name illegal?

  • Frank
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    She should call that person a "poopy-head".

    That'll show 'em.

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