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My 2 week old is gassy on breastmilk, not on formula?

when my baby nurses she cries with gas pains, then passes really foul smelling gas.

when she drinks formula she doesn't have this problem.....regular cows milk formula.

I am 100% sure it is the breastmilk making her there something in my diet I could eliminate? It couldn't be a problem with dairy if she is fine on cows milk formula, right?

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Accumulation of gas that passes through her bottom is not instant... So if she's gassy as she is nursing the gas is as a result if a meal she had hours ago.... So if we has formula some feedings then it could in fact be the formula....

    But yes what you eat can affect her gassiness... Some babies are more sensitive than others to what's in their Mother's diet... Pretty much anything that causes you gas can cause gas inducing things into breastmilk...

    Some common culprits are certain green veggies like broccoli and cabbage.... Beans are another big one...

    A good test tI see if it is your milk is to first off no more formula as you need only breastmilk during this test period... Eat a bland diet free of dairy, spicy spices, the veggies above and beans for a few days and if you see improvement you know it's something in your diet... Then slowly incorporate the trouble foods back in and find which one she responds to... Then eliminate that for the remainder of breastfeeding or at least till about 8 months old when slowly incorporating it back in can actually be helpful to her in accepting that food as a child...

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    First off stop giving her formula. If you want to breastfeed you need to exclusively do it for the first 6-8 weeks to establish your supply. As for your problem, both my daughters would get really gassy from garlic, broccoli and even onions. Try paining attention to what is causing the gas and what you had to eat. You can always take some things out of your diet and see if that helps. Also you don't need to wait until 8 months to reintroduce troublesome foods. Most babies can handle troublesome foods by 8 weeks.

    On the other hand some babies can be more gassy then others and there is no real reason for it. Odds are the formula is what is causing the smelly gas, breastfed babies are rarely smelly, not that they can't be but it is uncommon. Good luck!

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    It coud be something you are eating bugging your poor little one. Here are the things I learned I could not have while nursing, maybe you have been eating the same?




    Decaf coffee

    Milk, but you said formula wasn't bugging her so it is probably not dairy.

    Ovol works great for gas pain in babies but always talk to your doctor before giving a new born anything. Our pediatrician also recommended probiotic drops that took a while to work but afterwards that kid was tootin and burpin like a pro. My let down was quite fast and my little one was taking in a lot of air with the milk trying to keep up so the lactation consultant had me prop her up so she was almost sitting right up to nurse and that helped.

    Few suggestions for you to try. Keep trying though! It can take 6 weeks to establish breastfeeding so don't give up. You are giving your baby a great start. Good luck and congratulations!

  • Pippin
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    While most babies aren't bothered by anything mom eats, an occassional baby is allergic to something in mom's diet.

    While nobody can tell you what your baby may be reacting to, some common allergins are eggs, soy, citrus, wheat and corn. You might try eliminating these for a few days and see if it makes a difference.

    But --- at two weeks you shouldn't be giving your baby formula anyway. It's also possible that the problem is partially due to nipple confusion -- she isn't latching well and so swallows a lot of air.

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