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  • Baldwin modello upright piano information?

    I was given a baldwin piano with the name modello on it, serial # 135869. I can't find that serial # listed anywhere online. Does anyone have any info about it?

    5 AnswersOther - Music6 years ago
  • Anyone bought a fake ergobaby carrier on purpose?

    what did you think of it?

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • Missed period, cramping, light spotting, is it normal?

    I am a little over 3 mo pp. I have had 2 regular periods. I was recently expecting my 3rd pp period but it never came. I felt sick to my stomach and had bad cramping for a week or so. I then had some very light brown spotting.

    Is this normal?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • A question for you if you have a 5, 6, or 7 week old baby?

    what sort of schedule is your baby on? Not necessarily meaning you put them on a schedule, but what sort of schedule has your baby set for himself? He eats every X amount of hours, he is awake for X amount of hours before taking a nap. He is awake for X amount of hours before going to bed and he sleeps X amount of hours.

    I have a 6 week old who is great all day, eats every 3 hours, is up for about 1 1/2 hours before taking naps, but in the evening she gets fussy and overtired and it takes hours and hours to get her to sleep at night. She wakes up from her last nap around 4:00 and then we can't get her to sleep for the night until midnight or later and it takes forever to get her to sleep.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • Four week old still mixing up day and night?

    My 4 week old hasn't slept consistently at night ever. I don't expect her to go without eating, but I did expect she would get up to eat, be rocked back to sleep, and go to bed until the next feeding.

    Right now she goes to bed at around 8:00, wakes up at 11:00 for a feeding and won't go back to sleep. She is content just being up and playing, but as soon as I try to swaddle/rock/put her in bed with me/anything involving sleep she cries. At around 2:00 or 3:00 she takes another feeding and then goes to bed for the night (only waking up to eat at 5:30 and going back to sleep).

    Any tips on how I can get her to sleep at night?

    Can someone PLEASE tell me your baby did this and they quit eventually and how old?

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • My 2 week old is gassy on breastmilk, not on formula?

    when my baby nurses she cries with gas pains, then passes really foul smelling gas.

    when she drinks formula she doesn't have this problem.....regular cows milk formula.

    I am 100% sure it is the breastmilk making her there something in my diet I could eliminate? It couldn't be a problem with dairy if she is fine on cows milk formula, right?

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • 39 weeks + small amount of brown smearing blood?

    does it mean labor is on its way?

    3 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Give me the basics of this healthcare reform I have paid no attention to?

    What exactly is going to change b/c of the reform?

    What about personally, for me and my family - we have insurance paid for by and through my husband's employer.

    8 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • My 3.5 yr old constantly complains of stomach pain?

    At least daily and usually multiple times a day my 3.5 yr old cries her stomach hurts. It usually passes. Somedays are worse than others, sometimes she will complain nearly all day. I have had her to the DR. She has been on medication for parasites and her urine has been checked. I was wondering if anyone else had a child around that age that complained of the same problem.

    6 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • Keeping with the theme of stay at home moms...?

    Do you think all stay at home moms live in luxury and privilege or do you realize that a lot of mothers make career/financial sacrafices to be able to stay home?

    For example I am a SAHM to 2 children, I work really hard at home so I can be a SAHM.....I work MUCH more at home than I would if I worked in the work force. For example if I worked fulltime I wouldn't be sweating to raise a garden to cut down on my grocery bill, I wouldn't be baking and cooking most everything from scratch...the examples of things I do so I can afford to stay at home are numerous.

    11 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • Have any of you used a Britax for rear facing up until 2?

    Was there plenty of room?

    What are the expirations on Britax carseats?

    3 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • What would you do with a baby in this living situation?

    We live in a basement right now - we have 3 bedrooms. One is shared by my 3 and 4 yr old, one is a toy room (full of toys), and the other is our room.

    We are building onto the top of our basement, building the main level. My due date is November, we think we will be moving in around December. So for one month we will have a baby without a room. My question is what would you do -

    1. Live in chaosis and just have the baby's stuff wherever (living room, my bedroom, on the floor, etc)

    2. Move toys out of toy room and make it a baby's room for just one month

    3. Try to reorganize things so that the baby's stuff can live in my 3 and 4 yr old's room

    I am not really worried about where to put the baby, b/c it will sleep in my room - but more worried about all the baby 'stuff' - I don't want it laying around everywhere, but I also don't want to reorganize my whole house when we will be moving and reorganizing one month later.

    12 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • What causes extreme muscle soreness?

    Lately it seems everytime I do some type of physical labor, I am terribly sort through my neck, shoulders, and upper back. I can't even mow the grass without being sore for days. Could a vitamin deficency or something be causing it?

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • 14 weeks pregnant with moderate cold - DR or not?

    I am 14 weeks pregnant. Early last week I came down with a really sore throat, but no other symptoms. I went to the DR to be sure it wasn't strep. Test was negative. A couple of days later sore throat went away and congestion started. Congestion is better, but now I have this explosive cough with coughing attacks. My cough is productive. I might be having a slightly harder time than normal breathing, but not anything bad.

    My husband and mother think I need to go back to the DR, but I don't think I have an infection.....I don't have a fever. I am already taking Robitussin and Sudafed, I am not sure if the DR can really even do anything to help. I am getting lots of fluids and am not even close to dehydrated.

    I really don't want to waste time/money going to the DR for something that I don't need to go for.....would you go or wait a few more days?

    5 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • What do you store kids bath toys in?

    We have a ton of bath toys and I originally had a fish made for bath toys that was made out of netting. It started to smell, so I tossed it. I replaced it with a netted laundry bag - I have only had it a month and now it stinks. I washed it, but it didn't help.

    13 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • What was your opinion of the Time cover that recently came out?,16641,20120521,0...

    I am for extended breastfeeding, but I thought it could have been done with more taste. I think instead of opening people's eyes to the whole idea, it really made a mockery of it.

    9 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • Is untreated strep throat dangerous during pregnancy?

    I am 90% sure I have strep throat.....normally I wouldn't go to the DR, but am wondering if it can be dangerous since I am pregnant. No high fever.

    9 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • How much time do you spend playing with your kids?

    How much time do they spend playing by themselves

    I am constantly feeling like I don't 'play' with my kids enough - they are 3 and 4 years old and they really are best friends. They play together all day. In the wintertime I was getting requests to play games and read books, but now that it is summer they just want to play outside ALL day. They usually want to go outside at 9 AM and I get them back inside for lunch and a nap and they back outside again.

    We live on a farm in a rural area, and as long as I leave the doors and windows open I don't mind them playing outside by themselves, plus I am in and out often myself.

    I really was just curious if other people's kids play that much by themselves, especially those with siblings close in age.

    7 AnswersParenting9 years ago