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What would you do with a baby in this living situation?

We live in a basement right now - we have 3 bedrooms. One is shared by my 3 and 4 yr old, one is a toy room (full of toys), and the other is our room.

We are building onto the top of our basement, building the main level. My due date is November, we think we will be moving in around December. So for one month we will have a baby without a room. My question is what would you do -

1. Live in chaosis and just have the baby's stuff wherever (living room, my bedroom, on the floor, etc)

2. Move toys out of toy room and make it a baby's room for just one month

3. Try to reorganize things so that the baby's stuff can live in my 3 and 4 yr old's room

I am not really worried about where to put the baby, b/c it will sleep in my room - but more worried about all the baby 'stuff' - I don't want it laying around everywhere, but I also don't want to reorganize my whole house when we will be moving and reorganizing one month later.


oh and I don't have room for the baby's stuff in my room really, just enough room for the baby to sleep. If I did, I would just keep the stuff in there.

12 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    I'd have the new baby sleep in the master bedroom for just that month and keep the baby stuff in the play room in a dresser or in the closet. For just a month, I think that's a good solution.

    We have 3 bedrooms also. My two girls (when Sarah is born) will be sharing the larger of the 2 other spare bedrooms, and my son has his own room. For the first 6-12 months, the new baby will be most likely sleeping in our bedroom because we don't want her frequently waking our older daughter. When she is able to sleep through the night, the baby will move to the girls' room and sleep there.

    I'm so glad all has been going well for this pregnancy :)

  • 9 years ago

    What "stuff" are you talking about? A baby needs what, diapers, a blanket, some clothes and a few burp cloths. What else does the baby need that needs a specific spot? We always kept the swing and bouncy seat out wherever we were in the main room. Our babies always slept in a port-a-crib in our room for the first 3-4 months and we hardly used the baby's room for anything. All the "stuff" we just put in a set of smaller plastic bins next to the port-a-crib. Not really sure what stuff you have for baby that takes up so much space.

  • Ruthie
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Fun fact: i slept in the dining room for my first 6 months of lifel my parents lived in a tiny house with my sister and that was really the only place they could put me before we moved.

    anyway, your house will probably be chaotic anyway since you will be packing stuff up. I think moving a month after the baby is born is a little too stressful but ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Buy a couple of plastic bins (which will also make baby stuff ready for the move, kill two birds with one stone)for the babies clothes/toys and store them in the toy room. If there really isnt enough room to store a few plastic bins then its time to sort through them and see whats broken/old/not used anymore.

  • 9 years ago

    We are currently in a similar sitution. We have 3 bedrooms as well, a master, a toy room, and a room my son and daughter share. Our master is huge so the crib will go in our room but I'm cleaning the toy room out and putting the toys in my kids room and we're doing the nursery in the toy room. The baby will go in there once she starts sleeping through the night.

    Source(s): Due in September with #3!
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  • 9 years ago

    Sense the baby is only new born you don't really need that much stuff,

    just get a set of draws to put the clothes in and sit the nappies and creams bath stuff etc on-top of the draws for now, i never used a change table personally i think they are a waste of money i just changed my son on the bed. that way i could sit while i was dressing him,

    then put the crib in your room with a few nappies underneath etc,. if you use a baby bath leave it in the bath tub that way its not in the way anywhere, and if you get a little baby rocker/swing leave it the lounge room,

    its only a month then you will be able to set up the babies room how ever you want, just do that and you should be fine i did it for one year living like that, i got used to it,

    Good luck i hope you figure something out

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    I would sort out the toys in the toy room, so get rid of old broken and unused toys then sort them into toy bins and pop them in the kids room and turn the toy room into a nursery for the changing table, baby bath and all the babies things...

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Put the changing table, dresser and all that stuff in the toy room and put the crib in your bedroom. The your other kids can still play in the toy room without bothering the baby and it will be easier getting up with the baby in your room anyway.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    turn the toy room into a nursery for the day, and baby's bedroom for the night. Or have the baby sleep in a crib in your room.

  • 9 years ago

    Honestly, I wouldn't make a big deal out of arranging stuff if you're just going to move a month later. I've moved enough times to know it's not worth your time or energy to make everything just so, if you're just going to move quickly again. Once your top floor is finished you can concentrate on getting everything in order. Even if it is chaos, it'll be for a very short time.

    Good luck!

  • 9 years ago

    I wouldn't even unpack most of the baby's stuff for just a month. I'd store it.

    What do you really need for the first month? A bassinet, a changing table, a swing?

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