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What do Jehovah's Witnesses think Armageddon will be like?
We all know what they think of "Paradise", we see the answers about learning various languages, sitting with Lions, I saw one woman say she wanted to fly. (???) etc etc, but do they ever talk about what the actual event of Armageddon will be like, and the immediate aftermath?
The carnage and destruction? Fixing the earth, how do you think you'll do that? Cleaning up billions of dead bodies. Will your children understand it and be ok with it? Will they be afraid, and cry, or will they be happy to see what their God Jehovah does to people who don't believe the Watchtower? How will you clear out trash and rubbish? Destroyed vehicles? Collapsed buildings? Can you get the blood out of the water, or will God give you knew water to drink? How long exactly will you be working to make the earth a paradise? Will the Watchtower organization continue giving you "spiritual food"? How will they get you your magazines? Will they be in charge?
I know, you only have the basics of what Armageddon will be. But you only have the basics of what paradise would be as well, and your imaginations seem very vivid on that. so can you apply it to Armageddon and post-Armageddon.
What do they think it will be like?
19 Answers
- Anonymous8 years agoFavorite Answer
During the many years I was a Witness, we never once dwelt upon what Armageddon would be like. We simply focused on our belief that we would be spared, and be untouched by the destruction all around us. We would be like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, protected by the Angel of the Lord in the fiery furnace. We would emerge unscathed.
Neither did we waste any time thinking about what it would be like after Armageddon. The birds would pick all the bones clean and everything would be just fine. No mention about 7 billion or more rotting corpses, contaminated water or the risk of disease. The 7 million survivors (Witnesses) would be given their instructions (from the Governing Body, no doubt) and before the first of the dead were resurrected back to life on earth, everything would be ship-shape and fully-functioning.
Or perhaps the surviving Witnesses would have authority to harness the man-power of the 106 billion persons to be resurrected back to life to deal with the clean-up operation. That would be useful, right? Mind you, we'd never even got so far as to think about just how many people would be resurrected. Somehow, Jehovah would sort it all out for us.
- ?Lv 48 years ago
We do not have the details of how life will be immediately after the war of Armageddon. Remember this is God's war against rebellious mankind. This will also be his clean up if you will, and we will follow His instructions given to us at that time.
Jesus told us to pray for "God's Kingdom to come." This is a government that will rule from heaven with Jesus as the king of this kingdom. He will set things in motion to restore paradise conditions on the earth. His reign is for 1,000 years . Rev chapter 20 and 21.
Jehovah's Witnesses are an extremely organized people already and follow directions really well. You can witness this at our meetings and our larger conventions and our Bethel factories where our literature is printed and distributed throughout the earth voluntarily These facilities are able to function completely independently from the outside world if necessary, but we don't know what will survive Armageddon and what won't in the way of buildings etc.
Our main purpose now is to help as many as possible learn God's message of how to survive the coming "great tribulation"explained very clearly for us in the bible and to have the same hope we do that is to survive Armageddon and have the prospect of living forever in a re-stored paradise on earth under God's Kingdom.
Source(s): For more information see the watchtower January 1 2013, ..Should you fear the end of the world? - SUNSHINELv 78 years ago
**Fixing the earth, how do you think you'll do that?**
I don't think I KNOW we'll have no problem. Firstly because Jehovah has given the earth wonderful self "fixing" capacities, if you leave things long enough, the blades of grass push through and the wildlife move back in, the trees will clean the air and if we just stop pumping pollutants into it, marine plant and animal life will break down the elements that have been suffocating it and it will re-find its natural balance.
Secondly because vast areas of the planet are already a paradise, great stretches of it uninhabited and many areas still staggeringly beautiful... I somehow don't think we'll be doing much to victoria falls or Australias Greet barrier reef.
As for construction /demolition... few organizations have as much experience as Jehovah's Witnesses in this field.. and you know what? Like the Israelites, 400 years of making bricks, with an shepherd and an inexperienced General at the helm, what we don't know, with Jehovah's help... we'll learn.
Oh how the Egyptians must have laughed and pointed at the Israelites ... "you only know how you gather straw, how are you going to survive in the desert? Whataya gonna drink?!! Whaddaya gonna do when your sandels wear out.. ? What are you gonna do about the Cannanites? the Amelekites? Do you KNOW how big the king of Og is?!! They'll eat you for breakfast and spit out the bones!! Ha ha ha haaa"
But the Egyptians forgot one thing when they were laughing, the Prince of of their people was leading them and JEHOVAH the Almighty was their God. Jehovah's Witnesses have the same backing, what we've achieved with Jehovah's blessing so far is pretty much a miracle. With Satan out of the way, wicked people silenced and time and will to do it, restoring this beautiful planet to its intented glory? You just hold on to your hat and watch us!!
- 8 years ago
I was raised JW, I can assure you that in the 24 years I was active that I never saw or heard of them trying to describe it or make a video about it. What I do recall is being taught a bible verse that said it will be unlike anything that's ever happened, EVER (so really it's unknowable - except the few references that few scriptures give which I doubt would be all inclusive)
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- Anonymous8 years ago
Armageddon---Mass destruction on global scale...God plans to do an extermination, indeed a terrible one, of all the inhabitants of the earth.
After Armageddon---
>Dead bodies--birds of heaven will dispose of the flesh so that it will not rot causing the survivors to become sick. (Rev 19:17,18) Whenever God destroys man, the survivors never had to clean up. God cleans up the mess. The flood took care of the bodies in Noah's Day, the Fire took care of the bodies in Sodom and Gomorrah. It is only when God uses angels to kill that humans have to bury the dead (eg. 10th plague on Egypt)
>Cleaning the earth-- this will take many years, but the survivors will have to take one day at a time
>Resurrection of the dead--- a joyous occasion. they will also assist with some of the work
>No more slums, no more bad neighborhoods, no more run down neighborhoods....some survivors will look for a wicked man but will not be able to find one, for the meek themselves will possess the earth and reside forever upon it.
If you really want to know what will among the survivors! To survive you need to worship the true God Jehovah, exercise faith in Jehovah and his Son Jesus, and obey their commands.
- DIGIMANLv 78 years ago
A Landlord does not destroy his building because some mean and wicked people are keeping
good tenants from renting, rather he uses the Law and evicts the people that ruin.
Will the Earth Be Ruined?
Not all humans will be destroyed at Armageddon. How do we know that? The Bible assures us that “Jehovah knows how to deliver people of godly devotion out of trial, but to reserve unrighteous people for the day of judgment to be cut off.” (2 Peter 2:9) We can be confident, then, that God will keep his almighty power under perfect control. Only those who defy God’s sovereignty will face his wrath at Armageddon. There will be no inadvertent casualties.—Psalm 2:2, 9; Genesis 18:23, 25.
The Bible tells us that God will “bring to ruin those ruining the earth.” (Revelation 11:18) Clearly, then, Jehovah God’s purpose is not to destroy our planet. Instead, he will remove the wicked human society that opposes his rulership. This follows the pattern he set at the time of the Deluge of Noah’s day.—Genesis 6:11-14; 7:1; Matthew 24:37-39.
Source(s): SHOULD WE FEAR ARMAGEDDON ? - do you recall...Lv 48 years ago
Your description of what the aftermath of Armageddon will be like , are very similar to what hurricanes and earthquakes leave. What WWI, WWII, Holocaust left.
And wasn't the area of destruction cleaned, including dead bodies?? Someone had to manually do the clean up, it wasn't miraculously done.
The only difference I see is that we will have to do a world wide clean up vs affected areas. And I am more than sure that our Jehovah God will give us all the strength needed!!
- ?Lv 58 years ago
“And I will give portents in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and columns of smoke. 31 The sun itself will be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and fear-inspiring day of Jehovah. 32 And it must occur that everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will get away safe; for in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will prove to be the escaped ones, just as Jehovah has said, and in among the survivors, whom Jehovah is calling.”
There will be survivors. It also mentions of ones that will not. We learn this from bible history. The Flood of Noah. Some survived and some did not. All of the structures and bodies were taken care of by Jehovah. The destruction of Jerusalem in 607 BCE and 70 AD. Some survived and some did not. Not one survivor returned to the desolation to clean the remains or the bodies. Jehovah somehow took care of that. We can only speculate based on the bible history. Each time there were sound warnings of the pending doom. The ones that listened survived. The ones that did not, perished. No where in the bible does it tells the ones that survived to rejoice in the fact that they have died. Instead, it served as a warning that if you disobey the warnings, then you too, should face the same outcome. The only rejoicing the bible tells us to have is the fact that Jehovah's name will be sanctified and his sovereignty proven to be worthy of obedience.
This is why we spend countless of hours preaching and teaching as Noah has done so many lives could be save.
“Everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved.” Then he reasoned: “How will they call on him in whom they have not put faith? How, in turn, will they put faith in him of whom they have not heard? How, in turn, will they hear without someone to preach?” (Romans 10:13, 14)
We are that "someone to preach". It is your choice at that point to heed the warnings or not.
So why do we know so much about the "Paradise" than Armageddon? It is simple. Jehovah is a happy God. Why would he want us to focus so much on the destruction? Is that a motivator? Not as much as knowing what reward we will have once we have done our part to preach and teach about Jehovah and his Kingdom.
Revelations: 6 And I heard what was as a voice of a great crowd and as a sound of many waters and as a sound of heavy thunders. They said: “Praise Jah, YOU people, because Jehovah our God, the Almighty, has begun to rule as king. 7 Let us rejoice and be overjoyed, and let us give him the glory, because the marriage of the Lamb has arrived and his wife has prepared herself. 8 Yes, it has been granted to her to be arrayed in bright, clean, fine linen, for the fine linen stands for the righteous acts of the holy ones.”
- Loosey™Lv 78 years ago
It will be totally cool. The asteroid in the sky will get larger and larger. High tension wires will spark at the extraterrestrial pull from the impactor and the sky will be alight. When it hits, a two thousand foot tidal wave will wash over the low lands and the sky will be scorched black. All the pent up vulcanism beneath the Earth's crust will erupt and things will rush at you at several kilometers per second. Which is to say, you won't feel a thing.
- LizzyLv 68 years ago
I would probably categorize the lady who said she wanted to fly as a bit "off", unless she meant she wanted to fly a plane or something like that.
As far as what armageddon will be like, I refer you to Luke 21:28 "As these things start to occur, raise yourselves erect and lift your heads up, because your deliverance is getting near"
When Lot and his daughters escaped during the destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah, they were told to not look back. So they didn't see the destruction and judgment that lead to the death of many. When Noah and his family were in the ark, they couldn't see the destruction and judgment that was killing the wicked. Why would Jehovah God suddenly want us to see these things now? Answer is he wouldn't.