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? asked in Pregnancy & ParentingGrade-Schooler · 8 years ago

What should the babysitter be paid?

What should a high school babysitter with 3 years of experience (who doesn't drive) be paid to babysit 6 and 8 year old boys per hour? Living in the suburbs of a fairly large midwestern city. Thanks!:)

11 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    As a babysitter in my Freshman year of high school, i charge 8 dollars per hour. I have about 5 families that I sit for a lot, and I am told all the time that I do not charge enough. I have friends who get paid 12 dollars an hour.

    She needs to be paid at least 8 dollars an hour, minimum wage is only fair. I have never met ANYONE who would babysit for 5 or 6, that's just ridiculous! If you're in a high income area, you really cant give her less than 10 per hour.

    Source(s): Experience
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    It is because of the short term commitment. You'll find the same thing is true of those short-term babysitting places at some strip malls. They charge a lot, but only use them a few hours vs. all day every day. Keep in mind that the government looks at it differently as well. Daycare (caring for child so that parent can go to work or attend school) is taxed, while babysitting is not. My suggestion is to find out what the going rate is for the age group you plan to care for. Eventually, poster Leann will be found out when a parent attempts to get the child care credit. A tax audit is not a pleasant thing.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I would say $10 an hour for two kids. You could get away with $5 though if you aren't a big fan of the whole babysitting idea. However, you really don't want to under-pay

  • Depends on what the babysitter has to do .. If just watch them then like 6 or 7 bucks if she has I give them food and bathe them and help with hw and etc then 10 bucks

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  • 8 years ago

    I would say $10 an hour for two kids. Definitely nothing less than minimum wage.

  • 8 years ago

    min wage- id say $8 an hour

    Source(s): im a career nanny and thats how much I made when I started out
  • 8 years ago

    5 or 6 an hour unless money is a issue I don't know you so I don't know

  • 8 years ago

    10 n hour.... 50 overnight

  • 8 years ago

    um i would say 6 dollars an hour

  • 8 years ago

    pay him 30 bucks a day that is most reasonable choice both on babysitters end and on yours

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