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B asked in PetsDogs · 8 years ago

are there types of dogs that are not able to interbreed?

for example, a Chiwawa and a Great Dane might not be able to produce offspring, although I have no information about the possibility or knowledge that the particular example is rational

I am only asking because I wanted to see if there was an example of irrifuteable speciation, and looking at all the types of dogs mankind has breed throughout the years (and not often refuted that these dogs types had diverged from common ancestors) , I was wondering if there was two breeds of dogs that can be considered different species by the common definition of species: "a group of organisms capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring"

but even if that is the case, it might only be another example of "Ring Species" which is: "a connected series of neighboring populations, each of which can interbreed with closely sited related populations, but for which there exist at least two "end" populations in the series, which are too distantly related to interbreed, though there is a potential gene flow between each "linked" species. Such non-breeding, though genetically connected, "end" populations may co-exist in the same region thus closing a "ring"."

PS the quotes are taken from Wikipedia articles after verifying that the statements are accurate

4 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Genetically domestic dogs are all the same species and therefore can interbreed. The reason a Chihuahua and a Great Dane can't breed is because there's no feasible way to make it happen. A Chihuahua would not survive having Great Dane puppies most likely and a male Chihuahua wouldn't be able to tie with a Great Dane because he just can't reach.

  • 8 years ago

    Yes, it's right that a species is defined as "a group of organisms capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring".

    But dogs of VERY different breeds will have difficulty in breeding. For example, the Chihuahua and the Great Dane / Bullmastiff. But that doesn't mean that it's ENTIRELY IMpossible to breed 2 different dogs. It IS possible, but not always!

    PS: That's a very interesting question! :)

    Source(s): Future Scientist and Taxonomist and Veterinarian and Pet Expert and Reputable Breeder! Just 5 Years in the Future....
  • 8 years ago

    Female English Bulldogs. They have to artifically inseminated, and they have to have C-Sections to birth their young. They are not able to 'give birth' naturally and they can only have one puppy at a time. Without human intervention, the breed would most likely die out.

    Other than that....any two dogs can breed. I once saw a pregnant Great Dane who had been impregnated by a male Beagle. That little guy was so determined, he had jumped up on a wood pile to get to her!

    So I'd imagine as long as the female dog is larger than the male, she'd be able to accomodate any smaller breed's insemination and consquential young - I guess all the male needs to do it get up to her level!

    Remember: dogs were once predators and wild, they are still more resourceful than som people give them credit for!

    Source(s): Worked with animals 10 years.
  • Shaina
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Any breed of dogs can mate with each other.

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