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Christians why would the Roman governor give the body of Jesus to Joseph?

Romans held control of the body and would most likely given him a dishonorable burial for instigating social disorder by proclaiming to be king of the jews.

It makes no sense also for a man even a wealthy one and follower to have a tomb ready without any body buried inside.

It also does not make sense that a "secret disciple" was among the council that led to the death of jesus and that they spit in his face and struck him.

Then there is the fact that he is named Joseph of Arimathea but Arimathea does not exist.

The Roman govenor was also known to hang bodies as a way to bring sacriledge to the jewish ppl and even if he did allow the body to be buried because of the Jews coming in but there is no reason they wud give him an honorable death.

An honorable death wud imply that the Romans were wrong to execute him but if that is so then the govenor cud have appealed or done something rather than let the trial proceed.

Also Pilate was a cruel man that wud not have cared for the fate of jesus. The reason very few bodies of crucified ppl have been found is because they were eaten by animals because bodies of criminals were not taken down as a form of punishment to the Jews revolting.

The eclipse prophecy is also fake because there was no solar eclipse during that time in Israel.

Also the criminal that supposedly was let go to condemn jesus sounds ridiculous. Can you tell me which Mosaic law or Roman law allowed this as a trial proceeding? Idk but can anyone cite sources to support a reason why the governor would allow this.


The problem is it sounds far too convenient for a member of the wealthiest group in Jewish society to be a follower of jesus, have a tomb ready, and boldly ask the governor to take the body down when he as a member of the jewish authority and religious leader that wud have many other things to do to prepare for the Sabbath. It is literally a far-fetched claim especially considering there is no place of origin for him to be traced or why the secret believers of jesus did more for jesus then his own disciples.

Update 2:

I am aware that he begged them for it and that he used his own tomb to burry the body. Tell me where is Arimathea?

5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The Romans finished him with a spear to avoid a death and corpse problems on the Sabbath. They did not want more trouble so a quick death and disposal was called for.

    Romans had a bit of a phobia about corpses, cemeteries were always outside the town so getting rid of the corpse of a reform rabbi from the hills was an urgent problem.

    A rich Jew offers to take the corpse of their hands and promises correct burial - done deal.

    Pilate was not a particularly cruel governor, he was respected by the Jewish elite and after he finished his term in Judea got the top, plum, posting as governer of Brittania. To get that posting the Roman government must have thought he did a good job.

    Please note - if you like mythology - Pilate ruled Britain after Judea.

    Source(s): Releasing a condemned criminal as an act of mercy during holy days was normal in many cultures. The Romans certainly did this.
  • 8 years ago

    The first thing and what will help you to understand all that you ask about, you should obtain the book titled 'Piso Christ'. You write as though you are ware that the NT story is total comic parody and fictional , which it is and the book Piso Christ will explain all of that for you. The N T story was set back in time many years before the time it was written as the writers knew that no one or likely very few persons would be alive who knew the truth that the story never happened in the first part of the 1st century CE. You are correct about most of what you mentioned and the reason for this is that the NT story and Jesus were not real. Read the book Piso Christ.

    Source(s): The book Piso Christ
  • Moi
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Joseph begged them for it.... duh

    Mat 27:57 When the even was come, there came a rich man of Arimathaea, named Joseph, who also himself was Jesus' disciple:

    Mat 27:58 He went to Pilate, and begged the body of Jesus. Then Pilate commanded the body to be delivered.

    Mat 27:59 And when Joseph had taken the body, he wrapped it in a clean linen cloth,

    Mat 27:60 And laid it in his own new tomb, which he had hewn out in the rock: and he rolled a great stone to the door of the sepulchre, and departed.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    In Islam, we think that Jesus was not Crucified but there was a nother guy who appeard to the people looking like Jesus.

    There no two account of the death of Christ agree with each other. this is a clear indication they are made up stories.

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  • 8 years ago

    He was afraid of a riot by the Jews.

    Source(s): Mel Gibson
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