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Does Obama want to avert the disaster or is he getting ready to grab Boehner's hand ...?

... get a run and jump? The way he is talking, drawing lines in the sand, and not really willing to negotiate anything, I get the distinct impression Obama is just fine with taking America right over the cliff on purpose. What do you think?

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Obama has never worked with Congress, or the Senate or especially the House and John Boehner he's not about to work with them now. He doesn't care, that's evident in his unconstitutional policies and incompetency thus far regarding a multitude of problems.

  • 8 years ago

    Obama figures the Mainstream Media Propaganda Machine will back him as usual and blame the

    Republicans. Obama has No Intention of cutting spending or of balancing the budget. Obama only wants to punish the productive creators of jobs so he can grab More Power for Big Brother Socialist Government and thereby use the "authority" of his Elitist friends to become a society of Lords and Serfs.

    Obama and his "friends" can't do that unless the USA becomes a bankrupt failure. He Must work toward that goal.

    Over the "cliff" we will go.

    What a scam.

  • 8 years ago

    I think Obama is fine with jumping over the fiscal cliff and blaming Republicans. He is still in a campaign mode.

  • 8 years ago

    I hope I am wrong, but I still suspect he is LOOKING for a crisis. He is NOT going to be happy with serving just four more years.

    He wants TOTAL control. I am pretty sure of it. Saul Alinsky taught Obama a lot, and this is just part of the game.

    from web site below:

    The Alinsky Network

    By Bart DePalma

    In addition to being considered the godfather of community organizing, Saul Alinsky is also arguably the foremost practitioner of socialist agitprop in America. For those unfamiliar with the meaning of the term, agitprop is a combination of agitation to destroy popular support for free markets and propaganda to sell socialism as an alternative.

    Alinsky’s agitation technique was to make someone the face of an opposing business or institution and then personally destroy that individual to discredit the business or institution. His propaganda technique was to offer “hope and change” in the form of “radical change.” Yes, Obama borrowed the phrase hope and change from Alinsky.

    From second:

    “Never waste a good crisis,” said Rahm Emmanuel recently … quickly echoed by Hillary Clinton. That philosophical method goes at least back to European Communists who trained Mao Tse-tong in the art of disrupting in order to take power in China. They taught him to work through labor unions and natural disasters, stirring up dissension and distorting facts to agitate and pit people against each other. Class envy was a powerful tool used not only by Mao but by the Bolsheviks in Russia. “Fairness” and “equality” were established to make the state the center of all things. But in order to get to that point one had to sufficiently agitate to gain power. Create disturbance, anxiety—and “never waste a good crisis.”

    “Agitate” repeated Saul Alinsky, who made it relevant in modern day America with “Rules for Radicals.” Hillary Clinton wrote her masters thesis on Alinsky while Barack Obama was the star “organizer” of his methods.

    It’s not that there’s no wrongdoing, no natural disaster, no need for “fairness” in the workplace. It’s just that the Left takes these opportunities to twist and distort and confuse and promise things they can never deliver. Once the people have figured that out, more often than not, it’s too late.

    The newest method, coming out of the Sao Paulo Forum in South America involves a change of sorts. Whereas revolutions in the past were bloody, the new plan is more seductive because it works through the system. Get elected … establish power … undermine the law and the constitution … disrupt and contaminate the election process and then you have the same radical result: revolution.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    If Boehner would get rid of his stupid Majority of the Majority policy, we might have a chance. The House doesn't want any bipartisanship, it's not in their interest for the country to do well. They want a scapegoat for the 2014 and 2016 elections.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    It's gonna be a Thelma & Louise type situation.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Buy Gold, and hang on ..... Obama is on a suicide mission, taking us down with him

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Obama doesn't care.

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