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Favorite Answers33%
  • Trying to help a friend who is late. He did not keep copies of his w-4 and 1099's that employers sent him. Can he request copies ... ?

    ... of these and any other forms that the IRS has on record under his SS # under the freedom of information act and how does he go about doing that?

    3 AnswersCivic Participation7 years ago
  • It has been a bad financial year for us. Need some advise please. Should we sign or not? ...?

    Had some unexpected medical bills and other problems financially in the last 18 months. We now have a Collection agency threatening us with legal action. They said they would not take us to court if we aggreed to pay $100 bucks per month for the next year and then reassess the situation in 12 months. I said fine, and they said they would send us the aggreement to sign. Now that we have the aggreement, it is 6 pages long and basically strips us of all our rights as well as allowing them to tack on a bunch of additional fees if we are one day late with a payment.

    My main question is that I heard several years ago, that if you are making regular payments, even if it is not a set amount, they cannot llegally take you to court. Is this still the case or have the laws been changed?

    4 AnswersPersonal Finance7 years ago
  • Thought the hot water heater was broke so we replaced it. With a new Hot Water heater installed for the last billing cycle we get only ...?

    ... warm water, not hot and the new electric bill is 300.00 more than normal. I think water is just flowing through the tank constantly causing the heating elements to be on constantly but never getting the water hot. But I do not know where the water could be going. There are no appearant leaks any where. Does any one have an idea what could be wrong? I could use some expert advice, or even just been there done that advice if you have it. Thanks.

    8 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs7 years ago
  • New war with Syria, Yeah! Seriously, is anyone enthusiasticly for Obama and our Congress authorizing ...?

    .... our military to attack Syria? Obama comes from the party of peace, and anti war. Now he is becoming a warmonger and hardly anyone who ususally stands up against war is holding him accountable. Do you think this is a good idea and if so why?

    7 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • Was this new wave of intense violence, murder and bigoted hatred in Egypt towards Christians ....?

    ... fomented by the Obama administration? The group Obama sympathizes with, the Muslim Brotherhood, have been armed and spurred to intensify their bigoted hatred of Christians even chopping up a Coptic Christian man and dumping his body parts. I am just wondering where these haters got their weapons who antaganized them into this frenzy of violence? Has any one been connecting the dots on this?

    5 AnswersEgypt8 years ago
  • Were you, like me, also forced to switch to a new format for your email home page? IMHO the new ...?

    ... the new format is really bad, much slower and harder to use than the old one.

    my dad always told me, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." And IMHO Yahoo could hear that one again only louder. "IF IT AIN"T BROKE DON"T FIX IT!" yes I was yelling on that last line. If you agree with me please Answer below and tell Yahoo, to give us the option to go back to the old email format. Just say "Let us go Back, yahoo!" or if you want to emphasize it, "LET US GO BACK YAHOO!"

    4 AnswersCalendar and Contacts8 years ago
  • Is there any multi level marketing company out there that is a good deal? I have been in several in the ...?

    ... in the past and have taken a more than decade long break from it. Now we are looking at a nutritional company that seems to have great products but like all of these I have ever seen, the products seem over priced. Is there a way you can do this and actually make money? Just call me the MLM skeptic for now. Can you convince me to set aside my skepticism and get going? I would like it to be true but still have my doubts.

    2 AnswersMarketing & Sales8 years ago
  • Simple physics, How many calories of heat does it take to melt 1 cubic meter of ice? I know it would be a ...?

    ... fairly simple experiment to do on my own but it would require the purchase of some fuel and some precise measuring and containment of the heat, so does any one know of someone who has done this and posted the experiment on youtube or something? Also what would be the most efficient way to perform this experiment. the results could vary greatly if you had an inefficient means for melting the ice. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

    3 AnswersPhysics8 years ago
  • Obama says he withdrew all our troops from Iraq. Is this true? Or are US soldiers still there as a part of ...?

    ... the UN security force. Seems to me this is a round about way of claiming to end the war and yet not really ending the war. Any one know the actual numbers of US Soldiers still there?

    6 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • What percentage of silver does "German Silver" have in it? Compared to Sterling. (see more)?

    Looking at a western style belt buckle that says German Silver on the back. It has copper/brass looking decorations on the front and copper/brass looking connectors on the back. It is stamped GERMAN SILVER on the back that appears to be a part of the original design. Just wondering does this mean it is sterling silver or is it a lower percentage than sterling.

    3 AnswersInvesting8 years ago
  • What was the name and the star who played the teacher of that movie Where a teacher changes a bunch of gang ..?

    ... bangers in LA into responsible citizens by having them write in journals? I am having a mental block on it for some reason. please help.

    4 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • Does Obama want to avert the disaster or is he getting ready to grab Boehner's hand ...?

    ... get a run and jump? The way he is talking, drawing lines in the sand, and not really willing to negotiate anything, I get the distinct impression Obama is just fine with taking America right over the cliff on purpose. What do you think?

    8 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • Are the democrat Obama supporters being racist in their comments to Stacy Dash?

    Does Stacy seem like an idiot to you. And who is she quoting when she says she chose her vote based on the content of his character not the color of his skin?

    here is the video of her comments after being harassed on Twitter.

    4 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Why do you think Gallup is so far from the other polls? Gallup has Romney up by 7 points. here's the ....?

    ... video of them talking about it. Listen and please tell me why Obama is losing on the Gallup poll and all the others have it a dead heat?

    10 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Did you notice the timer next to Romney's head in the 2nd debate? Obama had one two but it drifts off s...?

    ... screen slowly and mysteriously so that you never see when Obama's time is up. Does this prove CNN's bias for Obama?

    11 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Concerning the upcoming election, Who originated this quote? "It is not who votes that counts, it is who ...?

    ... counts the votes" This has been attributed to Joseph Stalin, and I believe when I first heard it, the person was saying it was Vladimir Lennon who originated it. In either case some one has made a rather obtuse argument that it could not have been Stalin because he was never elected, he instead came to power by assassinating all his rivals. and of course Lennon would have never been involved in a Free and Fair election. Why would these men be concerned with elections and say anything about them? I actually think there was plenty of reason for both of these men to comment on elections since they both wanted to take over the world and that would mean controlling America. So they could have been commenting on elections to school their comrads in America on how to win one. But my question to you is, Who was it who originally said it?

    4 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Does anyone have any more info about the retired U.S. postman who suggested Obama was a foreign student ...?

    evidently there is a retired U.S. postman who has signed a sworn affidavit suggesting Obama was a foreign-born student who was receiving financial help to go to Harvard from the parents of domestic terrorist Bill Ayers. I just saw a short mention of it briefly and now I am wondering if this is one of those things Andrew Brietbart was talking about in vetting Obama this time around. I would guess the guy wants to remain anonymous for the time being, but I would like to know a few more details if any one knows.

    5 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Have you seen the latest birther fabrication? A booklet advertising Barrack Obama as being born in Kenya, ...?

    ...Really now? Those pesty birthers are at it again. Check out this link. It would appear that some birther has gone to the trouble of publishing a booklet, claiming it was printed in 1991, that makes it look like Obama was born in Kenya. Will they stop at nothing? I mean seriously, we all know Obama was born in Hawaii because Bill and Hillary would have never let it get by the primaries if Obama really was born in Kenya. So this booklet just has to be a fabrication. There is no other explanation. Is there? Well if you can think of another explanation please enlighten us with it.

    Breitbart News has obtained a promotional booklet produced in 1991 by Barack Obama's then-literary agency, Acton & Dystel, which touts Obama as "born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.

    Here is the link.

    4 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Do you sell on ebay? Once again, ebay sides with the big corporate sellers and sticks it to little guys .....?

    See if you agree with my take on the most recent changes to fee discounts and search status systems on ebay.

    I am up on my soap box for a short message that concerns me and probably you too if you are a small ebay seller. Did you know that in the new & "improved" ebay YOU ARE ABOUT TO BE PENALIZED for NOT shipping everything you sell in ONE DAY?

    Once again, ebay sides with the big corporate sellers and sticks it to the little guys.

    Now this would not be so bad but the ebay sales pitch for quite some time now has been how ebay is a small business incubator. They claim to be favourable to the little guy and that they are a perfect setting for a small business to test the waters and see if they have a viable business model.

    How is it that they are doing this? Well when you count everything, the listing fee, the paypal fee, the final value fee and the shipping fee, ebay has some pretty high fees compared to other online selling venues but they do offer discounts off those fees if you play by their rules. And what are the rules? That would be the ones that favour big corporate sellers who have large staffs, dedicated shipping departments and have fine tuned their selling practices so that they never have to take garage sale prices for their items.

    Probably the hardest of the new ebay rules to abide by is the one day shipping rule. If you do not promise to ship in one day from receiving cleared payment and then actually perform that one day shipping promise then you cannot get the discount off the final value fee, and you will be knocked down in your search status. What that means in English is you will pay full price on all the fees and when people search for other items you sell, the preferred sellers will get the top of the page listings and your listings will be on page 3 or 4 or maybe page 20 or 30 basically assuring that no one will ever see your items and you will get very few bids.

    Now that might not be a problem if the small seller was able to totally focus on shipping every item that they sell ASAP but the small seller often is working another job or is a single parent who has 2 or 3 kids to take care of, or just a person who sells 80 different categories of items, some big some small and some that occasionally need to be crated before shipping. Being able to ship in one day under these circumstances is basically impossible. But for the big corporate seller, who has a dedicated shipping department? well that is no problem for them.

    So what am I saying here? I guess the main message I am trying to get out to EBAY is that their claim of being favorable to small businesses, is bogus. They have obviously been bought off just like every other good thing in America, it seems, by the big corporations.

    So do you agree with me? If so please contact ebay and complain. Maybe if enough people call them on their favouritism to corporate sellers they will get the message and change things back to a more fair system.

    2 AnswersSmall Business9 years ago