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Have you seen the latest birther fabrication? A booklet advertising Barrack Obama as being born in Kenya, ...?

...Really now? Those pesty birthers are at it again. Check out this link. It would appear that some birther has gone to the trouble of publishing a booklet, claiming it was printed in 1991, that makes it look like Obama was born in Kenya. Will they stop at nothing? I mean seriously, we all know Obama was born in Hawaii because Bill and Hillary would have never let it get by the primaries if Obama really was born in Kenya. So this booklet just has to be a fabrication. There is no other explanation. Is there? Well if you can think of another explanation please enlighten us with it.

Breitbart News has obtained a promotional booklet produced in 1991 by Barack Obama's then-literary agency, Acton & Dystel, which touts Obama as "born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.

Here is the link.


I think I've got it. Some one at the Acton & Dystel firm saw this whole birth cert. thing coming. They probably suspected back in 1991 that Barrak Obama would win the presidency and swing the country hard left so they put that born in Kenya thing in at the last minute when no one would catch it to try and discredit the future president. Like I say, these birther types will stop at nothing.

Update 2:

... justice,

I guess you couldn't hear the virtual sarcasm in my virtual voice. Well glad you saw the link anyway.

Update 3:

Ok here is my explanation of the booklet, sarcasm aside.

Back in 1991 even Barack Obama did not think he would ever be president or if he did he did not realize that the Constitution required you to be a Natural Born Citizen to qualify for the office.

So as Obama had the idea of writing a book with "Black and White" in the title he was referred to this agency which was trying to promote people who were aiding the democratic Socialist cause. Evidently some one in the Acton & Dystel literary agency heard from someone else, probably Obama himself or a friend or relative who referred him that he had been born in Kenya. So that seemed like a good thing to include in the Bio since not many Kenyan's write books to sell to Americans.

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Really Skippy anyone with a brain excluding you really doesn't care. Your showing your

    *** over a stupid issue. And your calling birthers stupid, You must think there is something

    to this, Otherwise you would not be as charged up as you are.

  • 9 years ago

    Very interesting link showing Obama's literary agent touting his Kenyan roots, Indonesian and Hawaiian upbringing. I hadn't seen that. It really makes a person wonder what the REAL story is with this president. As the article says, Breitbart hasn't really been on the birther stories so this new revelation is a lightning bolt out of a blue sky.

  • 9 years ago

    Obama was born in the USA.

    Now he just needs to start thinking and acting like an American rather than like a Marxist.

    Maybe he should have been raised in America by Americans instead of being indoctrinated elsewhere.

  • 9 years ago

    Nope. But have seen the photos from Kenya designating

    a hospital in Kenya as the place of his birth. Still curious

    as to why they would put up that sign, or why his paternal

    grandmother would say he was and she attended his birth.

    Some ones lying. The big question is who.

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