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Lv 7
? asked in Politics & GovernmentGovernment · 8 years ago

Does true democracy rest on Constitutions not elections?

PJ Crowley Former US Assistant Secretary of State in an opinion piece on the situation in Egypt made the statement "true democracy rests on constitutions not elections". Living in Britain where we do not have a Constitution and even our most basic laws can be over-turned by a simple majority in Parliament that seems a very American way of looking at things. Constitutionalism actually pre-dates democracy historically, and the the US Constitution was written for a pre-democratic nation.

What do you think?

6 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You don't have a written constitution, but you do have custom, common law, and certain documents that - when take in sum - sort of act like a constitution. I agree that, as an American, I am of the perspective that a written constitution is important, but so many democracies also use written constitutions.

    How do you define democracy? Democracy is just a process, as are elections. If you are using the word "democracy" to mean "liberal democracy," as in a system that respects individual rights, then I'd say a constitution of some kind is actually very important.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Really, really good question. This isn't a black-and-white issue but I'll do my best to state my opinion. I think true democracy relies on elections since they're votes from the citizens of nation who have an interest in the nation's affairs. Constitutions might be violated, outdated or simply not followed while elections are a direct(sort of) way of delivering democratic means to a wide audience instead of having a set of principles decoded into the government.

  • Trev
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    In the UK there are laws to protect people's Rights. Absolutely NOTHING that we are told by the Right-Wing media should be believed.

    In the US the constitution is a meaningless piece of paper, their legal system is based entirely upon emotion, pointless arguments.and how much the accused can afford for their legal team: The more they can afford, the less likely they are to be found guilty. US prisons are filled with (easily proved as such) innocent people.

    Of course, in the UK, the laws are bent 180 in favour of the wealthy classes.

    This is how "Freedom" works. Rich people are Free to do anything they want, and the rest of us pay for their freedom. Democracy is a myth; it is just a word repeated by the media to fool the population into supporting the Conservatives.

    Source(s): Just look at the world!
  • 4 years ago

    confident, representative democracies decide for leaders to make seen judgements on behalf of the people. this is the way it would artwork. finished time elected officers can evaluation comments, and income the evaluations of a lot of experts to make desirable judgements. In an instantaneous democracy, each and every citizen could have a say, such as by referendums. traditionally nevertheless, the only real direct democracy grow to be historical Athens and different Greek city states wherein each and every citizen voted on all themes interior the commonplace public assembly. It proved to be an entire disaster! the commonplace public have been swayed by using demagogues (persuasive audio gadget) who led them into catastrophic judgements. Little concept grow to be given to something. somewhat of having sensible leaders, the rustic ended up interior the palms of rabble rousers who ought to sway the mob.

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  • 8 years ago

    I personaly think that no matter what the government like to call it, we are the rats, and they are the pipe pipers!!! we, as do must countries, get told we live in a democracy, but in most peoples opinion ( mine too) we actually live under comunist rule, well disguised to john and jane doe (members of public), and those who do see it, cant say anything in fear of being persecuted by whatever means they see fit ( usually underhanded), Elections are a major part of democratic rule, so public can decide who they want to govern the U.K ( or what ever country you are personaly in). The problem with this is that we vote on FALSE promises, and LIES. so no matter what true democracy rests on ( constitutions or elections) it dosent matter as we always get the raw deal anyway. Until all the coruption and "lining" pockets stops, and people are brought in the actually care about the country not money, things will just get worse and worse. look at what is happening all over the world, people uprising against the government ( although i dont agree that violence is the answer) i do agree that people should stand up for themselves against the government, but in a NON-VIOLENT way. We used to be self supported with industry, but all thats got, we actually send alot of food products ( incl live stock) abroad, then we buy it back at nearly double the price, this gets passed on to us then. If this carries on we will have to go back to ration books, so the poor can afford to feed themselves, cloth themselves, dont get me started on our gas and electricity prices, everythings going up x4 faster than inflation, always the elderly and vonurable that suffer!! then theres the ever increasing tax, to try and pay for the ever spiralling debt, and the stupid descisions on how to spend money, and not to mention all the expenses fidiling. Most people now dont care weather constituions or elections are the way to go, but what they all want is for our country to be back to "GREAT BRITAIN" ( and of course peoples native countries), and for the generall public to be at the forefront of the governments priorities, not an after thought.......After all the people make the country, cant rule a country withpout PEOPLE!!!!

    Source(s): The opinions of the general public on various government topic forums. so my credit for this research goes to the PUBLIC.
  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    True democracy only exists in Switzerland! Read my page on "The Vote" on my web site, number 2 below to understand.

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