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I lost an important Group Link?

Just as reported in :

I also lost a Group Link when I cut it with the intention of pasting it in a different folder.

Has there been any progress on a resolution?


To answer the questions by staff posted below:

* This happened in

* This happened on Nov 14, 2012 around 5:30pm Group time

I do not know what browser or operating system I was using at that time

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hard to know these days where Yahoo would list known issues for groups these days. There's no updates about it on ModeratorCentral

    You could try those other area's list here

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago


    I'm sorry to hear that you lost a link after adding it to the clipboard in your group. At this time, our Engineering team is still investigating this issue. If you'd like to aid in the investigation, please edit your question to include the following details:

    - The group name

    - The date/approximate time when the issue occurred

    - The browser (including version) that you were using

    - Your operating system

    This information should be helpful in determining the cause of the issue, so that we may resolve it. However, we are unable to guarantee that the lost data will be recovered.

    I appreciate your communication on the issue, and apologize again for the inconvenience this has caused.

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