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In 2016 if the GOP is still unelectable should they just give up the presidency and run the corpse of Reagan?

If the Republican party can't adapt by 2016 and it is clear they can't win the presidency why don't just run the very dead Reagan. They will lose and look crazy doing it but since like they love talking about Reagan and how they believe he single handedly solved every problem in the world and everyone farted gold during his presidency then why not run Reagan's cadaver? It would be the greatest way for them to show their appreciation and deification of Reagan and they could have a ecstatic daily dialogue that lasts at least a year (a campaign season). Afterall, it seems that talking about Reagan is better than having orgasms to the GOP.

If you are going to be insane why not embrace insanity fully?

11 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yeah, I know right. The Reps throw out this fantasy that Reagan saved the world when in reality he ruined the economy for the middle class Americans, foreclosure was high, so was incarceration, and many big corporation were filing for bankruptcy. Hell Reagan ran the country like one big corporation.

    Most of the Reps on here don't know that because they are too young or were never around during his Presidency, but they listen to their parents and grandparents. Reagan was strictly for the wealthy.

  • 8 years ago

    Too much can happen in 4 years. After the Obama election in 2008, James Carville said that Democrats would have the House, Senate, and White House for the next 40 years. Just 2 years later the Republicans took over the House. Some of the new Republicans like Rubio, Ryan, and Christie have a different message and may appeal to a broader group of voters. They also need to appeal to the middle class and stop pandering to the rich because the rich have little voting power because they are a minority when it comes to voting. We need 21st solutions and Obama is trying 19th century solutions for the 21st century.

  • 8 years ago

    That's a big "if."

    The Mayans were right, as it turns out, when they predicted the world would end in 2012. It was just a select world: the G.O.P. universe of arrogant, uptight, entitled, bossy, retrogressive white guys.

    Just another vanishing tribe that fought the cultural and demographic tides of history.

    Someday, it will be the subject of a National Geographic special, or a Mel Gibson movie, where archaeologists piece together who the lost tribe was, where it came from, and what happened to it. The experts will sift through the ruins of the Reagan Presidential Library, Dick Cheney’s shotgun casings, Orca poll monitoring hieroglyphics, remnants of triumphal rants by Dick Morris on Fox News, faded photos of Clint Eastwood and an empty chair, and scraps of ancient tape in which a tall, stiff man, his name long forgotten, gnashes his teeth about the 47 percent of moochers and the “gifts” they got.

    Instead of smallpox, plagues, drought and Conquistadors, the Republican decline will be traced to a stubborn refusal to adapt to a world where poor people and sick people and black people and brown people and female people and gay people count.

    Maureen Dowd. New York Times 12/9/12

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    confident. He raised taxes 11 circumstances, raised the debt ceiling 18 circumstances, negotiated with terrorists in the Iran/Contra affairs, decrease & ran from Lebanon, and granted amnesty to 3 million illegals. He additionally supported FDR's New Deal regulations.

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  • 8 years ago

    I agree. The Dutchman could handily win Utah, Wyoming, Kansas, Nebraska, and Idaho without wasting a breath~!

  • 8 years ago

    since Lincoln, Democrats have only gotten two different Presidents in a row twice, and in both cases the second one only got into office after the first one died

  • 8 years ago

    You mean more of the austerity measures, as was used in Europe, or trickle down ? As it was called here ? Your point, is well taken...

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    he'll have to beat the corpse of Hoover in the primaries

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Why don't stupid stuff like this get deleted by yahoo.

  • Ronald
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    No they should run HOOVER he did a great job .

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