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iPhone 4s using huge amounts of data WHEN NOTHING IS OPEN..?

I have had my iPhone 4s since October 2011. (Note, I have NOT downloaded the iOS6 as I like my google maps just fine.)

My data plan is 1G per month. Up until last October 2012 I had never even come close to my monthly allotted usage. However, last month I went WAY over. I downloaded 'My Data Manager' at the suggestion of my phone company (Telus Mobility Alberta) and I am seeing random huge data dumps.

For instance, since 2200 hrs last night I have only received 1 text message on my phone, all the applications were closed out (nothing running off-screen) and the phone was in the charger while I was in bed. I checked my data manager this morning and somehow I used 333 MB of data. WHILE I WAS ASLEEP AND NOT USING THE PHONE.

Does anyone know what might be causing this? Or how to figure out just what this is?

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    no longer certain about the Nike+, besides the undeniable fact that GPS does take records. It reads your area and much map information around the position you're. evidence of this is at the same time as i attempted utilizing my telephone GPS/Google Maps to locate my way one time, it gave me a incorrect interpreting on the position i became. This became maximum probably because my telephone community's records is extremely crappy. Had it used GPS signal or some thing except records it may were much better precise (i.e my vehicle's gps gadget is in no way inaccurate).. So trouble-free GPS will frequently use some records, i have not used the Nike+ app yet i imagine the secure answer is convinced it makes use of records.

  • 8 years ago

    it could be roaming... I think you may have a problem similar to me, as soon as i turn on data, my prepaid credit SAPS LIKE HELL even if im not using it.... quite worrying :/

  • Aaren
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Follow this link. might be you will find the solution :

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