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Why is choice so important to democrats, unless it involves choice to be in a union?

Choice is the democratic platform:

Woman's Choice for Abortion

Choice on what sex you marry

Choice on what drugs you put in your body (illegal drugs such as weed)

It's all about choice unless it involves joining a union. Then it is mandatory and choice is not an option


So, I am unemployed and the only job I can get is union. I shouldn't hae a choice on whether or not I want to join the union? That's wrong, why can't I have the choice?

Update 2:

So, I am unemployed and the only job I can get is union. I shouldn't hae a choice on whether or not I want to join the union? That's wrong, why can't I have the choice?

Update 3:

Thank you to the liberal hacks who result to insults to answer an honest question. You have proved you have no thoughts other that what your liberal masters tell you what to say.

I was trying to have an honest discussion to see the other side of this argument and all you union pukes can do is insult me. I was not disrespectful in any way when I asked the question and all I got was liberal MSNBC PUKE


8 Answers

  • Noah
    Lv 6
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You have a choice. If you don't want to work for a company where the workers are represented by a union, you can refuse to accept employment at that hard feelings!

    Workers form unions so that there's a degree of balance between management and labor. Generally in well run companies the union and management come to reasonable win-win agreements on pay, benefits and working conditions. Have there been bet, but abuses have been experienced on both sides. Good relations are a product of reasonable give and take. Putting all the power in the hands of one side leads to no good. Maybe a short term advantage will be experienced, but over time good management and good unions work to every ones advantage...history proves this out!

    I'm sure that at one time or another everyone has had a 'toxic boss'. Many of us have been subjected to unsafe working conditions and work rules that were arbitrary and total nonsense. Individual workers have been fired for speaking up....but when management is contacted by a union representative sometime, usually, these problems get smoothed over and everyone gets back to work. This how adults settle problems. Labor needs representation at the table. There are some who claim there shouldn't even BE a table. That's just plain wrong!

  • 8 years ago

    Why are you so blind that you do not see what your masters are doing? If you weren't so blind, you would look at the fact that as union membership has declined, so has middle class income. You would realize that the other reason the oligarchs like the Koch brothers want unions done away with is that they are the only large groups of contributors to Democratic campaigns, while the right has seven large organizations to depend on.

    They couldn't care less about choice, except your choice to work for more than your employer feels like paying you this week.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    The Democrat PARTY is not about is about their CHOICE FOR YOU and it is imperative that you follow it to your peril.

    There are certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

    Life, Liberty, Justice and the Pursuit of Happiness are conservative concepts that the totalitarian tyranny of the Democrat Party (notice I do not say "democrats"...because to do so would mean that I mean the deceived that follow the Democrat Party NOT the PARTY itself.) has no need for as it recognizes no Constitutional limits to its authority and strives to regulate every aspect of public and private life wherever feasible. The totalitarian Democrat Party stays in political power through an all-encompassing propaganda campaign, which is disseminated through the party controlled mass media, it is a single party that is often marked by political repression, personality cultism, control over the economy, regulation and restriction of speech, mass surveillance, and widespread use of terror.

    The DEMOCRAT PARTY is not the party of CHOICE it is the party that TELLS you which choice is politically correct as defined by that party that you MUST choose.

    Source(s): I am registered as a NON-ALIGNED VOTER (NAV)
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    If the majority in a workplace have voted for a union then either join or work somewhere else . It's really pretty basic .

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    When you're non union and ask for a raise but told no what do you do? When the kiss up gets the promotion and you know five time more about the business than he what do you do? When the company reneges on its promises what do you do?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Liberals have no consistent standards.

    They just make up their standards as they go along.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    so you want to strip choice for americans typical right-wing

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    i am prolife...except in cases of rape and incest

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