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Illegal Immigration Survey: I need your help!?


I am doing an ethnographic study on illegal immigration, and I can use your help! It will only take a few minutes of your time (so instead of answering a troll's fifth angry post, why not answer my glorious survey?)

Your responses will be collected and you will remain anonymous.

Now, onto the survey!

Please answer the following:

1) Your heritage (ex: Italian, Irish, Jewish, Asian, African, Hispanic... etc).

2) Where are you from (NOT IN DETAIL obviously, name your state, country, etc.)

3) Your political ideology

4) Your religion (or lack of)?

5) Age range (Don't give me your actual age if you don't want to just give me a general range: ex: I'm 18-22)

6) What are your personal beliefs on illegal immigration?

7) What would you say has caused you to think this way (ex: upbringing, political beliefs, moral beliefs, experience, etc...)

8) What do you think of the representations of illegal immigration in the media?

9) Do you think Mexicans and other South Americans are damaged by these representations?

10) What do you think of opposing views on illegal immigration? Do you think they're right to an extent?

11) What do you think makes them believe that way?

Thank you for taking your time to answer my questions! It helps a lot!

Now you can get back to arguing politics with trolls.

3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    1) Your heritage (ex: Italian, Irish, Jewish, Asian, African, Hispanic... etc).

    Non-Hispanic white, with a background that's Scots, English, Irish, Polish, German, Austrian, and possibly Russian.

    2) Where are you from (NOT IN DETAIL obviously, name your state, country, etc.)

    born and raised in Connecticut. Now on the west coast

    3) Your political ideology

    middle of the road, tending conservative.

    4) Your religion (or lack of)?

    Protestant. Not a church-goer. Grew up in a family that had Catholics, Baptists, Seventh Day Adventists, Methodists, and Congregationalists.

    5) Age range (Don't give me your actual age if you don't want to just give me a general range: ex: I'm 18-22)

    over 65

    6) What are your personal beliefs on illegal immigration?

    Illegal immigration gives the benefits of the US to those that commit unlawful acts to get here, and then continue by having children born here.

    7) What would you say has caused you to think this way (ex: upbringing, political beliefs, moral beliefs, experience, etc...)

    When I was about 8, a distant relative contacted us - Iron Curtain and all - desperate to get her family to the US. My parents were not wealthy, barely making ends meet, and they felt that they could not take on the responsibility of sponsoring a whole family - food, rent, medical, and so on - because at that time there would be NO government aid to them. I remember discovering my mother crying about it. (Shocking for a child.) My relatives would have come here, but they couldn't swim the Atlantic.

    Look at statistics for some California counties. There seems to be a correlation with high Hispanic populations, the % that don't speak English at home, the number of children under age 5, the % of people over 25 who have completed high school, and the poverty level:

    Look at the figures for Imperial County CA, and compare them with your own.

    Plus 'sanctuary cities'. And the state(s) allowing it. And the Fed for condoning it.

    Pressing '1' for English

    Learning a manager (later fired) said, " I want to get all my office managers from 'my people' ".

    Watching how the US has made 'adjustments for illegals. A specific: if you get a passport for your US born child, you must show a valid government ID. A foreign national shows their passport as ID. There were so many Mexican illegals in the US without visas or passports, that the Department of State/Passport Agency made the decision to accept Consulate issued "Matricla Consular" cards to verify identity. The thinking was that the CHILD was a US citizen, and had a right to a Passport. They only wanted to make sure the actual parents were the signers.

    8) What do you think of the representations of illegal immigration in the media?

    way too pro. It used to be illegal alien. then it was illegal immigrant. then undocumented worker. Now I've heard 'entered without inspection'. The words are very important. EWI sounds like you left your ID at home, not a criminal.

    9) Do you think Mexicans and other South Americans are damaged by these representations?

    yes, to a point.

    10) What do you think of opposing views on illegal immigration? Do you think they're right to an extent?

    People should CHANGE the law. Otherwise, enforce it.

    11) What do you think makes them believe that way?

    They don't live in an area where Hispanics are a majority, and if they do, they aren't in the labor pool with them.

    Or they feel sorry for them. Great - they need to follow the laws.

    @ I noticed "Undocumented Democrats Crossing's" avatar. There was a sign like that down by Camp Pendleton/San Diego for decades. (IDK if it's still there) If a GOVERNMENT agency like Cal-Trans can make a sign specific to "watch out for people running across the freeway", then it's a problem.

    Plus NatGeo's program "Border Wars".

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    1) Your heritage (ex: Italian, Irish, Jewish, Asian, African, Hispanic... etc).


    2) Where are you from (NOT IN DETAIL obviously, name your state, country, etc.)

    Columbia, SC

    3) Your political ideology

    white nationalism

    4) Your religion (or lack of)?


    5) Age range (Don't give me your actual age if you don't want to just give me a general range: ex: I'm 18-22)


    6) What are your personal beliefs on illegal immigration?

    I believe all illegal immigrants should be deported.

    7) What would you say has caused you to think this way (ex: upbringing, political beliefs, moral beliefs, experience, etc...)

    Living in California in the past, and them being racist to me everyday.

    8) What do you think of the representations of illegal immigration in the media?

    Not enough coverage.

    9) Do you think Mexicans and other South Americans are damaged by these representations?

    No, I lived in California and believe it to be accurate.

    10) What do you think of opposing views on illegal immigration? Do you think they're right to an extent?

    No, I believe America is a sovereign White nation.

    11) What do you think makes them believe that way?

    They are usually mexicans who want to invade the USA.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    1. Yes 2. Information 3. Quite a bit four. I to find it hilarious that individuals are increasingly using the term "economic system" in a way which is thoroughly disconnected from the real pursuits of real persons. This whole query is nonsense. Illegal immigrants develop the unemployment fee amongst americans, scale down wages, and rationale myriad unquantifiable social issues. Abstract numbers calculated through economists will not be significant to this. 5. Agree 6. Now not applicable. All immigration should be stopped. 7. Sure. (duh?) eight. I shouldn't have that knowledge. 9. Put a stop to birthright citizenship for youngsters of illegals, deport all of the illegals, and put the us military on the border the place it belongs. 10. See four.

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