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? asked in Social ScienceGender Studies · 8 years ago

Why do MRAs always bring up the amount of babies women abort?

Whenever the topic is men committing murders, some users here deflect the question by replying with "Well women kill more babies." Besides having nothing to do with the topic, it is not a good comparison because abortion is legal, whereas murdering actual people is not. Most people do not consider a fetus to be a human being. So saying abortion is murder is a false comparison and a moot point.

And how many MRAs don't give a crap about abortion and have no desire to see it banned, but only bring it up because it gives them yet another means to bash women?


Rowdy, don't patronize me. Abortion is not the same as slavery or genocide. Some people would argue that eating animals is murder. Or that homosexuality is evil. The fact is, you believing that abortion is murder is YOUR OPINION.

Update 2:

Interwebz, but that logic all MRAs should stop complaining about feminists and abortion, because they certainly aren't changing any opinions either. In fact, let's just shut down G/S since you're so concerned about cough trolls cough slipping through and expressing our opinions is just a waste a time, anyway.

Update 3:

Grappler, I call them MRAs to differentiate them from other men who hold reasonable opinions about women. I am not a misandrist after all and I have no intention of atributing to all men the horrendous views and opinions of MRAs. You may not call yourself such, but I consider most of the anti-feminist users to be aligned with the views of the MRM. I could instead use the term anti-feminist, I suppose. And I don't think that YOU personally are a misogynist (not that you care what I think) but you are an exception among men here and in MRM. There is a fine line separating Men's Rights from misogyny, and most stumble over it. There are some very valid points made by the MRM, but they get drowned out by the misogynist rhetoric.

And for once, can an anti-feminist actually respond to claims made rather than come back with "Well women do this..."

Update 4:

And the term "feminist" has been used to wipe so many as$es I think it's time to throw it away and find a new term. Apparently it means too many things and has become a useless adjective.

Update 5:

Bob, I understand what you are saying, but I am referring to MRAs referencing abortion, not child abuse deaths. I have seen it referenced here many times.

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    in most cases its men who force their girlfriends or wives to get an abortion. those men consider abortion to be birth control.

  • alven
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    At the same time I DO agree that abortion is just not a workable resolution!! I also be aware of that your statement related to, that "many" abilities fathers go by means of mental/emotional struggling isn't as genuine as you can also feel it's? The factor being that IF these men rather cared about that "youngster" and it can be mom, then they'd have had the decency to marry the girl within the first situation, or after she grew to be pregnant! The vast majority of men genuinely want little or no, if whatever at all to do with the baby, or the mother, once the little one has been conceived. The courts are full of cases where the mummy's try their degree excellent to get the father's to pay the support they both promised to pay at one time, or were pressured to pay, and but have now not executed so! Considering the woman is the person who carries the burden of no longer simplest having the child, she can be the one with a view to intimately make a decision what occurs in that youngster's lifetime, for the reason that she is surely the one some of the 2 moms and dads in order to stay with that child. I do have an understanding of the place you are coming from, and it could be super IF expertise fathers would get up and be counted, however unfortunately the percentages aren't in prefer of that happening. God will & does preserve us ALL dependable for our movements, even the homicide of the unborn youngster!

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Actually, the nation is roughly divided on abortion, with a slight majority (about 52%) considering themselves Pro-Life. So most people do, indeed, think of a fetus as being alive.

    What, exactly, is your point about it being legal? Is your argument that it's somehow relevant which gender is more likely to break the law, as opposed to which gender is more likely to be violent? Don'tt a lot of the feminists' arguments about men being more violent have to do with atrocities that went on throughout history - atrocities like slavery or the inquisition, which were almost all legal at the time they happened?

    No, silly, small-minded person, you just let the men do the thinking here. You're clearly not capable. Which gender is narcissistic enough to believe it should have an exclusive right to kill its own children - and then even exclude the child's other parent from the decision - is very much relevant to which gender is more barbaric. The truly dangerous thing is that the men who do kill others are the exception, condemned by other men, whereas women like you have actually managed to rationalize your behavior, and convince yourselves that what you're doing is right.

    Pro-Life Daddy: I've never had an abortion <no regrets> and I don't have any children because I've never been stupid enough to have sex without protection <also no regrets>. I believe in protecting my future children's lives.

    Abortion: There is a consensus. A consensus that it should only be legal in very limited circumstances. From the pro-choicers' own pro-abortion article:

    There Is Nothing Divine About Someone Who's Had An Abortion

  • I think I saw one very young user say that... the rest - including myself - cited the higher rate of women killing their kids... my views on abortion are well known by now.. I find it abhorrent as an issue in every way.... and I hold no view on its right or wrong... it simply has no right about it....

    Most men here are not 'MRAs' by the way - they are just humans expressing views on what they see wrong in our society - as is their right. Most don't belong to any organisation or subscribe to any entrenched view... we are all lone wolves here....

    Gender War Death Commandoes so to speak..... operating behind the lines..... like my character Lawrence of Arizona in Fem War II....... copyright.... you've no idea how it all hangs together.... and how many women are the central characters in this book being written by a 'misogynist' (bullshit, bullshit!)

    Feminism will meet its end when all the women of good will strike it down.....

  • Kane
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    I consider a fetus a human being. It can't be an ape now can it?

    IMO, abortion is murder.

    PS: That said I'm in no position to judge why people abort or mass murder because I'm not in their shoes. But there is no need to sugarcoat abortion by saying it's not murder just so that people who abort can feel better about themselves. It should always be a stigma and cause of deterrence for unwanted pregnancy.

  • 8 years ago

    The "women kill more babies" line is not about abortion it's about how women abuse children in the majority of cases(except sexual abuse) yet very rarely is this acknowledged

  • 8 years ago

    Even when you don't take abortion into consideration, women still kill/murder children far more than men do.

  • I don't know but it's really friggin' annoying. Someone here said that women who get abortions are just as bad as the guy that shot all those little kids today.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    It was "legal" to kill Jews in Nazi Germany.

    It was "legal" to kill slaves in the Old South.

    Legality has nothing to do with whether it is (morally) murder.

    Please do try to understand this.

    Source(s): me.
  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    You are just complaining about MRAs, however.

    Source(s): I don't support the MRA movement at all, but you're just complaining about them and bashing them. I understand this is somewhat of an emotional reaction, but complaining about them won't make them change their opinions. *Coughs* possible troll *coughs*
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