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What was Gods role in the Sandy Hook massacre?

There are only a handful of possibilities regarding God’s role in the recent elementary school massacre. This of course assumes you believe in a God as described in the Bible or other holy books. If you don’t believe in God, none of this applies. Here are the possibilities as I see them.

1) God was unaware the massacre was taking place.

2) God was aware of the massacre but unable to do anything about it.

3) God was aware of the massacre and able to stop it, but chose to not interfere.

4) God intended for the massacre to take place.

If you believe in God, which of these possibilities do you think is most accurate as to God’s role in the massacre?

If you think I left out a possibility, please let me know what it is.


Gabby, so your answer is #3...

19 Answers

  • Mark
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you believe in God, probably something like #3.

  • 8 years ago

    I do not believe in God, or any god, but I do feel like I need to say something on this matter. I've always been a full-out atheist, but when such events happen, I feel even stronger about it. This is how I view it:

    If there is a God, He is the Creator of all things on Earth, right? Or in this universe.

    God knows what our paths are. He knows whom will be saved, and whom will be perished. If God exists, so does our fate and our inability to change it. Predestined. Now - I'm not trying to argue that God does not exist. I'm arguing that IF there is a God, He is not wholly good - a sadist even, or maybe what we describe as a sociopath.

    Why? Well, if there's good, there's evil. God created the world, thus He created both good and evil. The Devil is someone whom God rejected from Heaven - but was he not also a creature of God?

    And why is everyone born unequal? People with mental or physical disabilities, people born normal, people born into poverty, people born into war - there's an extreme inequality amongst humanity. So, there are people in this world who are incapable of feeling, as well a incapable of understanding social norms because they cannot feel. Sociopaths...they do not feel remorse. They do not feel guilt. They can never repent for their sins, only pretend which God would see through. So, because they cannot repent for their sins, which can be horrible horrible deeds, they will be sent to Hell. But...God created them...and their lives are all predestined. This means God created some people just to send them to Hell. These people never stood a chance, of God exists.

    Then children - the purest, untainted people you will find. This was their fate. God's plan for them.

    What kind of God is this...that people turn to in times of dire need, when they think He is the only one who can save them? I just cannot comprehend why people believe, but to believe in a saviour/good God...I cannot fathom it. There's nothing good about God, which is evidently seen primarily in the Old Testament, but in the New Testament as well. How can you follow such a deity? He is the purest of all evils, if he exists - and we're merely pawns.

    However - it brings me to wonder, WHY does God even matter in this case? Not like he'd save anyone anyway. But lives were taken, lives changed...yet I hear so much talk about God for this event. People are just living in fear.

    God is uninvolved. People just choose to involve him because they do fear him. It's absurd. So irrelevant. There was no work of God, and the brave teachers? That wasn't God guiding them, those were people trying to save their people...from people. No god all right.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Oh, yeah. You left out the correct possibility, and the four that you came up with came out of the pit of hell and smell like smoke.

    Man rebelled against God. Committed high treason. Man made the choice to follow satan. God cursed the man. God cursed the woman. God cursed the devil. God cursed the ground.

    Yet, God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER would repent of their sin, put their faith in Christ, become a born-again, Spirit-filled believer and choose to come back to God and His Kingdom, would not perish, but have everlasting life.

    For those who choose not to repent of their rebellion against God, you are on your own.

    If and when a born-again, Spirit-filled believer in the Lord Jesus Christ prays for a child, a school, a potential gunman, a mother, a city, a school, then God will hear. God will get involved. God will work signs, wonders and miracles. Someone must have prayed, otherwise the bullets would still be flying.

    Now that you have seen not just another possibility, but the fact of the matter, can we be expecting you to repent of YOUR sin, ask God to forgive you for YOUR rebellion, and become a prayer warrior for Christ? Or can we simply expect you to reword your question and re-post it the next time the curse of the world shows itself again?

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Most accurate as to God's role in the massacre ... He didnt play a role!

    We all have free wiLL!

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Gods' Kingdom is not of this earth..Jesus will return to introduce the

    Devil to the Lake of Fire...bound for 1000 years.

    This earth is ruled over by Satan and his armies...currently.

    The Devil offered up to Jesus all the kingdoms of the planet

    if Jesus would only pay homage to him. The Devil rules here...

    It is an evil wicked world..

    Anything deeper is beyond your understanding of the Scriptures.

    These children are not dead..they are merely asleep..waiting for

    the Kingdom..

    The atrocities brought together many people..filled churches..opened hearts..eyes..and minds..

    Nobody ever said life here on earth was going to be roses and wine..

  • Alex
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    I agree whole heartedly whith seraphim altho i do not believe in god or satan or anything like that. Surely if a god existed it could have been prevented but it was not. Regarding of free will you christians believe in no such things. You all believe god plays a role in your lives. You are not deist so why do you apply deist logic now???? That is such contradiction. God only plays a role to help you in your lives if you pray to him but does let everything happen when a murder in a school happens. What f*cking scary beliefs you have.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    "Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?"

    A quote from Epicurus (I think).

    Figured it was relevant here.

    As for the one who said god isn't allowed in schools..

    He's allowed. No one can stop your kid from praying, bringing a bible, etc. They just can't force people to do these things or try to get them to. He's allowed, but not allowed to be promoted. If that made sense.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    God, Satan and/or any other entity had nothing to do with it.

    It was a maniac, armed with a gun, due to inadequate and outdated gun laws of a seriously messed up nation. That is what is at fault.

    The USA needs to radically change gun laws, to make it a lot tougher, for such tragedies from happening again.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    God will not be mocked: no one is saved in ignorance.

    Get all knowledge as fast as you are able to bear it.

    Maybe start towards the light of all knowledge by reviewing the book of mormon

    a few times a year for the next couple of decades --

    --depending how old you are and if you're about to die. In case of limited time you might want to read it non-stop, pausing only to eat and sleep. Pray always with real intent and not to consume it upon your lusts.

  • 8 years ago

    God loves you God knows all things God has a plan for all things

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