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Why are religious folk more conservative?

Ok, so conservatives do appeal to you're anti-gay and anti-abortion sides, and stuff. But wouldn't Jesus be more for giving away stuff (welfare) and healing the sick (healthcare)?


I don't mean to sound offensive here, but they usually go on being a christian regardless of atheists and such, so why wouldn't they want to heal the sick regardless of what others think?

Sorry if that didn't make sense :P

Update 2:


Happy? Lol.

8 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes religious people tend to be more Conservative, but some people over estimate human decency. The reason why i do not complain about the government giving welfare to the poor is because we from the mosques , the churches, and synagogues ignore human suffering and are more content with filling our own bank accounts.

    As for the gays and abortion people have the right to be and do as they choose, i an not God so I do not Judge, but i do recognize that there is a judgment. I separate the person from the sin. some Gay people are better in deed than straight people, but the sin is what will send them to the hell fire not their personality. God is the final judge, and may spare them when we as humans have condemned them. we have a bad habit of doing that.

  • That would depend on the religion. Remember that around 90% of the United States claims a faith of some kind (Christianity is not the only faith, of course), and yet right now the Democrats control the Presidency and the Senate, and gained seats in the House of Representatives. There are simply not enough Atheists to account for that, especially when you consider that there are some Atheist Conservatives based on economic policies (taxes, spending, debt, etc.).

    Secondly, remember that while many of the Religious Right are Conservative based on the abortion and gay marriage issues, they are not all necessarily anti-help. Many argue that the way to help is through charities and through churches rather than through government, and many of those (though not all) actually put their money where their mouth is and actually give to charity. So they are not ignoring those issues you bring up as to why they should favor liberal goals.

    But truthfully, the Bible tells Christians to stay out of politics (John 15:19; John 17:16; John 18:36; 1st John 5:19) because the spirit of Satan inhabits the world's governments. That is not to say that any world leader is possessed, they are not. "The spirit of Satan" here means that they exhibit similar traits to Satan, such as selfishness, greed, lack of brotherly love for others, a refusal to work together for the common good, rebellious, always ready to go to war, etc.

    I don't know about other faiths and how they say to handle politics, but I do know most other faiths are just as against these things as Christians are supposed to be. Maybe some of those faiths argue that their adherents should step into politics to change things for the better, maybe some of them also argue Jesus' command to be no part of the world. But Christians themselves were to stay out of politics, trusting instead in the only lasting government that can solve ALL of mankind's problems: God's Kingdom government.

  • 8 years ago

    The issues with the government welfare programs.

    First I as a Christian and other religious people believe we have a duty to help people with out own money.

    Asking for the IRS to take money from the wealthy and redistribute it is not giving out of generosity

    It is taking money by force.

    Next you have the issue of efficiency - in the free market of charity I am free to give to what ever one I believe has the best program and I can also contribute what I wish.

    For example If I have more time than money- I can donate time. With government programs- they will make sure some one is hired to do a job even if some one would have otherwise have gladly donated their time.

    Also you have the problem government programs are designed with the idea of buying votes instead of helping people. A good example of this is the view of the powers that be on deflation and the national debt. On deflation- when the ecconomy declines they never cut the amount of aid people recieve via unemployment welfare and food stamps. The argument is that people need the programs more than before The only reason that would be the case is if prices don't fall. They have the fed go out and print up a ton of money to combat deflation which would have resulted in falling prices and kept people who lost money off food stamps. There is also agricultural subsidies which artificially jack up the price of food by paying farmers not to farm crops and to turn the crops into bio fuel that destroys car engines.

    The result of these program is to jack up food prices which would starve people.

    I would have no objections to bio fuels if it was not given subsidies by governments was cheaper than foil fuels and was thus resulting in life for the average person to improve.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Jesus never made anyone else pay for the healings he did, so taxes would not go up. Jesus fed the poor, correct, not the government. It's the churches who should be feeding the poor, not the government. That is where we churches fall short. We DO feed alot of hungry people, but we can and should do so much more

  • hoggod
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Im religious, and fiscally conservative...i believe in efficiency. And government does a pretty bad job at doing things efficiently. So expanding the realm of power the government has into new fields just goes against my core thoughts.

    As for gays and abortion, those problems will solve themselves in time, neither procreate so their genetics will die out.

    ah and welfare, it should be a net to make sure people dont starve or freeze... in other words no television or expendable income. It shouldn't be remotely comfortable.

  • .
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I appreciate you trying to use the right word, but in doing so without knowledge, you have used the wrong word.

    The word you were searching for was "your". "You're" is a contraction which means "YOU ARE"

    As you can see, when you phrase your question with "you are" in the place where you put "you're", it makes no sense at all. Pay attention in English grammar class and stop wasting your brain surfing the internet and asking inane questions.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    My Christians are only trying too obey my word. I will not mix what is filthy with what is clean. Stay out of the Catholic churches and we will get along, If you immoral children are too chicken too have your own family's then never tell any off my christians that they did not try. Merry Christmas -Jesus Christ

    Source(s): The holy Apostle James the greater
  • 8 years ago

    he'd be for helping people, that is true, liberals lose me when they advocate murder

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