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  • What state am i a resident of?

    Ok, I have a job in NC but all actual property i own is in the state of SC and I have lived in a perm address in SC since 1987, I am in a temporary apartment in NC about .5 miles from the state line while i look for housing in the area and i am favoring the SC side. So am I a resident of SC, NC or both? and which state do i need a drivers license in?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • What should I put on my business Card?

    Ok, I just hired on with a Power Utility in NC, The job title is Design Engineer, will I be breaking the law to put the words "Design Engineer" on my business card.

    I do not have my PE yet, just out of college and taking the FE in October.

    My BS degree is in Electrical Engineering from an ABET certified school, and i am continuing ed through internet coursework for towards a Masters degree in Electrical Engineering/ Nuclear Engineering.

    3 AnswersEngineering1 decade ago
  • Just a thought about the universe and religion?

    Thinking in a different way right now,

    Most scientists believe the Universe is infinite. But what does that mean about anything that is possible thinking statistically. An Infinite environment means that even if it is a absolutely small percentage chance it will exist somewhere in that infinite environment. I propose this The likely hood that god exists is put it at .00000000000000000000001% for those that are sold against it but have an open mind. that percentage in an infinite environment would mean the God exists and those that say 0% are simply rounding off too early.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why cant welfare be an investment into people instead of a handout program?

    Like make it so there is an education requirement/work requirement that has strict guidelines, Instead of it being a heres some money have a nice month program. I think something should be done in return for the money they get monthly. Make it so no cash gets put in their hands, and it is strictly a safety net and not an abusable program. Yes there are considerations about those with children under school age, so give tax breaks to the local daycares that carry these children, like waive the fee for that child in return for an equal tax break on their business. and for their tuition likewise. have it be temporary maximum of 5 years on the overall program with progression built in. If housing is needed closer to a school, housing allowance paid directly to a landlord near the college. The overall goal would be to improve a persons situation. and once their situation is improved have a 1% earnings tax on their taxes for 10 years after to help recover costs for putting them on the program.

    6 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Im an undergraduate in Electrical engineering, is it good to get a masters degree for Mechanical engineering?

    Im about to graduate, ive always wondered about the parallels between electrical and mechanical engineering, the math requirements are similar and i believe it will just be learning new methods of applying the same background. Is this an accurate description, or should i try to stick with electrical engineering in a graduate school. or should i focus on a more broad set of coursework like physics?..

  • Why is it dangerous to touch both ends of a 3000 Farad Capacitor?

    Im an undergrad Electrical Engineering student and we got into a discussion about a fully charged 3000Farad capacitor, and its rated for 2.7 Volts, but its instantaneous discharge for current is 1100 amps. one friend took the point of if he touched both ends he wouldnt die, or experience any pain from the two nodes of the capacitor. The other took the stance that there is a larger than 40% chance that it will either kill or hurt him. which friend is right?

    5 AnswersEngineering1 decade ago
  • If you put a magnet next to an electric motor?

    If you cut the power to an electric motor and while it is still spinning if you put a strong magnet near the motor will it slow down more quickly with the magnet or without the magnet near it. Assuming that the external magnet is stronger than the magnets inside the motor. And is there a way to implement this without damaging the motor?

    2 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • I am going to graduate with an EE degree, i want to get a masters in Mech. engineering what courses to take?

    EE= electrical engineering

    i have time open in my last semester, and i want to take undergrad Mechanical engineering basics before i graduate, which ones are most important for a practicing engineer. I was thinking taking, Statics, Fluids, and Thermodynamics. are these good choices for someone wanting a Masters in Mechanical engineering?

  • Shouldnt there be a debate instead of mudslinging with global climate change?

    trying to be neutral, have the proponents of both sides come foward with verifyable facts, unaltered and unopinionated studies, come together and provide a scientific debate or consensus as to what level things are actually occuring, instead of one dismissing the other and causing actions that could be harmful and destructive to many cultures.

    18 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • Why cant Congress write bills in plain english?

    have they ever heard of the saying KISS, Keep it simple stupid... Trying to read a few of the smaller bills on the house floor and they are written with so many loopholes its pointless to even have the bill. its like trying to catch water with a strainer.

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • When the next congressional election comes, Will you vote for someone that isnt a Republican or Democrat?

    Being that we have given both complete power over the Executive and Legislative branches of the Federal Government and both have been corrupt with that power. The only way to honestly Change something is to get rid of the old and start anew. Therefore I think we should all seriously look at all third party candidates equally instead of caring what the little (D or R) next to a persons name is for.

    7 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • Want to vote out your congress in 2010?

    I do :D , join the , they stink and we want someone different party. *sarcasm* will you actually think and look at the future 3-4 generations of americans that are being completely bankrupted by the people who were elected not 8 months ago. and dont just vote for republicans and democrats, give them diversity there are usually more than two sides to many issues, and anyone who disagrees, is either talking about boolean logic, or a complete mental case. im just personally tired and outraged that if you split up the deficit between the 300million americans youd have about 500000 per person. umm not to do any math here to confuse those in power that took only basic algebra in college, but thats a bad number. but overall i think that the members that are up for re-election should lose their jobs and join the unemployed like 12% of americans have to.

    11 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why cant we use nuclear power exactly?

    Okay, heres the question part. Being that Solar and wind technologies do not have as high of a yield for energy, and considering in the resistance of the lines and the price of the grade of copper that will have to be used to connect the middle of barren land to populated areas, why cant people see that a nuclear plant would be a better solution, being that it gives a higher yield of power than solar and wind capacities, it can outperform hydroelectric plants, coal plants, and natural gas plants, We have facilities and protocols to protect and dispose of nuclear waste that is created, so why is there such a uproar when building a nuclear power plant, by environmentalists, when the waste produced for the people that use the power would be about the size of a small marble per household per year. so can we just use nuclear as our backbone and put solar and wind in remote areas for the people that are actually in remote areas, and power the rest of america with nuclear and produce 0 emissions from any plant.

    btw im an electrical engineer, with an associates and bachelors degree in electrical engineering.

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why is oil actually $70 a barrel when they are pumping it for $2 a barrel?

    that math doesnt make much sense to me, i can ship a 70 lb crate from new york to Iraq for just under $40 and thats the expensive price, so why is it costing that much more.

    also is opec illegal by international law, but we are just ignoring it?

    8 AnswersInternational Organizations1 decade ago
  • Since the earth has been around for 4.8 billion years, how can we make a good decision on climate change?

    being that we as humans have been around 10000 years, and only started recording and predicting weather in the last 80-100 years. how can we make a decision on something like the climate of this entire planet on less than .00000002% of its history recorded with accurate data?

    my personal feel is there is not enough data to go either way. and the people making theories , are guessing at it. there is a chance that everything , the sun, ozone depletion, and normal cyclical climate cycles are causing this entire thing.

    7 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • Ever notice that when congress makes a bill that many would not like, that you are directed somewhere else?

    take for instance, the current bill going through congress, its recieving alot of flak from people, and this morning we are focusing on another part of the world, and more than likely the news will never focus on it again, its happening every single time the country focuses on congress or the president in a seminegative light, that something else just magically becomes more important. when will we wake up and smell the roses?

    2 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • what do you think of this movie?

    Its a school project but took a long time to do lol,

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Should we limit the terms of congress via petition?

    the tenth amendment states The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

    since we are the people, should we limit the shelf life of politicians in the US Congress

    I personally think that members of the house of representatives should have the same shelf life as the president (8 years - 4 elected terms) and the Senate should have the limit of 20 years or (2 terms and a midterm election for ousted members.) If we get this on a ballot in your state and pass that law, the people through the states they live in could effectively limit the congress that still has a 10% approval.

    3 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Wheres the bi partisan movement promised by the Obama administration?

    Why did this bill get ramrodded through when most of the people who voted for it did not even read it? and Why do the people of the USA elect these idiots who dont do their job?

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago