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A little help with my horsey story?

“No, no, stop, let me go! Joe please don’t leave! Stop!” My heart thudded against my shivering chest. The guards grip twisted on my wrist harshly while a fought to get free. The British Calvary had taken my brother for war. He was going to be gone for who knows how long, will he even come back? “Let me go!” I yanked at my arm as hard as possible and the moment as I felt the guards grip loosen I accelerated of my skinny legs, not looking back. For one final moment I stretched out my arm to meet with him, he grabbed my hand and told me he loved me. I couldn’t let go. I felt the pressure of many hands grab my shoulder. I had lost, they got my brother, I couldn’t help but burst into tears. How were we going to live? Joe was the only one with a job and I was only 13. I struggled to catch breath when I fell to the muddy ground. I could faintly see Joe come towards me and try to help me up but he was restricted.

All I had left was my horse. No matter what happened she made me smile. I walked into the creaky old barn and snatched up my grooming kit. As I sauntered to her stall I heard heavy footsteps behind me. I turned around and saw an older man wearing a black suit and tie. “May I help you?” I asked, trying to be polite, even though right now I hated the government, “Actually you can. He said in a self-motivated voice. “Do you own the horse “Nike of beauty?” “Yes I do, why do want to know?” I replied cautiously. “Well I am a recruiter for the British military, and a few days back we found your brother. He is an excellent rider, but unfortunately we don’t have a mount for him. We hear Nike is a real fine horse.” He said smugly. “No, no, no! No, not again! You people are heartless!” I was screaming now. “Not again, leave me alone! You can’t take her from me!” I was struggling to keep the warm tears from rolling along my cheeks now. I was choked up and shaky and my legs couldn’t stop trembling. “Enough is enough, she is mine! Go away! I hate you, I hate the government!” I was sweating and my mind was in a whirl as the world spun around me. I couldn’t believe how heartless they were, taking everything I love into their stupid war.

“Take the horse. Now.” The man said. “Please sir.” I begged the groom, “Don’t take her, she can’t do this, she’s too young.” “I have to. There is no other option.” They stamped into her stall, and put on a chain-latched halter. That was too harsh, I could ride her in a string, they would put her in a twisted curb. I knew it but there was nothing I could do. My big, brave Chestnut Hanoverian was gone.

The next few days where inflicted with terror. Shaking mind, cold arms, frozen heart. Their where so many great horses, but none found their way into my heart.

I couldn’t pay for my own food, or any heating source. I offered people odd jobs but no one wanted my help, or plainly was as poor as me. All my money went to buying grains for the horses. Even though their owners supplied them with hay, but many needed the nutrition of grain. What an idiot I was, putting horses with hay before me? I needed food, someday those wild berries will run out, or the tree bark will home a poisonous spider. And those considerate congress men where kind enough to supply me with nothing. Life sucked.

Now so far this is all I have, I started it a few days ago. I want to just make a 250-300 page book and try to sell as much as I can, money for some showing. Now any feedback is welcome. I am also a little bit stumped here. I want her to find another horse to ride, an even better horse but I just dont know how to introduce it. Oh and by the way this takes place in 1836 England. Thanks in advance!


Thank you guys! This is supposed to be in the eyes of a thirteen year old, heart-broken girl, but I did change the last part, separated the speaking into different paragraphs and added many more details. I wont post it again because, you know, you probably wont want to read it again. I really appreciate it!

5 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ok, I made a story, but got rejected once, though. I love youre beginning a lot, but you could be a little more detailed on your feelings and how scared you were. Just say one day, you see a horse coming along. You are surprised and peek out, and then you see a new horse!

    Ok, and then you may describe e horse and describe your first ride.

    Hopefully it'll help!

  • Evie
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    I would put A LOT more detail if you are wanting to make a 250 pg book. Don't say "twisted wire" as most people who aren't in the horse world will not know what you are talking about. Just say "heavy bit" or something generic like that.

    Saying things like "life sucked" sounds like its a 13 year old girl writing it, and not like something an older person would read. Check you punctuation also, you need to make a new paragraph every time someone else starts talking, because when the groom came in it got really choppy and I couldn't understand it.

    Good idea overall though, hope it goes well.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    There isn't any such factor as a pastime that does not rate some thing. Horses are your complete lifestyles! You can not simply deliver them up, and in case your so connected to him you have to sit down down and speak approximately this with him. Explain to him what you simply defined to us. Tell him you like horses, its now not only a pastime, its a ardour, its your lifestyles. Its aspect of you, and he can not make you deliver them up. Maybe attempt to get him concerned with them, you by no means realize he might be taught to like them up to you do. Also attempt to spend extra time with him, non horse similar. Go for dinner, a film, a stroll at the seaside, sizzling chocolate within the snow and many others. Maybe re suppose this courting, if he does not consider in you or what you do, you'll commonly uncover any person who does ! Good success.

  • 8 years ago

    maybe she could come across an old barn, with a beaten up, starving young horse that had been used up in the war and left to die. she could nurse him or her back to health or something

  • Finley
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    i suggest reading more books and studying how they write.

    yours is loaded with grammatical errors and well, the way it's written is so melodramatic and silly, I was chuckling.

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