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Lv 7

If there is a God,why did he let those kids get killed in Newtown?

14 Answers

  • 8 years ago

    God always knows better than we, humans. God had His intentions when those kids were killed. Maybe it was time for those kids to rise up to heaven. Or maybe it was as an eye opener for many parents so that they keep watching out more for their children in the future. It could be anything. But remember, everything that happens has a reason behind it. And if you don't believe in God, I do hope that you believe in goodness to the world, which is also something like believing in God. Thanks. Just here to help.

  • 8 years ago

    Because god doesn't want them to suffer in our world, so he put them in a better place known as heaven, stop saying god is stupid or he doesn't exist before I make a wish on the TRI force from the legend of zelda and wish that you go to f**king hell, even though TRI force and zelda and link has nothing what so ever, to do with god. So beware or else I will show you what happens when I make a "wish" on the " TRI force " and hope ur halo vanishes away and a tail grows >:(

    Source(s): U f***** idiots piss me off!!!!
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    there has been distinctive blended comments about that entire tragic incident that lets under no circumstances recognize the authentic motives. He replaced into honestly a afflicted youthful guy. there is now also comments that his mom replaced into no longer a instructor, nor had ever been a instructor at that school. I choose the files ought to get the info immediately previously they initiate making comments.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Why did He let you post this question? Free will.

    Free will is a gift and a tool. Like a gun, it can be used to provide meat for the table, or be an instrument of devastation and destruction. I can take a shovel and either dig a well to provide a village with water, or I can decapitate you from behind. My choice of will...completely.

  • 8 years ago

    At what point would you have God intervene or not? For that reason GOD allows mankind to choose for themselves and all of us will face the eternal consequences of those choices. HE COULD prevent all violence, evil and wrong - but the POINT of this life is to refine mankind, for us to learn, grow, have faith in Him, turn to Him for the purpose of preparing to BECOME LIKE HIM and living eternally in His presence. By our choices in this life we DECIDE who we are becoming and where we will spend our eternity.

    Those who die at the wicked hands of evil doers - especially innocent little children go straight Home to His loving arms. This life is just a speck of our eternal existence..... WHO we are in our hearts and who we are becoming is the whole POINT of this life's journey. Free Agency is our greatest gift....

  • 8 years ago

    He didn't let them be killed. God gives us free choice. He doesn't control what we do. The guy that chose to kill those kids, it was his choice. Now your going to ask "why didn't God save those kids?" It is because wouldn't you rather live in a place with perfect weather, no sickness, no diseases, no death. Or live in a place where there is killing, drugs, sickness, disease, natural disasters.

    That plafe is also known as Heaven

  • 8 years ago

    Because there is evil in the world. God gives us freedom, for a time, to do whatever we choose. No one is getting away with anything. Just because you don't see what you consider to be justice, doesn't mean justice is not met.

  • 8 years ago

    Same reason he lets Afghani and Pakistani kids get killed by American missile-carrying drones, don't you think? Or lets kids in his home territory of Gaza get killed by missiles and bombs from American-backed Israeli army?

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    cause god is a DICK with a swastika on his sleeve, first god condemned the human race because two people ate apples, then he killed egypts sons cause he didnt like the pharoa, then he did bad things to jobe to win a bet with the devil, god is a faqqot with short mans syndrome compensating for a small penis

  • 8 years ago

    There are alot of questions here that we may just never get an answer to but one day you can ask the Man himself why

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