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OK guys, my boyfriend buys me stuff I don't need or want. Why?

Once he bought me a little rubber ducky. I gave it back to him. Now he keeps it on the dash of his truck. Yesterday, for Christmas, he produced two framed black and white prints of a kitten taking a cat nap. Although they are cute, they are not something I would hang in my home. I'm mature and prefer quality over quantity. So far for Christmas he has bought me 2 faux fur throws. a ceramic cat and now the two framed prints of kittens. He has not wrapped anything but just brought them over and said "Merry Christmas". It's as if he is trying to redecorate my place. I like the throws. But they are different, they didn't match. When I asked if he would purchase one more of the one I really liked he told me NO! But then produced the framed prints. Yes, I like cats but my taste is not kittens hanging on the walls of my home. I have somewhat expensive art on my walls and there is a theme.

He has also replaced my coffee maker and my toaster (the toaster really made me mad). Every time I tell him what I want he tells me NO then goes off and spends the same amount of money on little things that I don't want or need. Except a few weeks ago I was considering purchasing a $45 aluminum ladder because I have a large wooden one and he asked if I wanted him to buy me one for Christmas. I told him that my mother said to never buy things you need for gifts, they are supposed to be bought when they are needed and not given as gifts.

What am I dealing with here? Women want jewelry, even if it's not overly expensive. Why does he only buy me things he likes and doesn't consider what I like. He knows what stores I shop at. I would rather have a few moderately priced gifts that don't comprise my decor. He was looking around trying to find a place for those prints last night. I promptly told him they were going in the spare room. The only way I can make those prints work in my home is to completely redo my guest bedroom to accomodate those prints...

Any insight is appreciated. I do appreciate the fact that it is the thought that matters, but now it's looking like I'm going to hurt his feelings which I don't want to do either...


To M: I didn't mean to give you a low rating, it was meant for the "other guy". As far as being spoiled, I'm not. He is just downright cheap. He's always buying expensive things for himself but when I suggest anything that costs more than $20 he starts complaining about his bills. He recently asked me to buy him cowboy boots @ $289 for his Christmas present from me but I had already bought Willie Nelson tickets for him so I told him NO! So to the other lady who said I was ungrateful, if you want him you can have him! He seems to think that a working woman should support him.

5 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Some people just naturally don't understand others as well as one might expect, he just isn't very empathetic. He thinks he is being really nice, getting you lots of little things to show that he cares, but he isn't very giving because he is too cheap to buy one big nice thing and doesn't realize when he spends lots on little things. My mom is the same way. She will come home with 5 shirts that were all 75% off that are crappy shirts but she says was so great because they were on sale, and instead she could've spent her money on one really nice coat. People like this are not planners, they do not think to the future they only are able to think in the present. He also probably thinks his opinion is above yours or he just doesn't understand what you mean when you want one nice thing cause he thinks you are being greedy want him to spend all that money at once. Show him how you do things, maybe he will understand

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I say!

    Drop him ASAP!!!!!


    It sounds like he is either self-centered!

    As well as cheap (only for himself!).

    Or he thinks he is trying to prove that he knows what is best (for you!).

    Or he wants to be (or is!) the man in charge of the relationship.

    Last! But not least!

    He more than likely! Thinks you are not as smart as you think you are.

    He wants you to listen to him!

    But! He will not listen to you! Then! I have some swamp land I'd love to sell you at the North Pole dirt cheap!!!

    If! You call this a relationship?

    He is controlling both you and the relationship!

    These are signs that he can if not is abusive!!!!!

    1 does lead to another!!!!

    Just cut your losses and get out and move on!

    You can do way!!!


    Let someone else have your leftovers!!!!!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I'd count my blessings if I were you. Cheap and tacky they may be but he is only a man, bless him. Other women complain their men never give them anything. If you carry on this way, he'll go find a girl who will appreciate his thoughtfulness.


  • Catmmo
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Just collect the stuff together and throw a big garage sale.

  • 8 years ago

    Sounds like you're spoiled and unappreciative.

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