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Poll: Is it ever worth it to go to college?

I just found out that my application into my program probably won't even be able to go in this semester. I had my three years planned out, and now it's all messed up. I'm really upset. Apparently, my advisor didn't figure this out before I did all the work to get into the program. I don't know what to do.

It's so expensive, and people without a college education can do very well and get a solid job.

Do you think it's worth it these days?

Have a good night!


15 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Depends on the cost of the program, how much it would increase your income, and how much income you could have earned without a degree during the years you plan to spend in college.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I worked at restaurants when I was a teen. I worked at factories during my 20's. Then I got a chance to go to a vocation school and I became a secretary which I dearly loved. When I was 49 I lost my job because of the place wanting to save money. I decided at the age of 50 to start to a university as a Freshman. I got a teaching degree and became a teacher. It was the best job I ever had in my life and one I dearly loved. My first year of teaching I made over $10k more than I had after working 19 years as a secretary. Was it worth it to get a degree? I would say most definitely unless you don't have a desire to get a decent job.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The thing is, college used to be affordable. Back in the 60s and even into the 80s you worked part-time for a few years and that was it. Paid for.

    Today people are still dealing with college debt in their 30s and unemployment is everywhere, even in the educated jobs.

    I think it's up to how much faith you have in your field and if you think it will be financially worth it.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Your right, some do well with out college.that being said, it all depends on what You want to do.

    meaning if you have a plan for you future that requires you to get a college education then keep trying

    don't give up on it because of a small set back. If this is what you really want to do then this should make you want it more.

  • 8 years ago

    Yes... though I think unless you have a scholarship or plenty of money... one should START at a Community College for basic courses. I went there for my first 3 years... paying $3,000 a year for tuition and books instead of $20,000 or more.

    Waiting a semester for things to open aren't bad either... you can work part-time or full-time to save some money

    Good Luck

  • 8 years ago

    Not really. Working at wall-mart pays the bills. and

    PLUS you have spending money.

    now if you want that Fresh AzZz 2012 Tahoe LTZ with

    Bells And Whistles what not ! PLUS that 10

    bed room house and extra Cars Laying Around.

    Go to COLLEGE!

    Up To You PLAYA!

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    In my opinion, it is veyr worth it to go to college or university. It is very hard now to get a job without some sort of a post secondary degree. I'm in music, so you'd think that it would be based on your talent, not a degree, but there is not one orchestra or sympohony that I have heard of that will accept musicians who do not have a music degree. Without a degree you can make it, but it is extremely difficult.

  • Ryan
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    You have to make things happen to work your life out without going to college and its not easy

  • Heart
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Yes, you should go to college. Most jobs request a Bachelor's degree, and it is better than safe than sorry

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    It's worth it, if you want a career. It's not if you want to work at McDonald's for the rest of your life. There is financial aid. Google FASTFA.

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