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I am a school teacher. I write children's stories, poems, and also write songs. I am a widow and have two grown children and two granddaughters. My favorite game on the Internet is PWI (Perfect World International) and Forsaken World. They are MMORPG games for any of you gamers who like to play them and there are no monthly fees.

  • Old Version Answers???

    Does anyone know if there are still any sites for Answer's that is using the old version? If not, I am outta here! I truly hate this updated version.

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • Does your pet sleep weird?

    My little male dog loves to sleep under the covers on my bed. He sleeps on his back with his head and body under the covers. His back legs and privates are always exposed sticking up in the air. I think it is obscene and cover the rest of him. It drives me crazy!! It makes me wonder if in his other life he was a pervert. LOL What does your pet do?

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Does your pet sleep weird?

    My little male dog loves to sleep under the covers on my bed. He sleeps on his back with his head and body under the covers. His back legs and balls are always exposed sticking up in the air. I think it is obscene and cover the rest of him. It drives me crazy!! It makes me wonder if in his other life he was a pervert. LOL What does your pet do?

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • My Christmas Wish, what is yours?

    Someone asked in P & S just last week if we had a wish for Christmas what would it be. I answered, at that time, my wish was to spend one last Christmas with my husband because he was very sick. My Christmas wish did not come true. He passed away this last Monday and didn't even get to spend Thanksgiving with us.

    When you think about Christmas this year don't forget to remember it's true meaning. It is about loving, caring, and sharing, but mostly about celebrating the birth of Jesus. If you don't believe in Jesus, that is ok, just remember the loving, sharing, and caring part. And if you don't think there is a Santa, just remember, he also symbolizes loving, sharing, and caring.

    I want to wish you and your families the happiest of Christmas cheer this year. God bless all of you and may you find the spirit of Christmas and keep it in your heart.

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • This is not a joke. Can you help me?

    I received an e-mail yesterday stating it was from "Howie Mandel" the title read "You have been selected to be o..." I have no idea if I should open this or if it could have a virus attached. Has anyone heard anything about a virus being sent via e-mail from Howie Mandel? I am curious about what the e-mail is about but not curious enough to risk having my computer destroyed because of a nasty virus. Thank you in advance for any help you can give me.

    8 AnswersOther - Internet9 years ago
  • Looking for a publishing company, I may have what you are looking for.?

    I have a very old Mother Goose Book that was published in 1941. When I checked the book out for the publishing company I discovered it was published by Whitmore Publishing Company and I asked them for more input on their company. This is the e-mail they sent me. Hope this helps!

    Thank you for requesting submission guidelines for Whitmore Publishing Company. We are currently accepting submissions in all genres including fiction, non-fiction, poetry and juvenile.

    We are a trade publishing company and do not require an investment by the author into publication of the author's work. If your work is found to be acceptable for publication we will respond with a formal offer and a publishing contract.

    Before making your submission, please feel free to review some of our most recent releases at our on-line bookstore.

    All manuscripts must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document. Absolutely no submissions will be accepted in a paper format.

    All submissions should be e-mailed as a Microsoft Word document attachment to

    A synopsis of the work should accompany the submission as part of the covering e-mail text. It should be part of the text of the submission e-mail, not a separate Microsoft Word document.

    The synopsis should provide a detailed overview of the work and include information on your motivation for composing the work. Additionally you should include any pertinent information about your background as it pertains to the validity of the work. Also include any information about what you may envision as an appropriate market(s) for the finished book.

    Name, address, phone number and e-mail

    Include your complete name, address, phone number and e-mail address in the text of your covering e-mail.

    Responses will be sent only to e-mail addresses.

    We respond within 6-8 weeks.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Any advice that maybe I don't know...?

    When I was young I was extremely skinny (age 19, 103 lbs.). I tried everything to gain weight. I ate like a horse and never gained an ounce. I figured I would always be skinny. I got married and had two children. After my second child I began packing on the weight. At first I was delighted but soon I realized the weight was not going to stop. I eat very little. I have tried everything you can think of. Fad diets, exercise, walking, counting calories, subliminal tapes, hypnosis, diet pills, powders, diet drinks, accupuncture, counting grams of fat, if it was known I tried it (cabbage soup, Dolly Parton soup, banana diet). I am now at 250 lbs.! I am also now disabled and my gross motor skills are very poor. I broke an ankle two years ago and it never healed right, I have fibromyalgia so my muscles are in constant pain, and have arthritis in my knees and hips. If I walk more then a few feet I am in extreme pain. I know what foods to eat, tonight I had two small fish filets, green beans, and cooked carrots. I did discover if I limit my food intake to less than 1000 calories a day I can lose but that is very difficult to continue for any length of time without becoming unhealthy.

    When my son was 6 he weighed 36 lbs. He had his tonsils removed because they were constantly infected and after he recovered from his surgery he began gaining weight and it would not come off either even though he was very active as a child. He was ridiculed, bullied, and made fun of all through his school years. My son is way over-weight. We both hate it and don't know what else we can do. We are ashamed of our weight and my son eats less then I do. He is 5'9" and weighs around 280. He also has medical problems. Within five minutes after he eats, he gets severe stomach cramps and winds up in the bathroom in tears. He would rather have a salad for dessert then cake or pie. In fact, he eats very little desserts. Sweet things tend to make his teeth hurt.

    We cannot leave the house together to do things because my husband cannot be left alone. He is trying to recover from throat cancer. Do you know anything else we might try? We are out of ideas and could really use some help.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Can you help me with this problem?

    My son and I both have computers and separate Internet accounts. We both play Forbidden World and other mmo games. I have no problem going through the town or doing the quests but my son's computer lags extremely bad! Is there anyway we can get his pc working better so he can play the game like me. He is not a kid, but 35 years old, and it is very aggravating. We also live at the same place so we can't figure out why his computer is working so badly. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • I need help, how do I ...?

    I downloaded Incredimail several days ago but I cannot get it to work. I called a computer store here in town who fixes computers and asked them what I needed to do. They told me to type in the following information since I currently use yahoo for my e-mail: POP3: Incoming mail: and Outgoing mail: I did this but it still won't work. Does anyone have any ideas on what I might need to do or it is a hopeless case? I use Firefox, if that makes a difference.

    1 AnswerSoftware9 years ago
  • What is one dumb thing you have ever done?

    I was teaching first grade and was giving a spelling test. I kept having to repeat the word several times. In the middle of the test I said, "the word is real. Spell real." A few seconds later I said, "The word is real, R E A L (I spelled it out), real." My students began laughing and I looked at them and said, "Well, if you were paying attention you should have at least one word right." :)

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Publishing Children's Stories?

    I have written several children's stories and have even submitted two different ones to two different well-known publishing companies who publish children's books. They both sent me a contract saying they were interested in publishing my books. However, they both wanted a substantial amount of money to publish them saying it was for expenses for the illustrators, copying the book, distribution, advertising, and the list went on. Is this normal procedure? It didn't sound right to me.

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • I need some suggestions?

    I used to be a teacher and was fairly active chasing after pre-k children. I used to walk a lot too. I broke my ankle a year and 7 months ago and it never healed. Since that time I have gained over 50 lbs. since I have been mostly laying in bed and walking very little. I had my third surgery on my ankle this past October and am still trying to walk without pain. The last doctor fused my ankle together. I HATE being so over weight. I am about 100 lbs overweight now and I can't stand to look at myself in a mirror but because of my ankle and because I also have fibromyalgia and arthritis in my hips, and knees, along with the nerve damage in my foot and ankle, it is impossible for me to walk much further then a few feet at a time without experiencing severe pain. It was difficult to lose weight when I was mobile but now it is even harder. If you have any suggestions to help me it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and comments.

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Illustrators for children's books?

    I have written several children stories but I am a lousy artist, even my stick figures are ugly! LOL! How could I get in touch with someone who enjoys illustrating books? I know that publishers have illustrators that work for them but since I am an unpublished writer and need illustrations, how would I go about finding someone to help me?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • K to 12 Online Schooling?

    I have been seeing on T.V. advertisements about children from kindergarten to twelfth grades attending school online. I was wondering what your thoughts are about this.

    My thoughts are, the children will not learn how to follow rules, will put off doing the work unless a parent is there to provide constant supervision, they won't learn how to communicate with others, learn to share, or to work cooperatively with one another, they won't learn how to make friends, will have social isolation, will be denied the opportunity to experience life issues and learn how to handle conflict appropriately. They will not be able to understand how to work with authority figures. Being schooled over the Internet does not provide the special relationship children have with their friends at school.

    I see can where there could be benefits to this like not having to go to school when it's a snow day, having individualized structured lessons, staying home when sick, making your own time to study. I think it would be good for young adults who are struggling in high school and are close to graduating, but I am not so sure the pros would outweigh the cons for younger children.

    I can see how this could possibly become the norm in the future but I hope it is in the far future. Having contact with people their age and authority figures is a vital component that makes up a child's character.

    4 AnswersHome Schooling10 years ago
  • How many of you know about this?

    American company eliminates Labor Day

    TYSON FOODS ELIMINATES LABOR DAY IN FAVOR OF MUSLIM HOLIDAY! I think that you will find this very interesting. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. How do you take over America? One American at a time. Tyson chicken anyone?? None for me thanks!!!!

    Tyson Food in Shelbyville , Tennessee has eliminated Labor Day as a paid holiday in favor of the last day of Ramadan because they have 700 Muslim employees. The fact that they have almost that many non-Muslim employees is beside the point apparently!

    I will no longer purchase any Tyson products. It's just one more little chunk of America that's been bitten off. If you wish to join me, then let your e-mail friends know this. All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

    This was verified:

    I COULD NOT believe even Snopes, so I checked it out myself:,2933,397645,00.html


    Muslim men are allowed to have as many as 4 wives. Many Muslims have immigrated into the U.S. and brought their 2-3-or 4 wives with them, but the U.S. does not allow multi marriages, so the man lists one wife as his, and signs the other 2 or 3 up as extended family on welfare and other free Government programs!

    Michigan has the highest population of Muslims in the Unites States. When President Obama took office the United States paid several millions of dollars to have a large number of Palestinians, (All Muslim), immigrated here from Palestine. Why? (Could it be because of HB1388?) I have no idea, do you?! We don't pay for other persons to immigrate here, and I'm sure that some of those Muslims moved into Michigan because of the large current number of Muslims already established there.

    So now in Michigan when you call the Public Assistance office you are told to "Press 1 for English. Press 2 for Spanish, or Press 3 for Arabic"!

    Every time you add a new language to an American program it requires an additional number of persons fluent in that language to process those persons who refuse to learn English in order to live here at an additional cost to the taxpayer! Why are we even allowing persons to immigrate here who cannot provide for themselves, and putting them in our welfare system?

    Press 3 for Arabic….

    This is quite alarming!!! This seems to have happened clandestinely, for, as far as I know, no public announcement, or opportunity to vote on this was offered to the American people. They're just adopting an official stance, and very likely using tax-payer money for it, in various capacities, without public knowledge or approval.

    The following link takes you into the State of Michigan Public Assistance page, (as in Food Stamps etc). You won't have to scroll far before you see the assistance-letters options for....English, Spanish, and ARABIC !!!

    When did the ARABIC option sneak into our culture? Will we soon have to listen to our governmental offices, stores, and other venues offer us the option of "pressing 3 for ARABIC?"

    Check it out for yourself.,1607,7-124-5453_5527...

    Please inform every red-blooded American you know, that this is happening. It is outrageous! YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK!!!

    4 AnswersLanguages10 years ago
  • What good is the police force?

    My sister-in-law died last fall. My husband and I are both disabled and my brother-in-law lives in another state and is also disabled. My husband and I have been attempting to clean out the house she lived in and the little house in the back. But it is taking us a very long time because she was a hoarder and left everything piled up to the ceiling.

    We have had several break-ins. They broke in the first time and stole about $9,000 worth of electrical and hand tools. We reported it but we were both very ill and could not wait for the police officer to show up. We also live out of town. We boarded up the back door with boards to keep them from coming in. A few weeks later we returned to get more things cleaned out and the thief broke into the house again, breaking through the boards. We contacted the police and they came and looked around. They wanted to know what was missing we told them about the tools (told them my sister-in-laws name was engraved on almost every tool she owned), two brand new Nu-Wave ovens still in the boxes, several antique dishes, a bread maker, and gave him the full list. He wrote everything down. The people had dead bolted the front door and piled garbage on it so we could not get in through the front door but had to crawl through the back door between the boards. A few weeks later we had another break-in, this time they ripped out two air conditioners from the windows from the outside and took several plastic vats of items we had put together for a sale. They removed two drawers from a jewelry box and some jewelry and left one of the plastic bins we had filled up with items in the back yard for them to pick up later. Again they dead bolted the door and also stole several items from the little house. We again reported this to the police and they arrived. The police said they would watch the house and come by every 30 to 45 minutes but all they did was drive by. We left the lights on in the house in hopes this would keep them out but it didn't. Left a note on the doors telling the thief the police had been notified and fingerprints were taken and when they got arrested we would see them in court but this didn't stop them. When we returned they had stolen our two fans we brought to use to keep the air circulating, several nick-knacks, and an electrical lift chair. We called the police again. When he arrived he asked us how "we" thought they got into the house. Our son told him through the window and showed him. He said, "yes, looks like that is how they got in." Then wanted to know how they got the chair out of the house. We said through the front door apparently since it was the only door big enough for the chair to fit through. We asked him if he was going to take fingerprints or find out who was doing this. This is what he told us, "well, my hands are tied unless you know who is stealing your things." And I am standing there thinking to myself, "Do what? Isn't that your job?" My son told him if we knew who was stealing from the houses we wouldn't have to contact the police.

    I am really aggravated right now. I thought it was the responsibility of the police department to protect and serve the public, not let thieves get away with whatever they want. And since when it is our responsibility to find out who the thieves are?

    I can think of several violations these thieves are committing including, breaking and entering, invasion of private property, theft, destruction of property, but nothing is being done. Why? Do we not have any rights at all?

    4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police10 years ago
  • Can you straighten this out for me?

    I am still trying to get this straight in my mind. But I think I might finally have it figured out. Just want to make sure.

    My brother married a young girl who was pregnant with another guys son. His name was put on the birth certificate. They later divorced and she married the boy's father but the son kept my brother's last name.

    Years later my daughter meets this boy and marries him. So according to his birth certificate he is her cousin but legally he isn't. But if he is her cousin are they legally married? So my daughter married my brother's son who isn't my brother's son but is according to his birth certificate. So I guess I am this guys mother-in-law and aunt? My granddaughter is also my niece? Or am I just this guy's mother-in-law and grandmother to my granddaughter? LOL Only in the south! :)

    4 AnswersFamily10 years ago
  • Want to hear a true funny story?

    My son was going to a school to become a mechanic. One day a young blond lady (for real) showed up and asked him if he could change her winter air to summer air in her tires. He looked at her and asked, "Who told you, you needed to change your air from winter to summer air?" She said, "A mechanic in town. He changed my air last fall from summer to winter air so I would get better gas mileage and charged me $50.00." My son looked at her and said, "Take a breath, is that summer air or winter air?" She said, "It's just air." Then he looked at her and said, "What kind of air do you think we are going to put into your tires? Normal air or summer air?" She said normal air. Then he replied there is no such thing as summer or winter air for tires, it's all air. :) She called her dad and told him what this mechanic did and he called the mechanic and jumped him and said he would never do business with him again for taking advantage of his daughter. LOL

    4 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Critique this poem for me?

    The Vision of a Bleeding Heart

    I once had a vision

    It came in the form of a dream.

    I awoke in the midst of this beautiful field

    Near the banks of a limpid stream.

    It was there that I saw an eagle

    That lay dead in a cage of bars –

    Completely surrounded by water and food,

    Yet, the eagle had starved.

    I was overcome by silence…

    Unable to say a word.

    I pondered at the tragedy

    Of such a beautiful bird.

    It was like seeing a rich man

    With treasures untold

    That himself dies of hunger

    In the midst of all his gold.

    As I gazed into the cage

    The bars began to change –

    Into the form of a skeleton

    Like dried bones they then became.

    The eagle then changed into a human heart

    That was bleeding with sorrow and grief.

    And from the wound from which it bled

    It then began to speak.

    It said, “I am the spirit of an eagle,

    Yet, the heart of a mortal man.

    And when you lose what you love the most

    It’s more than a heart can stand.

    These are not idle words

    But a warning I’m giving to you.

    Once you lose your freedom

    Your heart will break in two.

    When you hunger for a love not there –

    You’ll starve yourself to death.

    Alone, you’ll die in a cage of bars

    When nothing else is left.”

    I was seeing this with my own two eyes

    But not believing what I’d heard.

    The skeleton changed back into the cage

    And the heart changed back to the bird.

    4 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • What would you do if.....?

    What would you do if......?

    1. You knew a child was being severely verbally and physically abused.

    2. The parents are pathological liars and see a therapist and say all is well.

    3. One parent says when driving when seeing another car the parent thinks about how they could kill that person and get away with it and supposedly has told the therapist about it.

    4. Not getting to eat is a punishment for not getting the chores done first.

    5. Child has ADHD.

    6. Neither parent works.

    7. You have no physical proof because you have not seen the abuse first-hand.

    8. You know someone who has seen it but won't say anything.

    9. One parent has told so many lies about their life they have convinced themselves it actually happened.

    I do know from the classes I took to become a therapist that if someone tells another they are thinking about hurting or killing others, they should be committed. So I am assuming the therapist wasn't told this fact or the therapist is not a good one. I also know the ladies first child was taken from her for abuse. I am worried about the second child being emotionally scarred but my hands are tied since I have not witnessed it first hand. Is there anything I can personally do? I thought about going to their therapist and asking if I could write to him explaining the ladies real life so he can kind of understand she is not all there and about the abuse their daughter is going through but I want to make sure he would keep the information I send him confidential. I am not sure he would keep it confidential since I do not know him and should it get back to the lady it would result in severe consequences for the child. So what do you think I should do?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago