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Has the USA been infiltrated by a Suicide Cult called the NRA?

I am impressed by Americans who stand up and speak out as is their right for gun control.

Yet there are certain lunatics who oppose them.

Like the comments that in situations like Sandyhook it would be sensible to have access to guns for everybody in the school building.

This is what the NRA wants.

For everybody to be armed because there are other lunatics going berserk outside the gates.

Next they'll be suggesting pupils of a certain age can be armed.

So will the mad men go crazy next in nurseries?

The phrase...Guns don't kill people...People kill people...maybe true.

If we break it down we could argue that the gun is simply a component of the incident.

Over here in the UK we have concluded that the American people most determined to oppose a health care system for poorer less fortunate Americans that would interfere with an Americans right to die without state intervention by looking after them are avid supporters of the Right to own Assault Rifles under their constitution and to boot are rabid Fundamental Christians who definitely wouldn't know Jesus Christ if they bumped into him on a dark night.

So shouldn't the Government of the USA investigate if the USA has been infiltrated by a Suicide Cult?


NDMA...I think you should check the statistics for people killed by guns and the homicide rate in the UK to the USA.Your argument is untenable and frankly insane!

Update 2:

Alien Flora...most definitely you are from another planet that lacks human comprehension.Not only do you fail to answer the question but you deflect the answer you give with paranoid crap about muslims and make out the UK is a gun obsessed crime ridden country.

Update 3: amaze me with your ..death with dignity for the poor in defence of owning killing machines compassion...woe into you sir on that day Saklas!

Update 4:

Annie...spoken like the mother who has never lost a child to a mad man exercising his democratic constitutional right to bear arms..happy will be the mother you may become...Non-God Bless You!

Update 5:

Todd Blone or whatever...who cares what your opinion is!

Update 6:

Please Punctuate Properly or whatever....I'm Scottish which for want of a better word is better then being British and I mean no disrespect to the English by stating that.My birth nation gave you more then whatever the British did and I am not ignorant.No child's untimely and unwanted death is worth your evil right to own a weapon of death.NOOAWAYTANTAKEAFUCKTAEYERSELYABAMYE!

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    - Armed police at school? They had one at Columbine (Neil Gardner, Jefferson County Sheriff's Deputy).

    - How about the Fort Hood incident? Thirteen killed, 29 injured at a heavily fortified army base. Even though the killings took place in a gun free zone of the military base, wouldn't all the "good guys" with training been able to take the Major down?

    As Michael Moore pointed out in "Bowling for Columbine," Americans are very fearful. Those who are fanatics and the most fearful, coincidentally own guns and are against universal health care ... in other words, they fear the government taking away their "freedom."

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Solving the gun control issue isn't as straightforward as it seems, if you pass a law to force assault weapons to be surrendered, then only the law abiding would comply. If you heavily screened all gun users to ensure they knew how to use and store their guns, then fine but what about other who have access to those weapons(as in recent shooting, shooter used his mums guns after killing her). Or you turn schools into fortresses/ home school every kid.

    Got to say with the way US citizens rights are being eroded (indefinite detention without trial/patriot act) and recent events like Homeland Security ordering 450 million rounds of .40-caliber hollow point bullets, I'm not sure you could convince gun owners that now is a good time to give up their guns!

    Whilst we don't have the same problems here in the UK, we're good at screening gun owners when they first get their licence, not so good at ensuring licence holders remain sutable to hold the licence.

  • Archer
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    You apparently did not read but just looked at the pictures as you have come up with your own story and not that which the news, NRA and everyone else is aware of.

    The NRA is actually an "organization" of law abiding gun owners who represents gun owner interests as the anti-gun lobby tries to limit or take away our second amendment right that allows Americans to own guns. American have the choice, under the second amendment, to choose, whether to own or not to own guns. There are those out there who choose, which is their constitutional right not to own but then take it one step further. Those who feel that no one should have the right to own a gun. These are the same people who will challenge your right to die with dignity even though they have no vested interest in you or your family.

    if you wish to pay for the health care of those who "choose" not to work because the welfare system pays more than the minimum wadge then that is your choice. Donate your money to a charity but do not sit in ignorance and judge that which you don't know.

    Those who choose to "die with dignity" do not want you or the state looking after them. That is one of the problems. If one has a written directive some one outside of the family who feels that this person does not have the right to die files a law suite. He then dies a slow agonizing death from an incurable and debilitating malady.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Sir, you are buying your ignorance by the ton these days.

    I watched the announcement by the NRA spokesman. He was sincere, heartfelt, reasoned, honest and logical. HOW do you twist and distort "an armed Police Officer on every school campus" to "access to guns for everybody in the school building"? If you are going to mis-report and LIE, then you aren't going to be worth arguing with.

    You then hare off on a number of off-topic issues - but your lazy generalisation of the American people shines through. I'm British. And people like you make sure I can't feel proud about being so.

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  • NDMA
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Given that the rate of violent crime in the UK is about 5 times that in the US it seems your program is not really working so well.

    In the US we are only fighting for the right to balance the odds against the criminal element. The UK gave up that right with the promise things would be safer - what the Government failed to mention is that the meant things would be safer for the criminals if the population could not defend itself..

    When you manage to get your violent crime under control let us know! Until then you probably should worry about your own back yard rather than sticking your nose into somebody elses!

    This will never happen in the UK: "65 Year Old CA Woman Shoots and Fights Off FIVE Armed Robbers"

    In Great Britain a homeowner is in jail for this - the surviving robber is already out of jail.

    Yet another crime thwarted by legal gun ownership

    Ashnod: At the time Militia was legally defined by public law as all able bodied males between 16 and 45 years of age. Moreover there was also a federal law requiring citizens to not only own weapons but a minimum amount of ammunition (60 rounds) as well.

    Remember when seconds mean the difference between your life or death at the hand of criminals, police are only minutes away.

  • Ashnod
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    More like a homicide cult, isn't it?

    Anti-gun-control types love to bang on about their "right to bear arms," but they never mention the other part of the Second Amendment, about bearing arms within the context of a "well-regulated militia." If gun ownership is so important to them, they're welcome to join the National Guard.

    Nobody actually thinks that the Second Amendment grants private citizens the right to unlimited ownership of any type of weapon they want; nobody protests government regulation of bombs, tanks, and nuclear missiles -- all of which are "arms." The line between firearms and other types of "arms" is entirely arbitrary, but NRA types seem perfectly content with it. So why is the line between hunting rifles and assault weapons any less arbitrary? Why are they content to be legally barred from purchasing a tactical nuke, but not an AK-47? The Constitution makes no distinction between them, so why does the NRA, and on what grounds?

  • Scouse
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    No they were already there and disappointed that they can not shoot INJUNS. They have a dream that they are frontiersmen of the 18th and 19th centuries. Perhaps they dream of another civil war. Either way they include a lot of right plonkers

    I realise that in UK we have a problem with illegally held guns and indeed guns which are hired out fro crime.

  • Annie
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I don't think someone who lives in another country, has never lived the life we live here in the USA, can talk with any real *knowledge* of what we face each day.. Sorry, but just the way I see it.. If it works there, fine and dandy, but you have to remember one very important thing : Most if not all Americans came from OTHER countries and for , in most cases , good reason.. Now, having said that, IF we had wanted what other countries have, our kin folk would have stayed put...

    Other countries have problems, in most cases more, than we do, they just hide them better, or are killed for speaking out about them...

    Child of God - X atheist

  • 8 years ago

    i dont believe it.

    i would never shoot someone unless they shot at me first. or if my family was in jeopardy of their lives,

    in LDS doctrine, we are asked to "renounce war" but that doesnt mean i have to renounce the 2nd ammendment. i'll get back to that question when i understand what being called to peace actually means

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago


    The NRA is as fundamentalist about their sacred items (guns) as Xian Fundies are about theirs.

    & some overlap.


    Source(s): ..... (¯`v´¯)♥ .......•.¸.•´ ....¸.•´ ... ( ☻/ /▌♥♥ / \ ♥♥
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