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Lv 611,392 points

john m

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A searcher for truth.

  • Has the USA been infiltrated by a Suicide Cult called the NRA?

    I am impressed by Americans who stand up and speak out as is their right for gun control.

    Yet there are certain lunatics who oppose them.

    Like the comments that in situations like Sandyhook it would be sensible to have access to guns for everybody in the school building.

    This is what the NRA wants.

    For everybody to be armed because there are other lunatics going berserk outside the gates.

    Next they'll be suggesting pupils of a certain age can be armed.

    So will the mad men go crazy next in nurseries?

    The phrase...Guns don't kill people...People kill people...maybe true.

    If we break it down we could argue that the gun is simply a component of the incident.

    Over here in the UK we have concluded that the American people most determined to oppose a health care system for poorer less fortunate Americans that would interfere with an Americans right to die without state intervention by looking after them are avid supporters of the Right to own Assault Rifles under their constitution and to boot are rabid Fundamental Christians who definitely wouldn't know Jesus Christ if they bumped into him on a dark night.

    So shouldn't the Government of the USA investigate if the USA has been infiltrated by a Suicide Cult?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Should Americans have the right to own a ferocious lion?

    The last week here in the UK the people have been baffled by the response to gun control being brought in to stop Americans buying and owning Assault Rifles and firearms.

    One defender of the misguided allusion that God has guaranteed the right to bear arms opined that school teachers should be armed.

    Why not just arm the children!

    Others say Guns don't kill people..people kill people.

    Well what part then do guns play in the incident if people especially unarmed defenceless children are massacred?

    Why do people want to own a weapon designed for assaulting someone with extreme prejudice that causes termination?

    So why not allow every American the right to own a ferocious lion instead and remove their guns?

    10 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups8 years ago
  • If Aliens had the power to give us all $1 million would it bring down the economies of the world.?

    Ok here it is.

    Aliens from a far advanced society have come to earth to change things.

    First of all everyone with access to a bank account checks their accounts and discovers they have $1 million.

    How would this effect the financial markets?

    Would it devalue all currencies?

    Would it create chaos and confusion?

    Would you be happy to discover this?

    4 AnswersEconomics9 years ago
  • When will Polygamous people get the rights to marry each other?

    What is so wrong with Polygamy?

    If the Gay Community can get married then why can't the Polygamous Community also get married.

    It's not about the church or God either.

    It's about the human right to express themselves freely in all things that make people happy.

    Divorce rates are sky high amongst the married heteros and relationships are not as good as they're made out to be.

    Just look at the problem pages in the newspapers and the amount of people seeking counseling.

    We have dating sites for people seeking casual sex and so far cheating on your partner is not a crime so what's wrong with 2 or 3 lovely ladies wishing to be my wives in fact 4 or 5 even...let's just make it 6.

    Where does it say that human beings are even monogamous?

    Maybe swans are but the evolved ape...never!

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Should the Irish Army be used to stop British Loyalists from flying a flag that may offend people?

    Should the Irish Army go into Northern Ireland to stop Loyalists from rioting and committing acts of terrorism against Irish Republicans because the flag of the UK can only now be flown on certain days?

    After all in 1969 the same reason was given by the British Government and 30 years of a bitter civil war ensued with over 3000 people killed.

    8 AnswersCivic Participation9 years ago
  • What benefit does National Identity and Flags bring for humanity?

    In Northern Ireland there has been rioting because the decision to fly the Union Jack has been altered to only so many days each month.

    The Loyalist Protestant population are up in arms because they perceive this act as a victory for Republican Roman Catholics.

    Now there has been rioting with the police being attacked and the peace process being undermined by these people.

    They also claim to be Christians however we know that Christ himself would rebuke anyone who believed in these worldly things.

    A person is born as a human being.

    The national Identity and religion along with the flags are all constructed by the societies we are brought up in but essentially a human being is just that..a human being.

    Is this belief in being a different nationality or religion with a flag not something the world should abandon otherwise how will we ever reach a peaceful accommodation with each other if we don't.

    The Irish problem was caused by religion history and national identity as are all other problems with these issues.

    What should we do to educate our children in the future to work together as human beings?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Did the Cult of Celebrity drive the nurse to suicide or the prank call?

    It is so sad that a nurse takes their own life after receiving a prank call from an Australian radio station regarding the Duchess of Cambridge being in the hospital where she worked for morning sickness.

    However did the Cult of Celebrity play a part in this sad situation?

    20 years ago the reaction to this news would have been different.Even the press would have handled it differently bearing in mind the security problems that may have occurred if terrorists knew where a target could be got at.

    Even not so long ago when the Duchess went topless a paparazzo was able to take a photograph which showed how slack the security measures were.

    The ravenous hunger people seem to be suffering from in their vainglorious need to read and know information about two people who are no better then you or I except by the privilege and power and prestige they possess just because they're royal strikes me as insane however I neither like them or dislike them I tend to ignore them.

    My point is this.

    Was the nurse already suffering from an underlying psychological illness and due to an unbalance of her mind due to this prank call drove her over the edge?

    Or was she threatened with punishment by her employers for letting the call go through although they've denied this.

    Or is the excessive amount of attention these people get from the 4th estate who perpetuate ad nauseaum in the newpapers and magazines the real reason why the prank call was made?

    Is the Cult of Celebrity healthy at all for our society in that it distracts people especially young people to aspire to the impossible?

    I mean just look at the X factor and you'll get what I mean as an example.

    What are your thoughts?

    8 AnswersCelebrities9 years ago
  • Should school teachers be reprimanded for telling children Santa does not exist?

    We all know that Father Christmas/Kris Kringle or Santa Claus does not exist in reality.

    We all can remember as children that we were lead to believe that he did exist.

    We were told if we were good little boys and girls then Santa would come down the chimney on Christmas Eve and leave us presents.

    When we reached a certain age we realized that it was all a joke to fleece our parents to buy toys and goods for us.

    Now it's the adults who have hijacked Christmas and turned it into a festival of waste greed and gluttony.

    A teacher in a school in England told the children that Santa did not exist.

    This upset the children and they went home and told their parents who have lodged a formal complaint to the school authorities about this teacher simply telling their children the truth.

    The teacher is now facing a reprimand!

    Correct me if I am wrong but how can someone be punished for telling the truth?

    Before I go any further with this I can tell you that I believe in Christ and his teachings about living as a believer in Him.

    I don't however believe in Santa Claus.

    I can remember as a child in the 60's and a teenager in the 70's how Christmas was a time mostly for children.

    Perhaps being Scottish and living in Glasgow during those formative years I was like a lot of people from there then in my beliefs that Hogmonay was more celebrated.

    Since then I have seen Christmas being commercialized by rampant capitalism.

    The adults seem to use it as an excuse to still be children even though a lot of them might not believe in Christ or God.

    So if I was a non believer I can celebrate Christmas or Winterfest and allow my children to believe in a fictional character because it's all meant to be fun however a school authority can punish a teacher for telling the truth.

    Is this sensible?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Isn't it nauseous hearing about morning sickness in the morning on the news?

    Ladies,women,girls,sisters,grandmothers and mothers to be and mothers that are and mothers to come.

    Isn't it nauseating hearing about the Duchesses morning sickness?

    Does the world not know that the pregnant female experiences this as a indication of pregnancy?

    Why are we being subjected to these reports of morning sickness when there are more important news to be reported?

    Are you sat there rapt with sympathy and empathy towards the Duchess and her nausea?

    Do you identify with the Duchess and feel as one with her?

    Were you admitted to the hospital when you had the morning sickness?

    Were there headlines and reports on your condition?

    Did your partner/husband/girlfriend.....we are equal opportunity observers of the morning vomit..just in case a same sex relationship with child is effected for the mother in waiting...get time off work to support you?

    Will there never be an end to this pointless drivel that is quite normal for normal people so what makes these people abnormal?

    Doesn't it make you sick in the morning never mind the afternoon or evening?

    Do you care at all?

    5 AnswersMedia & Journalism9 years ago
  • Poem for today....Silly Games?

    I wrote this after meeting a person struck down by self delusions.

    Silly Games.


    How did you think I'd feel,

    when you play your silly games!

    Did you think I was a mug,

    being subjected to your shame!

    As if I even cared,

    when your transparent don't you see!

    Living with your self created fiction,

    as I see you with reality!

    Oh I know you've probably been hurt,

    that's just living unaware!

    Taking it all now making sure there's none to give,

    without the means to care!

    Your just a memory in a moment,

    that's already history!

    Silly games with Judy 2 shoes,

    that';s not a mystery!

    I hope one day you find your presence,

    life's then so easy bear in mind!

    It was no big deal meeting you,

    that's what you'll come to find!

    You see some people live in drama,

    in their movie they're the star!

    All directed with self delusion,

    that can never reach as far!

    As something good to be remembered,

    to be cherished costs no price!

    So goodbye Judy 2 shoes,

    silly games are not played twice!

    For playing games are left to children,

    in innocence the game is true!

    But I've no time to waste a moment,

    playing silly games with you!

    This person thought they could bewitch me with the allure of the empty vessel.

    What they forgot to notice is you can no longer break through my reality and this is a blessing because once you've found yourself you can give so much more to those that genuinely want your time.

    I sent that to them by text to stop them trying to play with my head.

    Do you think it will help them realise?

    3 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Is the word, 'Monkey',racist if used towards a black person or offensive to a believer in God?

    In the UK a famous football player of limited intelligence in the heat of the game called a fellow player from the other team a black bastard.He was charged with being racist and after a trial he was found not guilty of using offensive racial language.He claimed there was no intent in his actions and words to offend.

    Recently on a crap reality tv show were celebrities go into the jungle and eat gross things and be voted to complete tasks like lying in a box with bugs and spiders a guest on that show used the words..cheeky a black guest on that show.

    Although the black guest was not offended thousands of brain dead people complained and tweeted to the point that the guest was reprimanded.

    In the UK the expression..cheeky used across the spectrum.It is always used with a smile on the lips..if you know what I mean.

    Now it seems calling a black person a monkey is allegdly racist even if it is done in jest.

    Now anyone with eyes that can see knows black people don't look like primates.

    So where is the offence in using this word.

    If I call a believer in acreator God a monkey will they be offended spiritually because am I not implying that that person is aproduct of evolution which they refute on religious grounds.

    If the scientific community is correct and the origins of humanity black white yellow red are primates and monkeys then am I not just being truthful if I call anyone a cheeky monkey or even just a monkey?

    I'm not saying to anyone you look like a monkey although plenty people look primitive even neanderthal never mind looking like monkeys but I now find this political correctness ludicrous.

    Next women will be complaining and men even if they are called a dirty dog..what is going on in the world of words and whose to blame?

    5 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups9 years ago
  • Good Friday....a poem?

    Good Friday.


    Come and lie down with me tonight in the Garden of Gethsemane

    but please don't assume you'll be sleeping tonight,

    for the soldiers are coming with swords and torches lit up

    to be handed over an innocent men who didn't put up a fight.

    A kiss on the cheek from wolf not a sheep

    Judas-his friend will pay a terrible cost,

    let's follow the procession to the house of the High Priest

    even though we now we know that all is now lost.

    It's Good Friday morning and the trials been set

    Yes-he gave us a warning and we closed our ears

    It's Good Friday morning-this day I won't forget

    as they took him away-my eyes filled with tears

    How goodness and truth was scourged,beaten and broken

    crucified on a cross just for words that were spoken.

    Come let us make haste to the Roman Procurator

    his rubber stamp is needed to sentence a crime

    because this man had foretold with words stark and bold

    that he was the fruit,the branch and the vine.

    What is truth?..was the question- a rhetorical detection

    as the thorny crown was placed and purple robe unfurled

    no more words were now spoken-truth was scourged,beaten and broken

    on the King with no Kingdom in this desolate world.

    It's Good Friday morning and his cross he is given

    to the man with no home except his Fathers mansion in heaven

    It's Good Friday morning his cross was once a tree

    and it will grow roots when it's planted at Calvary

    see compassion and mercy and love scourged beaten and broken

    crucified on a cross just for words that were spoken.

    Strike nails into flesh-tear muscle and sinew

    raise up the sacrifice on the cross made of wood

    we are soaked in his blood which flows on us as a flood

    from a broken beaten man who personified good.

    A spears quickly thrust-religious expediency is a must

    his body is lowered a sad shattered shell

    his tomb has been prepared and no cost was spared

    he now descends into darkness to illuminate hell.

    It's Good Friday evening the crowds have gone home

    he's been wrapped up in linen and we've sealed the stone

    set guards at the entrance with an hourly inspection

    and as much as they watch and see they won't witness his resurrection.

    It's Good Friday evening as the red rain starts to fall

    Yes my love for Him is unshaken-because I know His love conquers all.

    4 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Christmas....a poem.....wrote many Christmases ago?



    He was placed by his mother in a lowly manger

    his life was fraught and filled with danger

    one Father was God the other worked with wood

    can you tell me which Father taught him all he understood!

    Joseph was a carpenter and troubled by his dreams

    awoken by angel Gabriel who silenced Josephs screams

    to some he was a cuckold fool tricked by a Holy Ghost

    who impregnated his young bride is not something one would boast.

    Mary,Mary it's so scary..tell me how does your foetus grow

    who picked the day for a virgin birth..with fields all covered in snow

    Can you remember that day in December...when Bethlehem was full

    when warm hearths were denied to a pregnant people cold and cruel?

    Can you recall that drafty stable where breasts first produced milk

    for your Fisher-King Son,wrapped up in rags on a bed of straw not silk

    Who cut the cord and set discord upon the fate of us

    and who set the date and sealed his fate and gave the world Christmas?

    Jesus loves me this I know because the bible told me so

    does Holy Wisdom dance with him by a full moon

    blind my eyes with the truth can someone show me some proof

    not in a carol or some tinsel or another Charity Xmas tune.

    Mary,Mary did you contemplate the hopeless condition of the human race

    Mary,Mary they're saying now your son came here and left no trace

    Mary,Mary did you weep as he suffered on the cross

    Mary,Mary how did you cope living with the sense of loss

    Mary,Mary will you see him again turning the wine into water

    Mary,Mary would there be less hate if you had had a daughter?

    Jesus,Jesus come to me

    Jesus dress the Christmas tree

    Jesus bang the turkey in the oven.

    Jesus,Jesus bless this bread

    Jesus can raise up the dead they said

    all done by the power of his Fathers loving.

    Jesus,Jesus take my breath

    Jesus come to me at death

    Jesus take me up to heaven.

    Jesus,Jesus prove them wrong

    with your love we can get along

    show them now or you won't be forgiven.

    People change and anyway I know the meaning.

    Merry Xmas.

    3 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • A poem/song for Amy Winehouse?



    Are you finally at peace,

    have you been released?

    From the pain and the loss

    that you sang in your songs.

    Were you sat sad and alone

    in a world all on your own

    not knowing that tomorrow

    outside your home

    would be grieving throngs.

    Of your fans stood there crying

    at the thought of your dying

    with sad memories of you

    backed by your special voice

    the 23rd of July

    is the day when we ask why

    what chance did Amy have

    she had no other choice.

    Amy...we will never forget you

    it's a crying shame why you had to die

    On the radio stations

    we can still hear your soul sing

    Amy...we will never forget you

    our hearts are heavy and we sigh

    at the passing of a troubled angel

    who was only guilty of one thing.

    Of having a voice that conveyed loss

    of being stood all alone poured all out on the stage

    in our world of dead celebrities tell me what's worth the cost

    as tomorrow your obituary is read page by page.

    Amy...we will never forget you.

    Amy....we will never forget you.


    2 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • Mining for gold.A poem about redemption and recovery.?

    Twisting and turning thoughts in my mind

    undoing the knots that tie up and bind

    I'm in this dark place seeking gold I must find

    a miner with no lamp as I dig I dig blind.

    Searching and sifting I'm looking for gold

    weighing and calculating what cannot be sold

    what's that light up ahead as it lights up the way

    it's thrown light on the treasure that I mined today.

    I run down to the river a nugget I've found

    with my hands and feet in clear water my heart starts to pound

    I rinse off the earth with purity I'm now bound

    as the golden sunlight it glows all around.

    The scales they maybe be balanced between darkness and light

    my fears have grown wings and have now taken flight

    I am battered and bruised yet my spirit feels right

    my soul shines like the nugget as I glow with delight.

    The measure you take is the measure you give

    as each day we avoid is a day less to live

    and tomorrow at the mine face the men in darkness descend

    how the horn blows forlornly as the shift starts again.

    these are more song lyrics from years ago.

    This song/poem was about recovery from drug addiction.

    6 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • A poem I wrote for the Homeless?

    Homeless Runaway.


    Homeless runaway begging for change

    a displaced person in a city alien and strange

    If your curious about his story let's find a doorway

    warm and dry

    and we will sit upon his blanket as the people pass on by.

    He forages for food discarded from ASDA

    it lies out of date in some old smelly skip

    He's learned to sleep and keep one eye open

    being on the pavement it's the only way to kip.

    Scrounging hand outs is no cat walk

    can't busk nor can he sing a tune

    the only instrument that he's learned to play

    won't be found in an orchestra...a needle and a spoon.

    Homeless Runaway-Homeless runaway

    who would miss him...aint he better off dead

    what's that you say...yeah your okay

    you've got a home and you've got a bed.

    He has to be careful in his existence of fear

    when thick necked men walk by filled with beer

    they will step on top of him and let him feel the fist

    as boots rain down with leathered pain

    that's the way when men are pissed.

    Those Cops they're no better..telling him to move along

    is being homeless and a runaway a crime

    did he do something wrong

    maybe it would make a difference

    if they just placed him in a cell

    somewhere warm and safe with some respite

    from his homeless hell.

    He is just another grim entry in a file

    abandoned rejected ignored and still only 22

    his eyes stare out from 1000 yards ..he lost the means

    to smile

    and even hope has deserted him...that's what the virus does to you.

    Homeless Runaway-Homeless Runaway

    he's checked out this morning..he is now at peace

    what's that you HE Okay

    body lying stone cold...spirit warm now released.

    it's bit rough but it is old.

    5 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • What can we learn from Luke 13 and the tragedy at Siloam?

    People have said that Christ was being unsympathetic when he spoke of the 18 people who died when a tower collapsed at Siloam.

    I would like your thoughts on this part of the verse.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Can a parent sue a school authority in the UK for encouraging under age sex disguised as care?

    School authorities in the UK have allowed school nurses to provide contraceptive implants and injections to girls as young as 13.

    The age of consent in the UK is 16.

    The school nurses are forbidden to inform the girls parents that they have provided this procedure without the child's consent under confidentiality laws even though the girls receiving this treatment not to get impregnated are under the legal age of consent.

    What message does this send out to our children regarding sexual activity and how can a child of 13 have the right to receive contraception without their parents knowledge and permission?

    Is this not facilitating irresponsible behaviour that may damage a developing child sexually while they are under age effectively?

    Our children are exposed everyday on a conscious level to porn by the use of the smart-phones and computers and on a subliminal level by the hypersexualisation of our society through the media.

    Does the Government tacitly condone this as well because in the UK we are experiencing the lowest teenage pregnancy rates since 1969.

    If laws though are being broken by children who feel they have the right to break the age of consent then should those laws be lowered 16 to 13?After all is not the school encouraging the children by allowing them the power to receive contraception without the childs parents having any say in the matter and is the school breaking an ethical and morals by doing this in the first place?

    Is there an evil in society that is rapacious and predatory and wants only to corrupt our children and destroy their innocence?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Why is being solitary and celibate seen as being unhealthy by modern society?

    The other day I read in a newspaper that people who are not in a sexually active relationship are more prone to dying younger and even getting depressed and suicidal.

    Yet I have been on my own now for over 9 years and I feel liberated.

    I've had relationships with females and the sex was great at times but there was the emotional baggage and stress that comes with this also which was decidedly unhealthy.

    I've been blessed with 3 children all adults now so having to be a parent and having to carry on my genes has been done,although that was never the idea I had in mind when I was a parent and partner with their mother.

    When I broke up from that relationship 9 years ago I did go through a few years of hurt and I did at times feel that without having someone in my life I was incomplete.

    Then I realized one day that for so many people when they are young there seems to be this common conception that one has to be in a relationship, even a casual one, where sex may be the only thing that is the relationship and modern secular cultural standards accept this.

    People can go out and have sex with each other as long as it's safely practiced without any emotional issues.

    Was or am I wrong to simply believe that having sex with someone just for the physical sensation is somehow not genuine.

    It is my personal belief that people should be committed to each other before they have sex,but that's my personal opinion,and I know that way of thinking today is old fashioned and unfashionable.

    I work on the security industry with a lot of men who are driven by machismo and testosterone and when I revealed to them that I was single and had not had sex with a woman for 9 years they could not believe it.

    I was asked why.

    I told them,no ones came along that's seen me properly and why should I go out looking for someone when I've got all I need now with myself.

    If someone came along that I knew was really interested in getting to know me then I would date and get to know them however the physical stuff would have to wait.

    There was the usual backroom locker jibes from my colleagues regarding my status.

    I have a small penis!

    I'm normal.

    Why don't I go to a brothel and get my rocks off!

    I would never pay for sex.

    Love and sex should be mutual so why pay for an illusion and I can deal with my own frustrations if the need arises.

    I just laugh it off.

    But then I see my colleagues come to work stressed out by their relationships.

    They cheat when they are out.

    They ogle women and surf the net for porn.

    And modern society seems to promote sex over love.

    A good sexual life according to these experts has beneficial effects on your body.So does a good work out in a gym.

    It's as if people who live like I do are seen as weird.

    Yet I feel free and good and healthy.

    What are your opinions?

    Is our new world of sensation hypersexualised to the point of self dellusion?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago