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Is the word, 'Monkey',racist if used towards a black person or offensive to a believer in God?

In the UK a famous football player of limited intelligence in the heat of the game called a fellow player from the other team a black bastard.He was charged with being racist and after a trial he was found not guilty of using offensive racial language.He claimed there was no intent in his actions and words to offend.

Recently on a crap reality tv show were celebrities go into the jungle and eat gross things and be voted to complete tasks like lying in a box with bugs and spiders a guest on that show used the words..cheeky a black guest on that show.

Although the black guest was not offended thousands of brain dead people complained and tweeted to the point that the guest was reprimanded.

In the UK the expression..cheeky used across the spectrum.It is always used with a smile on the lips..if you know what I mean.

Now it seems calling a black person a monkey is allegdly racist even if it is done in jest.

Now anyone with eyes that can see knows black people don't look like primates.

So where is the offence in using this word.

If I call a believer in acreator God a monkey will they be offended spiritually because am I not implying that that person is aproduct of evolution which they refute on religious grounds.

If the scientific community is correct and the origins of humanity black white yellow red are primates and monkeys then am I not just being truthful if I call anyone a cheeky monkey or even just a monkey?

I'm not saying to anyone you look like a monkey although plenty people look primitive even neanderthal never mind looking like monkeys but I now find this political correctness ludicrous.

Next women will be complaining and men even if they are called a dirty dog..what is going on in the world of words and whose to blame?

5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hello Jon-Jon ... I threw another tantrum and tried to run away ...

    It happened after someone called me a bully and they can say ...

    They can say anything to me when I ask questions about my dead kid ...

    There is no offensive limit to mourners or mothers when they do skid ...

    I am now in a hiding place because I have disgrace on my face again ...

    This is what happens to me after my childhood from suffering blame ...

    I just have to shake it off and put up with it or never show mine name ...

    There are no rights nor any complaints even if I endure deep shame ...

    It is just my fault and my problem and somehow my mind has to cure ...

    I need to find the balance and search for a way to simply just be pure ...

    The native people here call us white waxes and yell it at us ...

    We, as the white people are expected not to make any fuss ...

    Words are just words but we still take the blame here after 200 years ...

    We whites in Australia take the blame for captain cook, so all the tears ...

    We were sent here as convicts but we still get blamed for taking their land ...

    So I think it is just venting, lashing out, expressing and voicing a command ...

    Nicknames also are very touchy and beyond a joke ...

    I get into trouble for saying "boy" and also "old bloke" ...

    So some people just want to stop us from happily conversing ...

    Can't say young and can't say old so it is a constant reversing ...

    I just don't bother talking to people who are so sensitive anymore ....

    Because they just make me feel guilty when they know my core ...

    They know I'm being friendly as I'm laughing with a smile ...

    and my tone is upbeat and happy until after a flipping while ...

    I just say "Oh what the hell" ... and then I'm mocking religion ...

    The only thing left to do is speak in the language of a pigeon ...

    and that is racist also because some tribes use that word for their lingo ...

    Words are all entangled and woven throughout time so it all equals bingo ...

    Every word hits a soft spot and hurts somebodies feeling so I recluse ...

    Why waste my time trying to communicate and then get told it's abuse ...

    People call me a nutcase and crazy and insane and i do have a mental illness ...

    So why is it so wrong to say the word chubby in the earshot of one "skinny-less" ...

    We need to make up special words to cover every-body's feelings and why?

    How on earth is an insult to heaven and how can i even begin to give it a try?

    "Gay" ... was a woman's name but now we cannot actually call out to her ...

    Let alone be reading any old books when it meant happy and even ..."Fur" ...

    That will be a bad word also soon ... so if anybody nicknames our private parts ...

    We all need to stop saying the words, beaver, p.u.s.s.y cat and queen of tarts ...

    Dick is short for Richard and a **** is a rooster and golly wogs are banned ...

    We can't say the word, slopes, nor slant, nor tea towel, so why not demand ...

    Demand to scrub off these lists of any and every word being racist and absurd ...

    As the years go by there are thousands more and how do we cope ...

    Queer is out and camp and next thing it will be the old word ...soap ...

    Source(s): Here in Australia ... we have handfuls of colored peoples, not just the natives who call themselves "Murray's" and "Coorie's" ... but also Torres straight islanders, Thursday islanders, Cook islanders, Solomon islanders, and new Guinea more and didn't you see Prince Charles on television, on his visit to New Guinea speaking perfect pigeon English??? ... We did. One word that colored people here use to insult whites is "coonzie" or "Coonzy" ... I don't know how to spell it because we don't get the rights to pry that deeply into reversed racism here. Reverse racism is rampant here and done openly ... they scream it out in the streets up this end of the country and there is no law against it ... Heaps of people are inter nationality bred and that is just the way it goes ... they will argue with you about their rights to slander the whites.
  • Scouse
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    It's one of those silly words which the PC mob like to jump on. The true test is would he have called a white person a cheeky monkey in the same circumstances. If the answer is; yes then it is not racist.

    It would appear that the so called "victim" did not regard it as racist in those circumstances. So what is the matter with the PC mob. Oh yes they complain because from their lofty height they are of the opinion that he should have been offended. Now that really is big hearted of them, stupid *&^)_& e

    About 20 years ago I was dealing with a group of young boys when one of them started to push his luck whilst i was trying to sort them out. In sheer exasperation I said "Look sunshine if you just shut of for a minute we can get on with it!" He was a coloured lad ( I HAD ACTUALLY GIVEN UP NOTICING THAT HE WAS ) and the PC mob around us had hackles rising until the lady with us said quite truthfully the "He calls them all that when they are being a pain in the neck"

    To my mind it shows that the PC mob are ignorant stupid and petty minded. This is not a defence for those who deliberately insult black or others as a routine. That is inexcusable

  • 8 years ago

    People today are just so willing to jump on things like this for no real or sound reasoning, all it takes is 1 person to complain, and the rest fall in line like lemmings. I have heard this phrase before, and it is not meant to be insulting at all. Here in the states we have the words dude, which if taken literally, is the ingrown hair on an elephants behind, yet no one says anything about it being used in surfer speak. Go figure.

  • 8 years ago

    Isn't necessarily but may be. Depends entirely on the heart behind the expression. Mos often offense is given the world not by those who have offended but by those who have taken offense. Offense is most often not intended but taking offense is always intended and so adds offense to the world where there was none.

    God Itself is a Monkey named Hanuman. And what a magnificent Being that Is.


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  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    I agree that we have become TOO politically correct...what happened to our sense of humor?Who used the phrase Cheeky Monkey on Saturday Night Live? Monkey is used in the U.S. as the meaning of a phallus,as in spanking my monkey,.Have you ever heard white jokes told by a black person?I have.Hilarious.The word niggah is now used as a cutesy friendly greeting amongst Blacks and is heard on rap songs.****** is still offensive and comes from the word niggerhead,which is a dark rock that is hard to see sticking out of the water,I believe.The KKK calls Blacks eggplants.we are white bread,slang will be forever with us.I thought cheeky monkey meant a person who was wily,bold,smart and outspoken,that's all.

    Source(s): ...not sure at 1:45 A.M., John.
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