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Love to write draw paint play guitar and piano sing dance cook eat and have friends over. Abhor Y/A fighting,war,egomaniacs and turnips.

  • My 1995Eagle summit wagon ROARS!?

    Super loud roaring when driven,also slight vibration felt on steering wheel.Have all new tires and a lot of work done.Mechanic says it could be motor mounts,Ideas Anyone?

    1 AnswerMaruti7 years ago
  • Do you think Housing will be at a premium in Colorado now?

    I wonder how many folks will move into Colorado because of pot availability,medical or recreational.

    1 AnswerRenting & Real Estate7 years ago
  • Does anyone have a copy of my poem?

    Last night I posted a poem Christmas Long Ago and it was deleted.I wrote it at top of my head and have no copy.If you do please e me!Thanks!!!This message will self destruct in.......

    3 AnswersPoetry7 years ago
  • Godspell,the Second Coming ,Have a look?Comments?

    My writer's club topic asked What one thing would you change for the good of the world if you could be God for a day.

    Perhaps you might try one also....

    What an empowering thought

    that I could play God for a day.

    With what single act could I remonstrate

    to make toxic things go away?

    Should I spin the world on the tip of my finger,

    or just its axis up end?

    Or with one mighty blow of my breath

    return to Genesis again?

    My how the ego expandeth

    with the dalliance of playing God;

    but I will choose something simpler,

    I shall purify the sod!

    I shall destroy Monsanto-

    Oh what a devilish group-

    They've criss crossed animal with vegetable

    Rat genes in tomato soup!

    They've threatened farmers to buy their seed

    with tampered genetic codes-

    you won't have weeds in your garden,

    but your corn will taste like toads!

    This chemical plant made RoundUp

    and dioxin in the Vietnam war'

    Their Agent Orange killed the land-

    later veterans by the score.

    It rotted the brains of fine young men

    and brittled each war weary bone;

    So I shall maketh them disappear

    to some realm in the twilight zone.

    Their cancerous crops will be stricken from earth

    and again you'll consume Real food,

    Many thanks for this opportunity

    to go to bat for the common good.

    11 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • Is it considered good manners now to visit and bring your animal with you wherever you go?

    I must be missing something,when did this start? I prefer not to have animals in my house,yet all my friends who are dog lovers won't visit without them,is that fair?

    15 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • I am having avery hard time with this new format,extremely hard to see,CC?

    Does anyone else have trouble reading and finding stuff?Do we have to keep this???

    6 AnswersAdd-ons8 years ago
  • Aunt TT's First Tanka Attempt,Valid or No???C/C?

    The wraith with the scythe

    slides his shadow underneath

    my fragile front door,

    He knows where I hide within-

    yet I go through the motions.

    7 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • Natl.Cheeseburger Day Manana C/C ?

    Oh my, what a wonderful day, on the morrow it will be.

    Blessings to all cheeseburger lovers,you all know the one

    that out does me.

    Though born in a diner where my Greek family thrived,

    the most famous cheese lover has evermore thrived.

    We connoisseurs, only can guess, what upon his two buns

    make for the zest,be it ketchup or mustard,mayo

    or all three? Lettuce,tomato,and WHAT KIND of CHEESE?

    Pray he sends us his recipe to hail the great day....

    and a communion like dinner to share in - his way!

    will there be bacon,or imported cheese?

    Let's hope the waitress upon it won't sneeze.

    Let's send a card to our Cheese whispering friend,

    although not his birthday,we must all pretend.

    7 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • My First Naked Sonnet,a Rewrite Challege C/C?

    I am so envious of you sonnet writers whose complicated stories just roll off in perfect meter.IT IS SO HARD TO DO!!! Please,peruse my infantile attempt,feel free to bash,trash,or,REWRITE it and keep my meaning in tact as you see it!? A large bag of M&M's will be sent to the winner forthwith!HAAALP!!!!

    Slipping Away

    It's like I have traveled to some dark star

    former intellect and memory shorn.

    Alien beings speak kindly to me

    as if acquainted before I was borne.

    I recognize nothing from yesterday

    a short time ago,of that I am sure-

    but how did I come to this strange new place?

    In a new suit of innocence so pure?

    Am I akin to some born again soul

    whose life was by God so hotly reviled

    that banished forever I am now gone

    to renew faith with the mind of a child?

    Although I feel I must submit to all

    Still I sense there is a soft place to fall.

    14 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • Power failures all day long C/C?

    I tried to post my very first sonnet,

    but the Gods of thunder pissed upon it.

    I needed rewrites,

    and much advice,

    I tried to post it more than twice.

    My typing's slow,

    but I'm letting you know

    in the same words as that old muscled hack,

    in my best accent,"I will be back!"

    5 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • Summer Insect Short Short Poem C?C?

    Okay now,enough of katydids,

    tonight let's watch the Perseids.

    I told you it was short....

    2 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • A Stormy Day in St. Augustine C/C?

    The fog steamrolled in

    and blanketed the beach

    in minutes,meshing all horizons

    into an abysmal grey.

    Winds kicked waves

    and circled in menacing waterspouts-

    a haphazard race to nowhere.

    Suddenly the rain's sharp teeth

    bit our sunburned backs

    and freckled the white powder sand

    as we ran for cover.

    9 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • Afternoon Haiku For You/ C/C?

    I'd like to conjure

    Salix babylonica

    to help shed my tears

    11 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • Trending In Florida, We Still Have Strange Fruit/CC?

    Trending in Japan right now,

    kids are licking eyeballs.

    Getting pink eye by the droves,

    Ridiculous from their sky falls.

    College aged and kindergartners,

    get sick from a daring drink,

    lots of hot sauce in that mix-

    WTF don't they think?

    We have oranges,grapefruit,Lemons!

    A Good Old Boy Regime,

    Stand your ground laws,Republicans,

    but nothing is what is seems.

    The sunshine state has hanging chads,

    and votes that are never counted,

    our governor's a criminal,

    Medicare rapist ? That's unfounded!

    A jury stunted by pro gun laws,

    a win win situation,

    the last man standing is exempt,

    a cause for much elation.

    Racial profile never seen?

    Oh please , give me a break,

    Guns and Skittles,what a duel,

    It makes my old heart quake.

    Years ago,Blacks got strung up,

    no trial,no defense.

    Today their killers are just let go,

    ( with substantial recompense.)

    Hide your children, burn their hoodies,

    even white kids wear them now.

    Stay out of the rain and shadows

    or you'll go beneath the plow.

    Pocket your cell phone while walking about,

    please become more aware,

    because if some Gonzo shoots you,

    he will never get the chair.

    In Florida we still have strange fruit,

    even though it doesn't hang now from trees...

    but 'till color blindness binds us all

    we'll have bad times such as these.

    6 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • Snow Bear...Berkeley 1971 C/C?

    It hit me right away that she was a

    female Boo Radley slithering ghost like

    along Kathryn's kitchen wall at midnight.

    I'd heard about her,but never saw her

    until that night in the communal house

    when I went for tea and toast.

    White robed and alabaster skinned,

    her blue veins blinked when I turned

    the lights on .

    She stared from deep, purple edged sockets.

    Her skull face taut from hunger,

    hands enfolded to a fist upon her breast.

    Anorexia was slowly erasing her.

    A phobic fear of elimination caused her

    to shun all but mouse portions of food.

    Quickly I lowered my eyes,mumbled a soft hello

    and asked if she would like some chamomile tea,

    being told that was all anyone ever saw her swallow.

    She nodded, sat at the farthest end of the marred wooden table,

    I prepared the tea and pushed a mug half way across;

    wraith like fingers reached out and slid it closer.

    Slowly I buttered two toasts,cutting off crusts,

    dotting with honey and dividing each

    into four tiny squares.

    She watched me like a white owl would

    as I chewed,savored,swallowed.

    I ate four,washed my mug and left the room.

    I heard her chair scrape,then the tinking

    of fingernails on the plate as she reached for what was left.

    Then the faucet ran,and I saw the light go out from beneath my door.

    Kathryn found her huddled and shivering beneath

    an overhang of a Photo Mat booth

    in a rare Berkeley rain.

    All she possessed was in a cloth satchel

    slung over one shoulder and a raggedy

    violin case glued to her left hand.

    She played for loose change over

    in the Haight,and I wondered what she bought

    with her meager money.

    She was mute by choice,although sometimes

    late at night we could hear her crying and Kathryn's

    soft voice urging her to have a little soup.

    Once we heard her screaming in the bathroom,

    her intestines trying to be loosed,her phobia

    fighting back -

    afraid to see

    afraid to smell

    afraid to be unclean.

    Plainly,she was dying.

    Finally,a flush,

    an hour shower,

    and she padded back to her room.

    Her premature gray hair was dry as straw

    and fell like silver pine needles to the moonlit

    deck where she brushed her thinning hair.

    Soon a plaintive song wafted in from the back yard.

    It may have been Brahms,but who was I to know?

    Sadly soft and lilting,it was so skillfully played on that fretless instrument.

    Kathryn found her family,left a message

    where they might find her,as she had disappeared,

    I forever wondered if it was, in fact,too late.

    Oh,Snow Bear,

    what a fierce name you bequeathed

    your frail,fragile self.

    Your night song will linger forever in my mind's ear.

    10 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • Feedin' Time 4 P:M C/C?

    They drop from the trees

    like snipers shot -

    just seconds ago camouflaged

    by leaf and shadow.

    They wait,

    They watch,

    till I come with sustinence.

    The battle begins!

    Blue Jays first

    Squirrels second.

    Blue Jay pilots zero in,

    peck at squirrels' heads

    and fly off with stolen booty.

    Cardinals come in crimson

    their dull brown wives eat first.

    Titmice mind their own business

    and just peck around the outskirts.

    Those doves,of course ,

    keep their distance

    biding their time

    sauntering around unfettered

    until the melee is over.

    One crow squawks,and the rest

    of the murder follows

    to dip the bread bits in birdbath soup

    their favored entrée.

    A red tailed hawk hovers above,

    the Red Baron of the skies

    and all disappear again.

    6 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • Conversation With Myself This Rainy Afternoon C/C?

    Ya' know,I was just thinking -

    I wonder whatever happened to

    that "so New England" girl.

    Remember her? Orphan Annie hair,

    humongous brown eyes

    and an accent as thick as

    Wright's bacon?

    Remember how pissed she was

    when someone stole your boat

    Chained to her house 100 yards in

    from the canal?

    She wanted to grab her gun and hunt down

    those "Pirates!",because SHE

    was a Portogee.

    What the hell was a Portogee?

    I wracked my Jeopardic brain-

    never knew til' I met Bernie

    and her tales of ancestors,sailors all,

    made me want to belt out "LOS PECADORES"

    like Buffy St. Marie.

    Omigod,that girl could make fish sing on your tongue

    however she prepared them.

    Dumb as a box of rocks but oh so so sweet.

    Her friends amazed she landed a job

    with the Post office.

    Seriously now,didn't she come from

    Falmouth? Worked in a sweater factory

    until it closed down?

    Yeah,that's her.

    Bernadette Marie Olivera the Third,

    always her reply to What's Your Name?.

    And I wonder from what dimension she drifted

    to land inside my mind

    on this rainy afternoon.

    8 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • Plein-Air Portraits C/C?

    The humidity has encased everything in a strangle hold.

    Not even a finger of a palm frond scratches at the atmosphere.

    The stretched grey beards of Spanish moss

    hang sullen and stiff

    as stalactites from the thirsting oaks.

    Mosquitoes cling to the side of the house-

    too lazy to struggle through the heavy air.

    A squirrel stares stupidly at thrown bread,

    perched passively

    on a dead dry limb,


    Barely breathing,I sympathize with

    the shriveling scorpion who has

    found solace on the sidewalk

    in its early endless sleep.

    Even the sunset is locked into place

    amongst pallid pink cardboard clouds

    seemingly pasted

    upon the sky.

    The stillness is only broken by

    sweat beads rolling at a snail's pace

    from my forehead

    leaving behind salted trails

    and stinging eyes,

    and I curse at the rain

    which stubbornly

    refuses to fall.

    6 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • I Dreamed About the Bridge Tender C/C?

    Last night I dreamed of the bridge tender,

    the woman with the silver hair.

    She was pacing about her tiny space

    Like a she lion in its lair.

    Light came from her laptop

    and I saw upon the screen

    that old familiar border

    that denoted Yahoo green.

    Nervously she grabbed a cig

    and went outside to smoke,

    the bayou air was thick and dense

    so humid it made you choke.

    She was blowing perfect smoke rings

    that made cones into the fog,

    and then she heard a boat bray

    its arrival in the smog.

    Dutifully,she tossed the butt

    and scurried back inside

    to push alarms and raise the bridge

    ensuring a captain's ride.

    Her work now done,she sat on her chair

    in her home away from home,

    thinking about the eerie air,

    and started to write a poem....

    10 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • How Does One 'Celebrate' a Memorial Day,really! C/C a free verse?

    Memorial Day is not just for soldiers slain .

    Remembering the dead is what it really means,

    isn't it?But-

    Okay,Pvt.First Class Bucky Gierman,

    I will honor you first for succumbing

    to enemy fire in the Vietnam War.

    You were the darling in my history class

    of 1963-64.

    You always got Coach Mawry to teach us

    football plays instead of boring dates in history.

    "Read chapters 1 through 20 and a test on Friday"

    you would always make him say.

    I would never have obtained such a knowledge

    of the game if not for you.

    Oh,Bucky,I will always go back to an earlier time

    when I answered the knock at our jalousie door

    and there you stood,sheepishly asking if

    my sister was at home.

    I remember your black cowboy boots

    below the last pane,digging into the stoop with the

    nervous squirming of your feet inside.

    You then invited us both out to your family ranch,

    afraid your first date Was a first date,

    and took us riding.

    You gave my sister the golden palomino,

    you rode the black horse

    and you gave me

    the gigantic mule.

    I remember your long bangs

    and over due haircut

    shining like sunlight

    on beach sand and flying

    in the wind.

    The two of you stayed ahead,

    no walking or even trotting allowed.

    Galloping to full runs,

    what a great wild ride we had.

    One of those perfect afternoons

    that we etch to memory.

    I always wished you had married my sister,

    just so we might have a few cute towheads in our family

    to fawn over.

    You signed up and went away

    right after our senior year.

    Sis was engaged to a Navy guy,

    who played on your football team.

    I never even knew you died

    until many years after the fact,

    but when I was in D.C.,

    I finally found your name on that

    dreadful onyx wall amongst the thousands.

    I traced it out and sent it to your Mom

    without a note or explanation,

    but hopefully a simple gesture of remembrance.

    And so,Buck,on each saddest day in May,

    for over forty years

    I have never forgotten your sweet ever smiling face,

    and as Dylan has sung,you will always remain

    "Forever Young".

    5 AnswersPoetry8 years ago