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Lv 6
? asked in Arts & HumanitiesPoetry · 8 years ago

Trending In Florida, We Still Have Strange Fruit/CC?

Trending in Japan right now,

kids are licking eyeballs.

Getting pink eye by the droves,

Ridiculous from their sky falls.

College aged and kindergartners,

get sick from a daring drink,

lots of hot sauce in that mix-

WTF don't they think?

We have oranges,grapefruit,Lemons!

A Good Old Boy Regime,

Stand your ground laws,Republicans,

but nothing is what is seems.

The sunshine state has hanging chads,

and votes that are never counted,

our governor's a criminal,

Medicare rapist ? That's unfounded!

A jury stunted by pro gun laws,

a win win situation,

the last man standing is exempt,

a cause for much elation.

Racial profile never seen?

Oh please , give me a break,

Guns and Skittles,what a duel,

It makes my old heart quake.

Years ago,Blacks got strung up,

no trial,no defense.

Today their killers are just let go,

( with substantial recompense.)

Hide your children, burn their hoodies,

even white kids wear them now.

Stay out of the rain and shadows

or you'll go beneath the plow.

Pocket your cell phone while walking about,

please become more aware,

because if some Gonzo shoots you,

he will never get the chair.

In Florida we still have strange fruit,

even though it doesn't hang now from trees...

but 'till color blindness binds us all

we'll have bad times such as these.

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Nicely done!

    On 06/16/12, Marley Lion, an unarmed, white 17-year-old, was shot and killed by a 30-year-old black man in Charleston, South Carolina. We didn't hear about this. It depends on what the media and shi*t stirrers want you to hear.

    There is injustice everywhere.

  • Kini
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Strange Fruit really was a reference to the Negroes that were found hanging from trees because they were lynched. But, I do like your poem immensely and it is a good title for a bunch of uncivilized barbarians. I think I would like to read more about Florida as Scam Central for Medicare. It wasnt only Rick Scott and his hospital corporation that bilked millions from Medicare, it is many other who perpetrate these crimes now. Thanks to the Obama Admin many have been apprehended and prosecuted.

  • 8 years ago

    Been following this case across the pond. A young person has died and that is a tragedy, whatever the circumstances. Kids do go astray. They need help to put themselves back on track, not a bullet. Sorry folks, but I have very strong views about guns, but I guess that's because I've been brought up without them. Great topical write Tina.

  • 8 years ago

    You speak out when I had lost hope

    of any way to avoid the slippery slope.

    Reasoning and instincts blend into truth,

    and the way the law works these days, proof

    is assembled, contrived, or it vanishes entirely.

    Thanks for your words today-they inspire me.

    This poem just got better and your will more focused and powerful as I read. Good for you for being serious about something everyone else seems to be joking about.My guts are telling me this is a new tactic using reverse psychology to get America disarmed and compliant. NOT gonna happen.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Hanging Treyvons it seems. Chad's killer would have gotten the chair.

    I guess the police told Zimmerman to stay away from Treyvon because he was a bad influence.

  • 8 years ago

    I hear Zimmerman is so scared to show his face he bought a dozen hoodies...

    cool poem.


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