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where are all these anti gun people coming from?

i was just wondering about where the anti gun people are from. i have never met anybody in person who thinks guns should be banned. granted, i live in upstate ny, way upstate. this is a rural area where most people hunt and fish. i guess this is partly why ive never met any anti gun people. is this a city issue? i mean really, what the hell is wrong with guns? obviously they are dangerous when handled by an idiot or a a nutcase, but can you really blame the gun. i just dont understand how gun laws could prevent violence. unless they plan to somehow get rid of all guns, new laws would be of no help at all. there are something like 400 milloin guns in this country. there is no way to stop violence. it seems like the politicians are just using this tragedy to please the silly city people who are constantly looking to "improve" our society. they are taking advantage of all the sappy mothers who relate to the poor parents of the kids who got killed in conneticut to win votes in 2014. thats all i can figure. i guess its just an issue to people in cities who only see the negative aspects of gun ownership and dont understand the positives. what do you think

10 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am from Indiana, and gun banning is definitely not in favor. I really don't know if anyone really wants all guns banned unless they're a moron. I can understand changing some laws about guns though, but the second amendment was created so that if there were any huge problems with the government, the people and their guns could step in and form a revolution. Politicians can talk all they went to appease the city people, but our guns aren't going anywhere.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    American society has changed. Where once an individual was held accountable for his actions, now the individual is analyzed, psychoanalyzed and the blame is then distributed among all mitigating factors such as tv, videos, films, parenting, weapon access, type of weapon, etc etc.

    It's horrific what happened in Newtown. No one denies that. But there is a large sector of society that refuse to accept the facts as they are - that with over 400 million guns, it's a miniscule amount that have been used in a crime. That sector is screaming because suddenly it's white on white crime. They don't seem to be that vocal with the number of murders that take place daily in areas such as Chicago - and I believe because it's black on black crime.

    Folks wanting the bans are scared. They refuse to be educated, they refuse to consider any facts or data presented proving gun bans don't work. So they are reacting with irrational fear and because they seem to feel living in utopia is a right, they're unable to accept that man is capable of violence - and no matter what you do, you can never eradicate violence from society.

    It's a herd mentality - one sheep runs, the rest blindlly and wildly follow.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Making something a criminal offense won't continually give up it.. If weapons have been ever banned than purely the undesirable adult adult males would have them..Criminals desire unarmed victims!! Having a gun won't help each and every of the time yet being defenseless will on no account help.. =============================== Calling 911 and asking the undesirable guy to attend isn't a possible decision extra valuable to have a gun and not want it than to wish it and not have it!!! Police do no longer shield you from crime, they in many circumstances merely look at the crime after it occurs

  • 8 years ago

    This country is FULL of mentally ill people, I know no news flash there. Drugs/mental illness, add a won't stop, don't care what our so called government tries.....they are outnumbered by mentally ill/drug addicts, for those that do have guns and brains, they will NOT give up their guns, we need to protect ourselves from these types of people, this gun thing, since our government can't run this country right, gives them something to talk about, they know this issue as with others will never end. For all the little kids that were killed at the school and past shootings, what has been done by our government NOTHING....but you do notice how Obama and his clan has protection right, they don't really care, they show concern, but they have to, he is the President.

  • gussie
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I guess some of the anti gun people are those who have lost a family member from either the criminal use of a gun or due to reckless storage of a gun. No thug or mentally ill person should have access to weapons that the police are not allowed to use. The police are accountable for every time they fire their weapon , why not the law abiding citizens? Perhaps limit how much ammunition an individual can buy at any time. A bullet doesn't know who or what its target is,nor is it capable of caring. People caught in the crossfire of a gang war or the commission of a crime have their lives permanently altered for someone else's right to bear arms.The public has a right to feel safe outside their home as well as in it.

  • 8 years ago

    That is a question that has many answers, so all you have to do is pick from the following choices

    1. The weak among you who faint and quiver at the sight of any weapons that go "BOOM" or splat or " bang"

    2. Those among you that think a stern reprimand is enough to keep the peace in ANY situation.

    3. Those among you who believe completely that you are absolutely safe and secure 24/7 in your county or state and home because it is the safest country on earth.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The Far Left.

    Source(s): ‡ Fascist leftists confiscate.
  • 8 years ago

    Well if you haven't heard Some guy went into a school and shot 20 kids and 6 adults.He was using a military style rifle with extended magazines. Who needs a military rifle with extended magazines unless your gonna do harm. We shouldn't be able to buy military style rifles with extended magazines more room = more ammo =more shots=more kills without reloading. When your reload you need to stop shooting when you stop shooting you can be shot easier.When you can be shot easier you dont like the feeling when you dont like the feeling you try to fix it .when you try to fix it you get extended magazines. We shouldnt be able to buy extended magazines.I hope I helped

  • 8 years ago

    -The Silent Majority ?? Oh, They've ALWAYs been There... It's just taken the Deaths of 20 of Their Kids- to wake Them up to the Reality that MAYBE this is Something they need to DO Something about... :)

    Source(s): ( So get USED To - Hearing about It...)
  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Why would anyone need military style assault rifles in their homes?

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