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If you believe Jesus existed, can I assume Atlantis existed automatically?

Atlantis existed only in the writings of a philosopher. It's general location and description were vetted by one man and carried through the secondhand tellings of a few.

Jesus had no birth record. The exact location of the inn and manger are never identified. His family dodged census workers so there are no living records. Nothing with his name attached to it. He has no work records. As a carpenter, there are no claims to things he may have built. There are no death records. Conveniently, the record depository that may have held other proofs of his documentable existence was destroyed. As the cherry on the sundae is there is no body. Even the shroud of turin in disputed by believers.

There is nothing that proves Jesus was a living man who walked the Earth at any point. There is nothing that says Atlantis was ever a real city with tangible buildings and roads.

But I'm told I need to believe Jesus came to earth, preached, died, and rose from the grave. If I were to say I believed Atlantis existed as a technologically superior city that errupted into flames, I would be criticized.

But wouldn't opening myself to the unprovable idea that Jesus existed mean I can accept other cryptids and myths were in fact real? There is no more evidence for one than the other.


@Scooterpoop: No witness testimonies while he was alive. Any details we get are from the Apostles and Christians who never knew him or saw him.

@James K: If I'm the one you're addressing, tell me how my assumptions are wrong, don't just say they're wrong. That's what propagandists do.

Update 2:

@mckenzie: I'm agnostic. I believe in a God we have yet to observe. Can't be an anti-theist if I believe in the existence of a god. The solid facts, through science and archeology, show the Christian understanding of God and history is heavily inaccurate. So I can firmly say that the Abrahamic God is fictional in all counts, save for blatant ignorant faith.

However, your "evidence" of Jesus' physical record "writings about a Jesus who was crucified" is biased. None of the people who met him in scripture wrote of him. None who watched him die in scripture wrote of him. He cured the sick, the blind, and restored lepers yet not one of those healed by him wrote of him. Not one member of their friends and family wrote about him.

He's written about solely by Christians (those who worshipped him) and curious ancient historians who never met him, or were born well after the death of Jesus. If you're trying to find out if someone lied to you, you don'

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    This Q is why we know that Scooterpoop is trolling.

  • 8 years ago

    First off I mean no disrespect, just answering your question

    Now you must be getting your facts from somebody else who doesn't know what they are talking about, someone that's just tries to get nonsense debates going to have fun with people (ie the flying spaghetti monster) or somebody like that.

    Now to get into truths.

    Neither science nor historians debate the existence of Jesus. I'll go into some of the why in a moment. The issues that science has is of the divinity of Jesus. Was Jesus the son of a God, or a lunatic. Think of Waco Jesus. If memory serves me he changed his name and started a coo. 100 years from now his records might get lost. So he will only be known as Waco Jesus. From there a couple things could happen he could become a legend, oh a crazy person in history.

    Another way to look at it, is a huge mythological person of this season. I'm not going to say the name, for obvious reasons. Was a real person. However the magics and such were made up. He became a legend.

    Now as for the proofs on Jesus was that he was written about by many places in those days from all over those regions, not just including his execution that was written by the governing element at that time. There is other interesting facts for example the edict to kill children is documented and so on.

    So again the question is not if Jesus exsisted, it is if he was devine.

    As for Atlantis, there is less evidence, but there is enough evidence on it not to think somebody is crazy for believing it exsisted.

  • 8 years ago

    The existence of Atlantis as a continent in the Atlantic Ocean is ruled out by the mid-oceanic ridge and the fact that Pangaea doesn't have room for it. The existence of a historical Jesus is about as plausible as the existence of Diogenes or Socrates. There were few birth records at the time and circumstances were favourable to the adoption of the Messiah role to a man born in the right place and time. That doesn't get you to the Biblical Jesus of course. However, an actual Jewish individual called Yeshua who was executed is, so far as i can see, 100% unproblematic. Loch Ness has insufficient food in it to support an animal the size of Nessie, so it's ruled out.

    Concerning Atlantis, it seems to be an exaggeration of the Minoan civilisation and its destruction by Thera. The exaggeration of those circumstances is akin to how one might suppose the figure of Jesus has been exaggerated, but there's no reason to suppose he never existed. The difficult claims are the ones about miracles, the resurrection and the virgin birth. I don't think it does your case any good to jump to the extreme position that he never existed when you might not claim that Diogenes never existed either.

  • 8 years ago

    Except for a few things:

    1) A "Jesus" is mentioned as existing and even being crucified during that period (Jesus was NOT a rare name, however).

    2) The quotes from Jesus, many of them, originate in Jewish literature, not with Jesus.

    3) Atlantis was supposedly tens of thousands of years in the past. Jesus, 2000 years.

    4) The history of the period had multiple claimants to the role of "Messiah", of people executed for making the claim, and none of it had anything to do with being divine.

    5) However, find me the same things for ANY person in the detail you are demanding? Won't find it. It's a silly comparison.

    6) No one is telling you you HAVE to believe it, save perhaps a few extremists. You're the one making a big production of it all.

    We're tired of Anti-theists acting like other people's beliefs are a personal affront.

    Get over yourself. You waste our time.

  • 8 years ago

    You are missing the reality of the chronology of history involving Jesus of Nazareth.

    He didn't just suddenly appear in past history with no continuity to the present.

    The people who knew Him personally told others and they told others and they told others....

    Jesus of Nazareth IS specifically mentioned throughout the past 2000 years in all historical accounts.

    No person of any kind of credible education disputes His existence because it would be like saying the Planet Earth never existed. It's too historically obvious.

    Some people are so ill educated that they even deny recent history, like those who deny the Holocaust of WWII.

    There is too much physical evidence, and too many witnesses to intellectually deny that it happened but some ignorant people do...just as you have done in regard to Jesus of Nazareth.

    Take some free advice, shut your mouth, open your eyes and ears, and get educated on some of the simplest things in life before making ridiculous comments like you have here.

    I'm actually embarrassed for you because your comments are incredibly ignorant.

    Are you putting us on or are you really this ignorant?

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    We can be sure that Jesus existed pretty much more than anyone else who lived in that time. Have yo seen a birth record of Julius Caesar? Cicero? Alexander the Great? Nero? No. But we are still sure they existed.

    The amount of evidence of Jesus compared to the evidence of Atlantis is stupid. Have you ever heard of Paul's letters?

    Source(s): Common sense
  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    For those of you who say, There is no God,Jesus, Sky Daddy, Satan, or Christians. Please go to Biblical Archeology And read some of what you find there. It proves that God is 100% Real. And so is His Holy Word The Bible.Just check out the below sites.

    Thank you.

    God Bless Ya,

    Chicago Bob


    There is more joy in Jesus in one day.

    Than there is in the World 365/24/7

    I know, I tried them both.

    Numbers 6:24-26

    Source(s): Jesus!
  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Yahweh says; 'There are four eyewitness accounts of Jesus life and ministry. And yes there was a civilization on earth that was flooded before this creation period with no survivors. (the righteous were taken to the heavens first)

    Christine says; 'This is not the flood of Noah in 2 Peter 3:5, as there were no survivors and the earth's mountain tops were visible. In the flood of Noah the mountain tops were covered.'

    2 Peter 3:5 For, according the their (Yahweh and Jesus) wish, this fact escapes their notice, that there were heavens from of old and an earth standing compactly out of water and in the midst of water by the word of God; 6) and by those means the world of that time suffered destruction when it was deluged with water.

    2 Peter 2:5 is talking about the flood of Noah's day, with 8 survivors.

    We can see in Genesis 1:2 that the whole earth is flooded, waste. And later it says the earth was REPLENISHED.

    The two floods are what God meant when he said BOTH here;

    John 12:28 Father, glorify your name." Therefore a voice came out of heaven; "I both glorified it and will glorify it again." (Known as the Gap Theory, which is true)

    So pray for faith, and realize that at the mouth of two witnesses a matter is true, and with the gospels you have four witnesses not to even mention the LDS have more scriptures with Jesus speaking to the scattered tribe of Joseph (Israelites) in the America's at the time of Christ.

    Since judgment day is here, it is imperative that all repent on bended knees and pray for Holy Spirit. Do not delay!

    Best wishes and Merry Christmas (without Santa) to you and yours from Yahweh/Jehovah God, Jesus God and Christine Anne a prophetess.

  • 8 years ago

    You make a lot of assumptions and then erroneously declare yourself to be right.

    Sadly for you, you missed on almost every single one of them.

  • 8 years ago

    well there are meny person who deny holocaust.... and it was 70 years ago... noone can convince you to believe in JC so it's a waste of time to write a exaustive answer

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Actually Jesus did live, found his name Yeshua (Might have spelled it wrong) and it means Jesus...also there were 500 witnesses...what about Atlantis?

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