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are you getting sick of the GOP not compromising? everyone has to pay because they dont want a raise on?

the rich..million dollars is to much..can someone who makes 500,000 a yr afford to pay a little more?


r u guys crazy? i would pay agree to pay more taxes if i were able to pay 250,000 dollars a yr

Update 2:

ray...arrogance like u make rich people look even stupider

Update 3:

ice- they compromised on more cuts

Update 4:

aurthor..every goverment worker gets vacation pay on us!

Update 5:

shady..i moral obligation is for the children

18 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, I'm not sick,

    It's the GOP that's sick!

  • 8 years ago

    But what I've also said is, if we're serious about reducing the deficit, if this is genuinely a moral obligation to the next generation, then in addition to some tough spending cuts, we've also got to make sure that the wealthy do a little bit more. -obama-

    1-4% a little bit more. It's only yes only taxed on income above the 250k mark and even then does not get too 4% until 1 million a year, nope not a million in a lifetime, a year. People a million dollars a year.

    Read more:

    Yes from fox news, so hows your moral obligation people.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    the house speaker canceled a vote in the house that would raise taxes on only those making over ONE MILLION. he did not have enough votes in his own party. i will repeat hard lining republicans wont even raise taxes on those making over ONE MILLION. also i think alot of you are confulsed. it isnot "lets raise revenue on the wealthy and the deficit will go away" it is about raising revenue and most importantly takes more of a burden off the poor and middle class. despite what republicans love to say about the wealthy they are NOT the drivers of the economy. it is is working and middle class. the more income they have the more that is spent. this will lead to MORE JOBS and this is what reaising taxes on the wealthy is about. creating jobs

    the main problem is in obamas first term you had republicans leaders saying it was their goal to see obama as a one term president. thus the four years of filibusters.and those same people are STILL IN OFFICE..and republicans compromised? on what? remember the last time the bush tax cuts came up? remember what the republican leadership did to get their way? they told the president they would not work with him to ratify the START treaty with Russia unless he renewed all the tax rates..holding national security hostage over tax rates? they should all be thrown out of office

  • 8 years ago

    There is nothing the proposed changes in tax code can do. For example, if we were to tax Mr. Warren Buffet at a 100 percent, that still would only cover 4 days of federal spending!

    The problems are uncontrolled federal spending and the hyperinflation by Federal Reserve. Till they address both of those issues there is no hope.

    Source(s): Lots of history and economics research
  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I do not know where you get your information from but you have this so messed up. Republicans do not have a problem with raising taxes on the rich. They have a problem with Obama wanting to increase spending limits without cuts. That is what this is all about. You must know that because of the spending increases that he wants that we are going to be down graded again. That has been all over the news. You really need to get your facts straight in this category or you will continue to be called out.

    Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.

    Abraham Lincoln

  • 8 years ago

    silly ... the version of the tax changes that raises the most per year [80 billion or about 7% of the annual deficit] is also the version that will impact 54% of all American workers by taxing their employers more heavily.

    Do you think those employers are going to reduce their own hours or those of their employees?

    you need to understand that anything we tax results in less of it being done and thus fewer jobs doing it. In this case, we're talking about small businesses that employ people other than the owners. [sure, 97% of all small businesses won't be impacted by Obama's tax the rich scheme -- but what he doesn't tell you is that those 97% of all small businesses have almost no employees other than the owners. the most successful 2% of all small businesses are 54% of America's jobs and these are almost the only ones that have non-owner employees.]

    are you going to keep on trusting someone who omits critical information like this? What is this? You've fallen in love with the Pied Piper and are following him to your doom?

    it's time you woke up, smelled the rot, and stood up for yourself.

    Source(s): grampa -- if the deficits are to be addressed at all without working on entitlements, Obama's tax plan isn't near enough. Besides the 18 taxes in ObamaCare, Nothing less than a national sales tax [or VAT] could possibly raise enough money without crippling jobs and economic growth. And. of course, the middle class and poor will have to pay the VAT/GST [or whatever it is called] -- that's how consumption taxes work.
  • IceT
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    They did compromise. They offered to allow the taxes on people making over $1 million and the Dems. In the Senate won't even bring it to a vote!

    What compromise have Democrats made on spending?

    Edit.... What cuts?! How much in cuts and over what period of time?! The last time I heard they had agreed to no specific cuts!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Its not the idea of raising taxes on the rich but more of where is that money truly going to go? Pay off our National debt? Go to worthwhile Government agencys? put people back to work? or line Obamas and his croonies pockets with new money to spend on what they want? maybe give Clinton more to give away to Nations who despise us so for another worthless cause? Obamas money tree is growing awfully thin nowadays and need some more money on it to look healthy. Check out the millions Obama just wasted going to Hawaii at our expense. This is what the GOP is eighing against Obamas plans to do what is right for America especially with knowing Obama is out to destroy America! Happy New Year

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    We HAVE been compromising, honey. It's Obama who refuses to compromise and idiots like you who can't see that. We gave him what he asked for last year, but he doesn't want it anymore. We're willing to raise taxes on those who make a million a year--like in the UK--but he isn't happy about that. When are you going to open your eyes?!

    $250K a year is nothing for a small business but not knowing what you're talking about and believing the party lines makes you believe it is. Do a little research, sweetie, and stop appearing so ignorant. Oh, and by the way, the IRS takes donations. Why isn't Obama's buddy, Warren Buffet, donating some millions?

  • 8 years ago

    I've been sick, of the Republican party, sense I stopped being one... Back when this old white, land owner, & the vast majority of blacks, completely gave up, on the Republican party... After all the Reagan Democrats, & Dixiecrat's, turned Republican.... I didn't like the old southern Democrats & Dixiecrat's, when they were Democrat... Now that they're Republican,,, I still don't like them...

    There's just something fundamentally wrong, with slavery... Be it actual slavery, or right to work states, for, or below, minimum wage...

  • MK6
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    History as shown that for every $1 in revenue, - Congress can't help but to spend $1.10 of it.

    Whether it's 10 cents or whatever, - overspending is the REAL problem.

    But even if the rich are gouged, it won't solve more than 1/2 of 1 percent of the debt problem.

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