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Where in Bible prophecy does it say Satan Himself indwells the Antichrist.?

I have heard that after the Antichrist is assassinated, he rises and is immediately indwelt by Satan himself. Where is the scripture for this? And yes, I am prepared for the assault of wise-*** answers so fire away.

6 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    in the book of revelation, it mentions 3 spirits of frogs.

    frogs imply drug abuse, and spirits imply posession.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Satan is NOT a fallen angel, spirit being or rival god. Satan IS one's own evil inclination that humans are challenged to master because survival alone was not enough of a challenge for humankind.

    Yeshayahu- Isaiah - Chapter 14

    12. How have you fallen from heaven, the morning star? You have been cut down to earth, You who cast lots on nations.

    Isaiah 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

    The original Hebrew text has No Lucifer !

    xtians changed it to promote their own agenda

    Tehillim - Psalms - Chapter 139

    8. If I ascend to the heavens, there You are, and if I make my bed in the grave, behold, You are there.

    KJV - Psalms 139:

    8 If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there .

    xtians changed it to promote their own agenda

    Most people who have read the Bible only in English think they know what it says.

    But do they?

    Translations from the original Hebrew have often changed the text’s intended meaning in significant ways. Take, for example:

    * “The Lord is my shepherd”—the modern concept of shepherd is not what the biblical authors intended

    * “Thou shalt not covet”—coveting is not what’s forbidden in this commandment

    Where did things go wrong?

    The problem began with the King James Version of the Bible (KJV). Commissioned in 1604 by King James of England and published in 1611, this literary classic still forms the basis of most biblical translations in English, including that of the Jewish Publication Society (JPS). This is problematical, first because English usage has changed so much in the past 400 years, rendering some of the original translations inaccurate; and second, because the KJV translators made serious translation mistakes that have been retained in contemporary English translations.

    In short, the biblical shepherd was a “hero.”

    By substituting “hero” for “shepherd,” we can make sense of the rest of the Psalm. “The Lord is my hero; I shall not want.” In other words, since God—like a ro’eh —is powerful enough to provide protection, guidance, and security, I’ll have nothing to worry about.

    xtians changed it to promote their own agenda

    The Story of ET - the xtian delusion of complete translation

    Bereshit Bara Eloheim Et - IN A BEGINNING G-D CREATED ET. These are the first words of Torah, Genesis 1:1, ET was not translated by christian translators, they had no understanding of its meaning, so they just left it out. (So much for the thought voiced in Deuteronomy 8:3 that man lives by every word of G*D - for the translators stole G*D's words from you - no big deal to them !) ET is spelled Aleph Tav. Aleph Tav is an abbreviation for the ALPHA-BET. Aleph is the first letter of the ALPHABET and Tav the last. So in a beginning G-d created the ALPHA-BET. And G-d did this before creating the heavens and the earth. G-d used the letters, the building blocks, to create the world. Also the original Hebrew was written without vowels, an alternate reading of Bereshit Bara Eloheim Et - is For the sake of Torah and Israel. Which would make the first line a dedication to those whom it was written.

  • 8 years ago

    I don't think that is a Bible prophecy unless it is in the apocrypha. Books not part of the KJV I've never read those. A catholic priest should be able to tell you if such a statement is there.

  • sallas
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    No, then that they had examine the Bible back, devise a clean way of examining/examining it and upload some passes telling of the autumn of the anti-christ. The Bible is God's Wikipedia. :D

  • 8 years ago

    God-bearer Virgin Mary died 15 years after Christ's Ascension. In 3 days, Christ resurrected Her body. Jesus was born of the Father before time. Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father only. God is one. God=the Most Holy Trinity. 80 foot (25 meter) dinosaurs (man-eaters) are still alive today. They live under our level by the way. They will use sinkholes and lakes to come out to our level to play a game. Demons ride in UFOs. Don't go into a UFO ship to be healed by demons! Aborted babies go to hell for 33.5 years to grow up there in the dark. Abortion needs to be stopped! New documents lead to hell. Reject the chip, the evil plastic small world grey passport, and the 666 tattoo by lasers from hell! When people stretch hands to receive the evil plastic card (small grey world passport), 666 tattoo is given by lasers on the forehead or the wrist area. Food stores will laser people too. Of course, police will chip and laser people on the highways. Go hide in a village with 7-15 people per house to escape getting chipped and lasered. Antichrist is an evil flying pale gay man with red eyes from the tribe of Dan who is surrounded by demons who appear as angels of light. These demons carry the antichrist at the speed of light. Deceived people will say: "Christ is here, Christ is there!". Antichrist is possessed by Satan since he's 12 years old; he also wears gloves to hide his long animal-like nails. God is one. Jesus is 100% God and 100% man! Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father only. Christ preached in hell; those who believed, got out of hell. Orthodoxy is the only Biblical faith.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    You have 1 BIG PROBLEM with your question. Its very common these days and i hate to see more and more people to go this road.

    You "HEARD"

    What you should have been able to say is "I READ"

    When Jesus comes, he wont care what you HEARD, he will ask you what you READ.

    Start READING my friend.

    God Bless !!!!

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