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I am a retired science teacher who majored in chemistry and biology. I still maintain interest in these subjects. My interest in spiritual subjects comes from personal experience and a careful personal analysis of the facts presented without a bias toward following the tenants of others for personal gain or because of character weakness. I am not a follower.
What is the best evidence against the existence of a creator god?
By the way it is not science. It is not mathematics. Is is not even philosophical thought. Although do you get the answer you may have to do some rather unusual philosophical thinking. I will give you a little bit of a Hint. You might say it has something to do with biology. Your answers should be amusing. Later I may a give you more of a hint.
9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agoSince the NSA knows more about you than you know about yourself. Why can't they furnish the answers.?
Since the NSA knows more about you than you know about yourself. Why can't they furnish the answers to all the questions the required to sign up for medical insurance. All you should have two provide is your name and social security number. Somewhere in the NSA they already know everything else and should be able to provide information to any government agency that needs it. They already do that if it works against you why should a not also do that for your benefits.
4 AnswersCurrent Events8 years agoWhat do you think about this?
About the young woman in Washington who tried to get into the White House with her one year old baby in the car and was killed for her trouble by police. No one seems to know what her motivations were for her actions. Just suppose she was a young mother ( apparently she was) who has been receiving WIC payments to feed her child. It was reported once in the news that because of the government shutdown the WIC program was shut down also. Therefore she might have found herself unable to feed her baby. Not knowing where else to turn she drove from Massachusetts to Washington DC in hopes of finding help. Well I suppose in a way she did. What do you think or do you say?
6 AnswersCurrent Events8 years agoWe all know how Pax Romano turned out for Jesus Christ anyway. Do you think Pax USA will end any better?
After all our president(s) want to use the same techniques as the Romans did (by the way a democracy to start with as well) except perhaps our weapons can kill more people at a time than theirs. (The Chinese had not taught them to make explosives yet. We now know how to make our own more terrible and effective than theirs)
Do you suppose our present president knows these things?
Do you suppose he and his advisors can swallow their pride and admit “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it” and they are on the wrong side of history. Or will they continue to make the mistakes of the Romans,the George Bush/Cheney's, etc and perhaps kill us all; and start Armageddon ? Perhaps even line up to battle in the plain of Megiddo
OK, hawks can you learn; and doves will you rise up and stop the fools before it is too late?
If the term pax Romano is new to you
Pax Ro·ma·na
1. the terms of peace imposed by ancient Rome on its dominions.
2. any state of peace imposed by a strong nation on weaker or defeated nations.
3. an uneasy or hostile peace.
2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agoWe all know how Pax Romano turned out. Do you think Pax USA will end any better?
After all our president(s) want to use the same techniques that the Romans did (by the way a democracy to start with as well) except perhaps our weapons can kill more people at a time than theirs. (The Chinese had not taught them to make explosives yet we now know how to make our own more terrible and effective than theirs)
Do you suppose our present president knows these things?
Do you suppose he and his advisers can swallow their pride and admit, “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it”, and they are on the wrong side of history or will they continue to make the mistakes of the Romans,the George Bush/Cheney's, etc and perhaps kill us all.
OK, hawks can you learn and doves will you rise up and stop the fools before it is too late?
If the term pax Romano is new to you
Pax Ro·ma·na
1. the terms of peace imposed by ancient Rome on its dominions.
2. any state of peace imposed by a strong nation on weaker or defeated nations.
3. an uneasy or hostile peace.
1 AnswerOther - News & Events8 years agoWhy is my Yahoo email inbox poluted?
by an Amazon add that I can not get rid of. It is at the top and I can not delete it. It is very aggravating.
2 AnswersAbuse and Spam8 years agoThe US and British media are clearly taking sides in the Syrian and Egyptian conflicts.?
What do you think about that?
3 AnswersCurrent Events8 years agoWhy do people on yahoo answers hide their past questions and answers?
Is it shame of what you have asked of said. No one knows who you are so what is the problem if others see your question and answer history
13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agoHas God not handed Obama his greatest opportunity?
First hurricane Issac disrupted the Republican convention and stole much of the attention away from the Republicans
Second Issac is attacking New Orleans exactly 7 years to the day after Katrina. We all know what Republican president George Bush did not do.
As commander and chief of the greatest organization in the world with the ability to help and protect americans What do you expect Obama to do?
7 AnswersPolitics9 years agoHas God not handed Obama his greatest opportunity?
First hurricane Issac disrupted the Republican convention and stole much of the attention away from the Republicans
Second Issac is attacking New Orleans exactly 7 years to the day after Katrina. We all know what Republican president George Bush did not do.
As commander and chief of the greatest organization in the world with the ability to help and protect americans What do you expect Obama to do?
5 AnswersCurrent Events9 years agoHas God not handed Obama his greatest opportunity?
First hurricane Issac disrupted the Republican convention and stole much of the attention away from the Republicans
Second Issac is attacking New Orleans exactly 7 years to the day after Katrina. We all know what Republican president George Bush did not do.
As commander and chief of the greatest organization in the world with the ability to help and protect americans What do you expect Obama to do?
2 AnswersElections9 years agoDo you trust John Fahey Or the organization he heads?
John Fahey is the president of the "World" anti doping agency. This brouhaha over Lance Armstrong and doping chemicals has gone on for years and I remember it seemed to be settled after his first Tour de France win many years ago. Fahey said that Lance giving up the fight with this dictatorial agency is proof of guilt by admission of guilt.
What do you think. If you are just going to support doping forget it I will choose a best answer and it won't be you. This is a question about Lance and the agencies who want to put him down.
By the way Fahey can you even ride a tricycle.
1 AnswerCurrent Events9 years agoThe right thing to do?
Thank you Rick Perry for doing the right thing and Supporting the turtle. I rarely like anything Rick ever does but this time you got it right. Run turtle Run.
2 AnswersElections9 years agoLeft for dead on the road?
The said he was left for dead by the side of the road in Iowa. But the turtle is up and running strong. Go turtle go. What do you think?
2 AnswersElections9 years agoIt appears if you vote?
democrat you will probably vote for Obama. If you vote republican you may end up voting Orama. What's the difference??
2 AnswersElections9 years agoI have a net book computer. It works well with google and chrome. When I try yahoo mail the adds eat it alive?
I have used yahoo for many years but lately when I try to use yahoo mail yahoo eats all of the resources of my computer with all the adds. It uses all of the processor 100% and even keeps me from being able to receive my mail. Is there a simple solution that does not require buying s new computer or should I just quit using yahoo entirely. I would rather not quit yahoo completely as I have many contacts who use my yahoo email and chrome work like a charm.
3 AnswersNotices and Errors1 decade agoHave you read h.r. 3200 Affordable health care bill?
Try Result #4. At least you can check the information on the internet spam network if they quote the bill or tell you certain parts mean certain things. Spam is then easy to see. Look for yourself
10 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoShould Amazon or any internet company collect sales taxes for any State?
Sales taxes are punishment for the poor. While they may not actually pay more net tax individually than the more affluent they pay a higher percent of their income.
Many people shop on line because they can not afford the same goodies or needs from local sales tax collecting stores.
Is this not just another State grab to collect more money from the poorer citizens of their state. This from a state that if they collected a reasonable tax from corporations incorporated in the state would be the richest state in the nation.
Amazon has decided for now not to ship to Rode Island. Right on Amazon!!!
2 AnswersOther - Taxes1 decade agoYou believe in evolution?
Of course you do. It can be proven. We can even cause it (different breeds of dogs for example) But is creation the underpenning for all that is?
If you want to believe the delusion that evolution is the basis for everything don't watch the youtube demonstration above. Shoots determinism down.
19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago