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Lv 5
? asked in PetsDogs · 8 years ago

How to feed a dog that is not mine? I have troubles.?

Please can someone help me? I am looking after my neighbor's two dogs for 2 weeks, but one of them won't eat for me. I feed them exactly as by the instructions of the owners. One dog will eat well, but the other one refuses to eat. However, that dog will take a treat doggy biscuit from my hand, but I cannot give her only treats. I tried to feed her normal food by hand, and sometimes she will take a little bit, but it is not enough. She gets one scoop of dry biscuits in the mornings, and one scoop of dry biscuits in the afternoon. I also give them bones to chew on twice a week, and I walk them both every second day. The dog that won't eat is not sick, she will play, but why won't she eat. I am kind to both dogs and spend time patting them also because I know they will miss their folks while they are away. I cannot contact the owners because they are on a cruise and their mobiles phones are out of range, so I don't know what to do this time. It has been three days now, and all she has had is a few biscuits from my hand. What can I do to help the dog?


Thank you so much to all who have responded, I will consider your advice carefully. I do not have dogs myself, so I don't really know that much about dog psychology. I need not buy food for them as they have each a drum full of food, and there is plenty. I think maybe this dog might not trust me. She is drinking well, and seems fine. But I take her into the house and spend time bonding with her and she does like that. Thanks again heaps to everyone for helping me out.

Update 2:

Regarding vet, the dogs owner gave us the phone number of their mobile vet, and they already have advised the vet that we are looking after the dogs, and if we do need a vet, the owner accepts the bill. But I will wait and see, perhaps she will come good after a few more days. Thanks again, I so much appreciate everyones good advice.

Update 3:

Regarding vet, the dogs owner gave us the phone number of their mobile vet, and they already have advised the vet that we are looking after the dogs, and if we do need a vet, the owner accepts the bill. But I will wait and see, perhaps she will come good after a few more days. Thanks again, I so much appreciate everyones good advice.

7 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would not worry too much - most dogs are actually a little over fed and they can go without food for quite a while. The time to really worry is if she is not drinking water.

    I would actually walk them both every day - unless the exercise restrictions are on a vets advice of course - this may stimulate her to feel more hungry.

    I would offer her half the amount of food she is supposed to be on, in a bowl, at a set time and leave her in the room alone to eat it. Go back in 15 minutes and take up the bowl and put it away until the next meal time.

    The reason for this is that anxious dogs can feel overwhelmed by a large amount of food and so will eat next to nothing or nothing at all. Exercise obviously stimulates appetite but it also reduces stress so walking them daily should help.

    What I would not do, is give her treats or put any extras on her food as this could teach her to be fussy over her meals and her owners will not thank you for that.

  • 8 years ago

    My best friend has been my dog sitter for my 12 year old's entire life, and to this day, she still doesn't eat the first several that days I'm away. I'm sure this dog is stressed or upset that her owners are gone. When she gets hungry, she'll eat. My brother's dog gets so upset when they go away that he sometimes won't eat for 4 or 5 days.

    Please do not go out and buy different food or take someone else's dog to the vet then give them the bill. Changing the food actually could make her sick to her stomach, and it doesn't sound like there's any reason to go to the vet.

    Please don't worry too much about it right now. If it gets to be a week or more, give their vet a call. They can give you some advice without you needing to make an appointment.

    If it is really bothering you, you can try adding a small amount of chicken broth (sodium free) to her food. Don't soak it, but drizzle a little over the food so it gets on a good part of it.

    Source(s): Life long dog owner.
  • Shawn
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    When one of our boarders won't eat, we techs get upset. The doctors usually don't get upset a bit, saying that they'll eat when they get hungry! So if the doggie isn't acting sick, then it's probably going to be fine.

    One thing we do is to take canned food of the SAME exact thing and stir a tablespoon into the dry food -- sometimes we microwave it a tiny bit and stir it up really good. That will help entice them to eat. You do not want to buy a completely different food, though, since that could cause diarrhea. If you can't find the same, identical dog food in canned variety, then don't use that idea. Another idea would be to add a little warm water and stir it up.

    If the dog is playful and still not eating, then no vet is needed as long as she eats even a tiny bit. Some dogs just do that. Imagine if she were in a boarding facility! yikes. You are doing a good job.

    vet tech

  • 8 years ago

    -Maybe he's not hungry, just leave him the food when he's hungry he'll eat.

    -Also try putting him in a small place like in the bathroom and put his food in there with him, he'll maybe eat it.

    -I got my dog 3 months ago once I got him he didn't want to eat either, I think it was because he was sad that he changed owners but after a few days he started eating normally.

    -Maybe that dog thinks the owners gave you him and he's just hurt and sad, but maybe after a while he'll start eating make him feel comfortable and give him love so your house will feel like his to him.

    I hope it helps, if not contact the vet they can give you better advice than us on the web. Every person will tell you something different :)

    -Cinthia (NM)

  • 8 years ago

    I don't think she trusts you since she doesn't really know you yet. You need to pet and baby her a little more so she can get used to you and will eat for you. I had this problem with one of my dogs when I was gone for a few months. She no longer wanted to eat what I gave her, but would set everything my dad gave her (he looked after her while I was gone)

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Whoa! Did their flea collars have call tags? Do your acquaintances understand you fed them? Technically, via feeding them, you took on the accountability of them. My greatest subject is with rabies. you recognize you may no longer have had them around your infants. i'm no longer lecturing. it fairly is fairly helpful to touch a attorney and get an opinion. And via them going into your neighbor's backyard and killing 2 cats, it somewhat is a available lawsuit. i might attempt just to disclaim accountability and purely say "they got here visiting yet I wasn't taking good care of them". better of success. and don't enable strays around the infants. human beings have been getting rabies presently.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    maybe he is not hungry.try soaking it in water for about 45 min and dthen give it to him.Thats what i do to my dog.

    Source(s): my dog
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