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  • how to get rid of other peoples kids?

    An 11 year old boy keeps coming over all the time wanting to play with our two cats. I told parents it was too much because he comes over every morning 6 or 7 am and every night at 6pm. At these times we walk our cats on a lead because they are Indoor cats. He did stop walking into our front yard all the time, but instead he followed us every time we walked the cats in the local park. I am so fed up with this situation every day, but don't want to be on bad terms with him. Can anyone please give me some god ideas how to solve it skillfully. The kid is bored and does not play with other kids in the street so he has become a bit obsessed with our cats. We just need ideas please.

    2 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • How to get rid of neighbour's kid.?

    An 11 year old boy want to come to visit us every day. Whenever he sees us in the front garden he wants to come and play with our two cats. We take the cats for walks on a lead morning and night (they are indoor cats). Today he was here 6.30am when I took the cats out. Tonight again at 6pm he was there too. This goes on every day and I am so fed up. I told his parents we did not want him coming over all the time. So he did not come over much, but he followed us every time we walked the cats. I know he feels bored and don't seem to play much with other kids. But I dont want that to be my responsibility to entertain him all the time. He does not have any boundaries. I dont want to be on bad terms with him, but when I am kind to him it always backfires and he wants more and more time. I need ideas to solve this situation in a positive but assertive way. Help please.

    11 AnswersEngagements & Weddings8 years ago
  • mobile phone antivirus help please.?

    I have a Nokia Asha 311 mobile phone, it is not an android phone, what kind of antivirus software is available for non-android phones? I can't seem to find any.

    2 AnswersSecurity8 years ago
  • Will my phone be ok, i dropped it into a cup of tea?

    I accidently dropped my mobile phone into a cup of tea! Will it be ok when it has dried out?

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • How to feed a dog that is not mine? I have troubles.?

    Please can someone help me? I am looking after my neighbor's two dogs for 2 weeks, but one of them won't eat for me. I feed them exactly as by the instructions of the owners. One dog will eat well, but the other one refuses to eat. However, that dog will take a treat doggy biscuit from my hand, but I cannot give her only treats. I tried to feed her normal food by hand, and sometimes she will take a little bit, but it is not enough. She gets one scoop of dry biscuits in the mornings, and one scoop of dry biscuits in the afternoon. I also give them bones to chew on twice a week, and I walk them both every second day. The dog that won't eat is not sick, she will play, but why won't she eat. I am kind to both dogs and spend time patting them also because I know they will miss their folks while they are away. I cannot contact the owners because they are on a cruise and their mobiles phones are out of range, so I don't know what to do this time. It has been three days now, and all she has had is a few biscuits from my hand. What can I do to help the dog?

    7 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • What is your experience?

    I would like to find out how other people manage to walk their cats on a leash? What has your experience been like? Does your cat like it? Do you have enough patience? Do you experience any problems when walking with your cat? Why do you walk the cat? How often do you walk the cat? What effect does it have on your cat? What affect does it have on you? I am not asking because I want to know how to do it because I already walk my two cats very successfully every day. But I am interested in hearing other cat owners experience with walking their cats on a leash.

    2 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • Do you think this is fair?

    I walk my cat on a harness and leash every day in the local park, and it is legal for me to do so. It is law here that all dogs/pets must be on a leash anywhere they walk in a public area. Some dog owners are so irrisponsible and let their dog go without a leash. This means other dog owners, people with young children, and people walking with their cats are in constant danger of loose dogs harressing them. How do we get people to be responsible and put their dog on a leash??????? When can the rest of us walk our pets in peace without being bothered by irrisponsible people and their dogs???????????

    7 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Can you tell me about this, please?

    When I shop and when I cook I check the kilojoules/calorie content per 100g of the food I choose. But, I don't know if that is supposed to be the kilojoules/calories for 100g dry product or for 100g cooked product, as in oats, rice, or Quinoea seeds. Do you know? I would really appreciate if someone can give me the accurate information about this because it greatly impacts on the amount of food I can have. Thanks folks.

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • Do you think this is fair?

    Today I walked my cat on a leash along the pathway at the local creek. A dog owner walked towards me with his large black Doberman Pincher unrestrained. I saw them from a distance, picked up the cat in my arms and stepped away from the path 5 meters over towards the fence on the other side of the pathway, and the dog owner clearly saw me pick up the cat and walk aways from the path. The unrestrained dog kept running over towards me and the cat on my arms. The cat got very scared because the dog was so close, and in its fear of the dog the cat scratched me. I yelled over to the dog owner to call his dog back and put it on the leash. He didn't, and so I told him politely that it is law that all dogs must be restrained on a leash when walking in public. My cat was frantic and out of his wits because the dog was so big and so close. The dog owner was rude and said I should not walk my cat there in the first place. When he walked away his dog was still not restrained. I calmed down my cat, but I was so upset because the dog owner refused to call back his dog. Under normal circumstances my cat is fine with dogs when they are on a leash. He will just sit down low and wait for them to pass. But this dog was unrestrained. How can dog owners be so ignorant? He could see I was struggling to hold my cat. What would you have done? The dog owner refused to give me his name, so I am unable to report him. But I wrote a letter of complaint to the local City Council asking them to run a campaign for dog owners to keep their dogs on leash whenever they are out in public area. Cat owners should have the same right to walk their cat in peace as dog owners walk their dog.

    What do you think? It could have ended far worse than it did.

    6 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • What does your cat mean to you?

    I am curious about what having a cat means to you, how important is the cat in your life?

    5 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • What was the last kind thing you did?

    In a world where we often hear news of crime and disaster, instead I now like to hear to positive news. So tell me what was the last kind thing you did for someone, and why?

    13 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • What kind of art is hanging on your bedroom walls?

    I am curious as to what you surround yourself with in your bedroom sanctuary?. Do you decorate your bedroom? Do you not bother? Why did you choose the decorations you now have?

    6 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • How do you feel about music in the shops?

    I hate it, some shops like K-Mart, Crazy Clark, Target etc I don't want to shop in any more; you have to wear ear plugs because the music is so loud. I only buy groceries at Aldi now because they don't have music, so you can shop in peace.

    What do you think?

    1 AnswerBrisbane9 years ago
  • What can we do about crims?

    Some young messed up people gathered in our local park, and damaged a picnic bench. Now the local council has removed the table, benches and concrete slab completely. No one can use it any more. Before it was used (besides by the reckless youngsters) by people sitting at the table for a picnic, people walking in the park with their pets used to stop and rest there, and by mothers with their young children playing. Why is it that a few irresponsible youngsters can ruin things for the rest of the local community. We objected to the authorities and were told it was removed because the youngsters were playing with homemade explosives. We have seen fires lid, but have had no confirmation from police about explosives. Well surely that is a matter for the police, but the local council used it as an excuse for no longer maintaining the park facilities. I do not like this trend in society that the destructive actions of a few low minded individuals becomes the standard influencing the rest of us and changing our decent, happy way of life in the community. What do you think? And what would you do about it?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • how to deal with very difficult daughter in law?

    Our daughter in law has a totally disfunctional family, plus bad attitude. For the sake of family harmony and unity, I try my best to accept her. Love dictates that we forgive others a lot, and give them a chance to change. But deep down I am embarrased by associating with her at family gettogethers. I treat her and her three children with respect, but there is always stress and dis- harmony when they are around. I like to support my son's 'ready made family", but I don't know how.

    What would you do?

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • How do you ensure your indoor cat has enough exercise?

    How much time do you spend each day excercising your cat, what do you do, and how does the cat feel about it? Is it working well for you?

    3 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • Are Ragdoll cats floppy from birth, or does that characteristic develop later in the cat's life?

    Not sure about this. I have a Ragdoll male 1 year old, and from birth he was not floppy. But now he seems to be a little bit more yielding when I pick him up, so I wanted to know how other Ragdoll cats are in this regard. My cat is pure bred Ragdoll.

    1 AnswerCats9 years ago
  • Are you addicted to internet?

    I am wondering how people feel about internet use, is it the way to interact and socialize these days?

    3 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • How can I keep my 2 year old fig trea healthy?

    Every year we get grasshoppers and insects eating the leaves and sometimes even the figs. I don't like to spray with poisons, but like to find a natural effective remedy, can you help?

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape9 years ago
  • Do you feel guilty over keeping indoor cats?

    I have an inner conflict over keeping indoor cats because I would love to see my cats having full freedom and full access to nature, the garden, etc, and just keep them inside at night. I treat my two cats very well, and they also have a large outdoor enclosure, but they would rather go free in the garden.. I walk them both on a lead daily and they visit the local park and creek for 1/2 to 1 hour. But at home they will jump fences and our neighbors have dogs. If they are outside in the back yard I keep them on a lead, they can enjoy the garden, and they are always supervised, have drinking water etc. Still I would love to give them full freedom, I feel I am depriving them of their liberty. Perhaps I am worried over nothing, but if I was a cat, I would not like to be on a lead. It always concerns me in the back of my mind. How do you feel about indoor cats?

    5 AnswersCats9 years ago