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relationship problems because of health issues need advice?

little background. a few years ago i got really sick and went to the doctor and they randomly tested me for diabetes. found out i was type 2 diabetic and high blood pressure. the doc put me on a medication and it made me sicker for 6 months or longer. then they decided to listen to me and switch the prescription. i woke up several days with super super low blood sugar. it scared me so much i stopped taking the medication and never went back to the doctor. i had no insurance and it was a low income clinic.

for a couple years now since that. i have worked jobs where i did not get insurance or temp jobs that did not offer it. many times i would work one job and go weeks for the next. i never had a way to see a decent doctor. i have been with my fiance for 13 years. highschool sweetheart. he refuses to get married unless its this big event. he has awesome medical insurance that i could take advantage of if we were married. i have mentioned it several times in fights. but it doesnt seem to bother him. he had cancer last year and we are now trying to recover from that to plan a wedding! i cant help but to just be angry cause now that he had cancer my health issues never seem to be important. he is now in remission and doing great. i love him and happy for him. i cant force him to marry me. but we did have to put off the wedding and i had to miss a lot of work to take care of him.

now a week ago i started to get a nasty cold. after a week i went to the er last night. the doctor said i have walking phenomia. they were really concerned about my blood sugar and high blood pressure and said they want me to see a doc asap. when i came home to discuss this with my fiance once again, he had nothing to say. said what do you want me to do about it. etc. i am just so angry about this and dont know how to talk to him and get him to understand where im coming from. these are serious long term problems that i need to take care of. I have also had problems with my stomach the past year and lots of horrible headaches. im a mess! but i sucked it up and took care of him which was more important the past year. all i did was work to cover bills cause he wasnt! and when i wasnt working i was taking care of him. when he was doing chemo he was soo sick he couldnt get out of bed even for weeks at a time.

i am not working right now. so he is the bread winner of the house at the moment. so i am at his mercy in a way until i get a job again. i lost my job because i had to miss a lot of work when he was recovering from a stem cell transplant. so i wouldnt even be jobless unless it was from him! he wont help me money wise with anything. after i went to the er he had to make it clear he will have to live like a poor person cause of the prescriptions and cold meds i needed.

Im venting! I know! But am i wrong for being mad or am i being selfish?


for the person who said about us not being married.. well 13 years is close enough lol. and in illinois it is messed up cause even being unemployed you cant get public assistance with health unless you have kids! i applied a few years ago and they offered me a link card to purchase groceries but would not help with the medical unless i were on disability. and its easy to say he is a jerk and just walk away. but its my fault too for letting it go this far and not stressing how important my problems are. dealing with his cancer was more important. but i figured he would have a greater understanding now about health after the fact.

6 Answers

  • Tina
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You have a right to be mad. No, you are not selfish but he is. You have been with that man for 13 years and he does that to you. That is so unfair. I really hate to say this but you need to evaluate your relationship with your fiancé. It's hard to believe that he loves you. I would leave him and I would get public assistance. You are better off without him. You lost your job so you could be with him and then he turns around and refuses to help you. Only a heartless person can do that. What a loser.

  • 8 years ago

    You are not being selfish. You did a lot for your fiance when he needed it and now it's you who needs the help.

    You're trying to think practically and stacking up your health issues but an instant marriage is not an option is it - so it is futile even thinking about his wonderful health cover but you can't access it without being married.

    Worrying about your health will compound your problems and make you feel worse.

    I'm the wrong person to answer this really since I am at the other end of the spectrum to you, I can count on one hand the number of times over the past 5 years that I have actually swallowed a pill of any type and it was Ibuprofen actually, 200mg. when I was in a lot of pain. I try to treat anything I can with natural remedies and I'd advise you to do the same if possible.

    You sound like you need a little tonic and you're a bit down so try St.John's Wort and with blood pressure you cannot top beetroot! You're online so you can research 'super foods' and natural cures. Just doing something will make you feel better and ease your worries.

    Your fiance does not know what to do or what to say when you get on the subject of your health and you could be damaging your relationship putting him in this position since men generally like to solve problems for their woman and be a hero so be careful what you say to him. He is not being as generous in spirit to you as you were to him when he needed your care and attention though I'm hearing that loud and clear. But the thing is YOU need more money so you can afford better health care. More money - now how are you going to get it? Focus on this hurdle because this is the main problem. The marriage having to be put back was a natural step and you are still together and intending to marry. Put some effort into sweetening up your relationship right now as it sounds as if it has gone a little sour between you. Don't let health concerns ruin what you have.

    I do feel sorry for you, it can't be easy in your position and not working and with ailments. Think positive thoughts and imagine better times and they will materialize for you I hope. Good luck.

    Source(s): life
  • BBSC
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    WOW I would give him a ultimatum, You said you have been together 13 years and that is long enough to take care of someone and them to take you for granted. He probably thinks that you need him just as much as he needs you. My advice is for you to just pack up and leave him because it doesn't seem like he is interested in your health problems or marrying you. You never said how old you were but you can make it on your own and get your own insurance you do need to think about yourself now because diabetes and high blood pressure is nothing to deal with. My husband has type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure and he kept putting off going to a doctor until he started swelling up then he went and they had to do open heart surgery or he would of not lasted until the end of the year. So please take care of yourself and don't let it get any worse. GOOD LUCK

  • 8 years ago

    You're not wrong or selfish. I know what you're going thru. Mine did the same thing. He throws fits all the time. Thank God I didn't have his baby or I would have paid for all that when his job had free coveage. I almost died a year ago when I had a bad reaction to a fire any sting because he denied me medical care. I had to beg for his epi pen.. All I can say is from my experience is it doesn't get better no matter what either you or I do. These guys won't marry us. They just want a maid or a bed partner.. And both you and I deserve better than these circus clowns who never grew up. They aren't worth our tears. Our brains know this but our hearts don't. I am trying to open my heart to a man who will be good to me and give 50 50 in a real relationship and stop playing house. Try sone Vanadyl for your blood sugar as well as cinnamon capsules and chromium piconate. Go for walks. Pray. Visit supportive friends for your blood pressure. And find a

    guy who will treat you like you deserve. Life is too short to be this unhappy. That's what I keep telling myself. I hope we both can find our "Mr


    Source(s): Experience
  • Wayne
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Go to the Dr and do what you have to do. Just because you had a bad experience with one Dr, it does not mean they are all bad. Tell your man you need to see a Dr and get yourself taken care of. Neither of the 2 problems you have can be screwed with. They are killers. It is not a case of what can you do. There is only one thing you can do, and if your man does not realize doctors are cheaper than a hospital stay or a funeral, then you need to dump him and go on public assistance. At least then you will have medical help

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    if my man dont care about me, all, even health, then theres a problem!! for better or for worse, in sickness and in health.......these vows are cherished, and he should grow up, oh wait, ya arent married......then why are you in this category??

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