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Gay people, my friend is being discriminated against at work?

A woman I am friendly with told me her boss is mean to her, and treats her different from the other straight employees. She definitely cultivates a "butch" appearance, but I'm not sure if her (male) boss is just going by that or what. She is not given overtime like the other employees, and that is in her contract. She is a postal carrier. She is stopped on the job and told someone else will finish for her, etc., which keeps her from earning her pay as well. But the worst part is, he told her, "I wouldn't want any of my daughters growing up like you." She is in a union, but says it's her word against his, and there are no witnesses. I know this is illegal as well as morally wrong of this guy, but what can I do to help?

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    She should carry a small recorder with her and go in to talk to her boss.

    She should also see about asking for a postal inspector to review her situation -- or, ideally, she should transfer to another area.

    Getting audio evidence would be a start. And the union ought to support her in at the very least asking WHY she is being discriminated against.

    The b@stard is trying to make her quit. She should fight, instead.

    Tell her to contact Lambda Legal -- a legal support group that fights for equal rights.

  • Tim2U
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    She absolutely needs to work with someone from her union on this issue, either her immediate union representative or someone higher in authority within the union experienced in discrimination and harassment issues of the type she's experiencing. If she attempts to take this situation on alone - yes, it WILL be her word against anothers' and she will likely lose. That's what the offenders are setting her up for. If she works with her union they will guide her accordingly. She needs to fully document any and all unusual occurrences so the union can protect her by drawing a line in the sand and letting management know if they cross it in any attempt to harass her, there will be legal repercussions. From what you share, management sees her as an easy pushover. She needs union protection immediately to even the odds.

  • 8 years ago

    I'm amazed that this stuff still goes on, but all to often as a gay man myself I see and hear of it.

    Anyways, tell her to record her dealing with her boss. This way the next 'comment' can be used against him. Also tell her to ask him for a copy of her work contract, and get her to ask one of her work friends for theirs. This way they can compare the differences. It also warns the boss that she is onto him and should help her case. It is her word against his but the difference in contract gives her the edge. Also before she goes to the union she should contact the HR department and talk to them, use the union as a fall back if they can not help. Most importantly of all is getting evidence, a recording or copy or an e-mail.

  • 5 years ago

    So many are still of or kids of a iteration or so earlier that thoroughly detest this preference. Once reared to feel it is fallacious, awkward, immoral or some thing, it is very difficult for individuals to vary their views on it. This is the place schooling and working out is available in useful; to support persons see matters in a method they on no account did earlier than, consequently gaining figuring out and acceptance.

  • 8 years ago

    Well as a gay man, I think it's very wrong and hurtful what your friends boss is doing to her! Just bc our sexual orientation is different doesn't mean that we should be treated any different. You and your friend should go to the board of directors I think that's what it's called and tell them that she's being treated very unfairly at her job! She works like everyone else! That boss is a dick! I hope this helps! All my luck my friend!!! And Happy New year:)

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    She needs to document everything he does and everything he says to her to back up her grievance. She should get witnesses as well, so she has someone else who can say "Yes, I heard that" or "Yes, she didn't get overtime when we did.". Then she needs to take all her evidence to the HR Department as well as the Union. Her Union Reps aren't doing her any favours either. She needs to get someone from higher up in the Union involved as well.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Evidence then protest against the company

    Source(s): Me
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I think she should talk to the person who hired her the someone in human resources dept.

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