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I can be mean if a question is stupid, I'm sick of pregnancy questions and can I make this body part bigger garbage, but I am really compassionate. BTW I only have ONE cat.

  • Was this joking or disrespect?

    My boyfriend and I are going to a casino for the first time together. I said I'd lost probably tens of thousands there. He held his finger in the shape of an "L" on his forehead. I said "What's that supposed to mean?" He said "LOSER!" I'm a little pissed and said he disrespected me; he says it's just a joke. Thoughts?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Facebook-is this even possible?

    My new boyfriend has a lot of pretty young girls as friends. Today I texted him I was sick, and he barely answered. But this one girl changed her profile pic during that time and it says he liked it. He denies he did. I am old, don't know a lot about Facebook so I assume he's lying. The girl is 23, he is 56 and I'm 50 (and no I am not fat nor ugly). So is that possible or is he lying? He seems so sincere.

    1 AnswerFacebook7 years ago
  • i-phone and character help for story?

    I'm resubmitting a story to a ladies' magazine I previously had published a while ago in a different magazine with a slightly younger audience, and I have to make the characters older, as well as update the technology (the original story was a high school girl who had a Blackberry). The magazine is for women about 20 to 30. I have a Galaxy but I guess i-phone is the cool phone a 20 year old would have, right? (I'm old with no kids, I dunno). So if you're driving along in your convertible waiting for your boyfriend to text you, what noise would you have it make? The Blackberry clunked, I don't know what to say for an i-phone. Also, does it light up when you have a text or is there an icon or what? The point is that the girl is paying too much attention to her phone while driving so it's on her lap and even though it's on vibrate she keeps looking down.I'm having trouble figuring out how to describe this. And lastly, if you are a twenty year old girl living at home, would your parents have a problem with you dating a 25 year old? If not, how old should he be to be someone your friends are jealous of? Thank you for your help.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture7 years ago
  • Should I tell her off for blowing me off?

    I have a pretty close friend I've known about eight years, been friendly with for about 4. She knows I have a history of depression and suicide attempts, although not lately. So I had this really hard day at work, feel isolated and unpopular and alone, which she knows I have issues with. I generally call her once a week or so, and almost never HAVE issues, it's just to chat or make plans. So I called her yesterday, she's in Florida visiting this on again off again boyfriend, She stayed at his house a week and then they were gonna go to Key West. So I told her I was not in a good space and was having problems and stress at work, and she told me they just got in the hotel room and she was unpacking and that I was beautiful inside and out and she was glad she wasn't home working Human Services, which we both do, and she'd call me tomorrow. I think that was rude and think I should tell her so. Should I? What should I say? It's not like I constantly call her whining, I almost NEVER call her like this and I'm not needy at all, I have a close boyfriend and best friend and other friends as well so it's not like she could be sick of me calling and bugging her.

    3 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • Hep B shot-yes or no?

    So I'm changing careers and got hired as a substitute for a center with developmentally challenged kids and adults, some with PWS, which is essentially anus picking. I'll be in the adult houses. They recommend getting vaccinated for hep B. I loathe needles, also they may not keep me on (long story). I have myasthenia gravis, a muscle disease which I currently don't take meds for but you can't get the shot if you take them. It's free, though, and I will apply to the local rehab/detox if I'm canned. Should I get the shot? I was very ill for a year after a flu shot so I'm not big on vaccines.

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases8 years ago
  • Two dentists-two differing opinions. What to do?

    Last year I bit into something and heard a crack and figured it was my filling, which was done in the '70's. I called Great Expressions, who clean my teeth, but they said they couldn't see me for weeks due to getting a new dentist. I called Gateway Dental, and got an appointment right away. Before I went in, a piece of my tooth fell out. It was $1600 out of pocket for a new crown and post, so I had to pay for that. This year, SAME thing happened, bit into something, the opposite molar went crack, and although the tooth/filling hasn't fallen apart, it's sensitive to heat and cold. So Gateway x-rayed me and said I need a new crown and post on that tooth too (I saw the x-ray and he pointed the crack out, but I couldn't really see it), and gave me a written estimate cuz their computer was down for $1525, but said they'd e-mail me an actual estimate. I got it for $1170, so I called them and wanted to make sure it was the lower price, and they said no, they made a mistake, it's $1525. So I called Great Expressions and they said at most $1017, so I went in and they x-rayed me too but said nothing is wrong! They said if I'm worried I can replace my very old filling for $166. So I don't know what to think. Gateway said if I waited too long I might need a root canal too. Should I trust Great Expressions? If they are wrong down the road, do they have to do a free root canal and crown?

    3 AnswersDental8 years ago
  • Brazilians and Portuguese speakers, why did he pronounce it like that?

    My apartment complex has gradually become almost all Brazilians. I took a decent amount of Spanish in school, but I've been playing Brazilian Portuguese audio c.d.s in the car since our area has a lot of Brazilians here now. It will help with my job, too. I don't socialize with anyone, but my landlord sent over this father and son, who seem to speak some English, to paint my door. They took it off the hinges and after it was done, came back and re-hung it. They wiped grease stains off it, so as they were leaving I said "Obrigad, a te largo" (not sure of spelling cuz I listen, not read, to learn). The son said "DAY nada" not "GEE nada" which I thought was how Spanish speakers said it. I thought "d" was pronounced "gee" in Portuguese. I am quite sure they are from Brazil. Also, the son is about 20 and the dad 40, so is what I said appropriate? They are my neighbors, might as well be friendly.

    4 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • Doctor's bill: should I pay it?

    Two years ago my blood pressure shot up. My gynecologist, who is a nice lady, said I should go off the pill since I am older and used to smoke. She said I should get the IUD, but my insurance wouldn't cover it. I asked how much it cost, and she said not very expensive. So I said okay. About four months later her office sent me a bill for $1200 for it, so I called them. They said they'd call me back. After that they told me "The doctor is going to take care of that for you." So I said thank you and forgot about it. Two years later, I had some medical issues so I went in and was told I needed surgery. I was nervous and upset, and as I was leaving some lady called me over and said I owed $850 for the IUD. I said why, and they said only the visit was covered, not the device itself. I asked why the delay telling me, and they said they had a problem with their billing company. I called my insurance, submitted many forms to try to take care of this, but they said I missed the appeals period, which was only four months. When I called the doctor's office for some test results, everyone blew me off. Also, the doctor's assistant, was VERY rude to me when I called, a real beyotch. The doctor said she is stressed, and I said, maybe she shouldn't work with the public then. I changed doctors because of their attitude and because of insurance reasons, but now get an $800 bill. I am not worried about my credit, which is very good but I don't need it, and I am on SSDI for a muscle disease and can't really be sued for the money. My income's pretty low anyway. Do I morally owe the money?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Hit and run-I know who hit me but I didn't see it?

    I bought a nice lilttle 2008 Eclipse, and parked it where I live in a 12 unit townhouse condo complex. There are 12 labeled parking spaces and 12 guest spots. I parked in my numbered spot, next to a guest spot. The next morning, I took it to be inspected and there was a mark on the car, and you can tell obviously someone did it backing out as its the driver rear quarter. I didn't see who was parked next to me. The guest spots can be used by guests, or by townhouse owners with more than 1 car. You never know who will be parked there, and I didn't notice who was next to me. My boyfriend said it was probably this one kid, so I went and looked at his truck, which has a fair amount of damage cuz he drives fast. Sure enough, at about exactly the height where he would have hit me on his passenger front side bumper is some damage, and very faint orange, like my car. My insurance deductible is a thousand bucks, and the damage is less than that so no point reporting it. I'm sure the cops won't do anything cuz I didn't see it happen. This kid's father is Brazilian, the whole complex is, and the car was the dad's and I think he gave it/lends it to the son, who has trashed it because when the dad drove it it was nice and now there's all sorts of damage on it. I've barely spoken to the dad but we are on okay terms. What would you do?

    5 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • Female problems-please help?

    Hi, I've been having problems for a while and have been seen FIVE times so I'm turning to Y/A for help. I've googled all I can and no answers. At the end of January, I noticed chunky white stuff in my panties so I figured it was a yeast infection. I've had one or two. I had some leftover medication I think I used before, so I used Metronizidole cream for three days. No result so I bought a drugstore brand yeast cream. No result. My primary care dr. doesn't see this sort of thing so I saw his nurse and she tested me and said I had a bacterial infection and prescribed five days of the same Metronizidole cream. No result. She was busy so I saw another nurse and she said leave it alone and it should self correct but she did a test anyway. BUT the new lab they had doesn't process this so they THREW OUT my sample. So I went to see my gyno, who has a co-pay so I figured I'd just cough up the $ to be cured. She did test and said nothing's wrong. But my uterus is being pushed down by fibroid tumors (I did notice my IUD was a little low) and I might need a hysterectomy. I still had the discharge, although it doesn't show in my panties anymore so I went to the second nurse again and she tested again and said nothing's wrong. I called the first nurse and she prescribed Metronozidole pills and they made me sick and didn't help. I then went to another gyno for a second opinion on the surgery and he tested me and said nothing is wrong but I need the hysterectomy soon. All these people have tested me for Chlamydia and Ghonorrhea but that was negative. It's mid April and I STILL have the discharge. It's thick and chunky and white, but has no odor. I am at my wit's end. Does anyone have any ideas? I may try Monostat next although I have absolutely no burn, itch, or other symptoms besides the white goo. Oh, and I haven't really even had sex with my long term and VERY trustworthy boyfriend of five years and am quite sure it's not from him.

    6 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Why isn't Yahoo Answers anonymous-it's public?

    So obviously you can see that my avatar is Katlady, so I figured that anything I post can't come back under my real name. But one time I googled myself and a question came up that I answered. Fortunately is was only about movies, but since then I've stopped writing anything too personal (I have a lot of skeletons in my closet). Was I supposed to know this? Is that fair? Maybe it's in the small print, who reads that (not that I want to become a human centipede lol). Oh yeah, and there's always some jerk with a sarcastic answer; you can just skip my question and keep reading others, you loser.

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • Gay people, my friend is being discriminated against at work?

    A woman I am friendly with told me her boss is mean to her, and treats her different from the other straight employees. She definitely cultivates a "butch" appearance, but I'm not sure if her (male) boss is just going by that or what. She is not given overtime like the other employees, and that is in her contract. She is a postal carrier. She is stopped on the job and told someone else will finish for her, etc., which keeps her from earning her pay as well. But the worst part is, he told her, "I wouldn't want any of my daughters growing up like you." She is in a union, but says it's her word against his, and there are no witnesses. I know this is illegal as well as morally wrong of this guy, but what can I do to help?

  • Friend's car repair: who pays?

    My friend said she needed her brakes done. I was expecting a large check so I was gonna surprise her by paying the repair bill. I ran into her the next day and she asked if my boyfriend, who's good with cars, would do it if she paid him. I told her I was going to pay the shop to do it, but she said can you ask him, so I did. She's a really good friend, but is not always honest. So I called and asked my bf if he'd do it as a favor to her and he said okay. So she said it's the front brakes. So since I had the day off I went to the car store and bought the front brakes, since me and my bf worked the next day, and he gets out early and was going to do the job then. So the next day, she drops the car off early and says, oh, I need a caliper too. So I was like, why didn't you tell me yesterday and she said she didn't want me to pay for it. So I said which one, passenger or.. and she said passenger. So she got picked up to go to work, my bf left for work, and I rushed to the auto store to try and get the part and bring it home before work, but I didn't have time. So my boyfriend couldn't finsh the job until I got home (ironicallly, he doesn't drive). We worked fast but it got dark and rainy, and we accidentally got air in the lines from rushing. So she gets dropped off and says it was the REAR caliper, not the front. And she thought we'd check. Well why would we, it's a lot of work to just randomly check brakes when you have no lift or power tools. So then I paid to have the brakes bled, but she still needs the caliper for the back. So who should pay for this? And should it be done in a shop? Because me and my bf are having friction due to all this.

    13 AnswersEtiquette8 years ago
  • Drunk/high friend ruins good times?

    My friends all live near each other and they have a neighbor who has a bad drug/booze problem. They always hang with her and they think they're helping her. But I feel they aren't, they're enabling her, meaning they ignore it or don't believe she's messed up. But I know she is. You never know how messed up she will get, and sometimes it's only a little bit, but then she makes nasty comments and is a miserable complainer who blames everyone but herself for her problem. She has been arrested recently for breaking into houses. My friend has been robbed twice, but claims she was out with the neighbor both times so it couldn't have been her. So my choice is, should I go to concerts, movies, etc with the group and put up with her nonsense, or tell everyone that I won't go if she's invited. Unfortunately, they will say, that's your choice, and still go with her. Is it worth it to put up with her or should I just do stuff alone or try to find other people to go to stuff with, which is hard to do cuz they are my main group of friends. This lady is brought to Narcotics Anonymous meetings but doesn't want to get involved or do any work to stop using substances, so between that and everyone babying her, she's still messed up.

    5 AnswersEtiquette9 years ago
  • Is calling LGBT couple "guys" inappropriate?

    I knew this girl I was friendly with. She told me she had been engaged to a guy Justin at one time and Blake at another time. Both had told me they were "gay" men, so I asked her about that, and she said they weren't gay with her. This girl met this mechanic I had seen around, but all of a sudden he dressed as a woman and wore makeup, and uses a feminine name (not sure his name before they dated). I'm not sure but I think he made the change before they dated or possibly met, but again, not sure. They got married and both wore wedding dresses. So my question is, is it inappropriate to say, "Hey guys, what's up?" I'm not sure and they moved (I wasn't invited to wedding cuz we are friendly but not super close) so our contact is only on Facebook. I just want to be respectful.

  • Neigbors have too much company?

    I live in a twelve unit townhouse complex. Last year, my new next door neighbors, who my landlord told me consisted of an American man, his Brazilian wife, and her mother, moved in. A young woman with long hair also was there. I said hi but she wasn't friendly at all. It's a two bedroom, one and a half-bathroom unit, but I think they may have refinished they basement (noisily up to midnight and probably illegally). Since then, a RIDICULOUS amount of people are in and out. I think a few of other people may live there too, but even ASIDE from them, there are cars in and out every day parking in their designated spot next to mine, too many for me to keep track of. The people who allegedly live there take up FOUR spaces out of only 27 in the entire unit, not counting visitors. I was told the wife owned a cleaning company, but how many people could work for you in a smallish community? How many "visitors" can you have? There are new ones EVERY DAY. The visitors can be noisy, they hang around in the parking lot, and are generally just a nuisance. I can't even enjoy my Saturday cuz there's people in and out all day, and if I'm on my couch, they can see right in as they go to the door because the units are side by side. The landlord is of no help, he thinks I complain too much. But I don't. I rarely contact him unless it's very important (he lives one town over and spends winters in Florida). He and his brother own most of the units here, so no good going to Property Management. Also, last time I told him there was an unlisted boy living in another unit he didn't believe me! I feel I have a right to the "quiet enjoyment" as stated in my lease. Talking to the neighbors is useless, they won't even speak back to me. Plus I was told the mother doesn't even speak English. They all speak Portuguese. I really hate them. I know this sounds racist but it's not. What would you do? Talking to them or my landlord is out.

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • South Park fans, are you now planning...?

    a trip to Atlantis in Nassau? I sure am, that place looks awesome! Didn't even think it was real til I googled it. Even my boyfriend is willing to go, and he never goes ANYWHERE!

    1 AnswerComedy9 years ago
  • Computer question-did she break in?

    I asked a good friend of mine to feed my cat a few months ago while I was away, and gave her the key, which I she gave back when I got home. I have let her use my computer in the past, and she knows my password. Well, today, I came home and turned on my computer and logged in to my mail and her account showed up. Is there any way this could have happened by accident? Or did she make a copy of my key and sneak in to my apartment and forget to log out? She has not been over in weeks, nor been in my bedroom (where it's located) or used my computer to my knowledge in a long time. I haven't used it in a few days but she hasn't used it in months, as far as I know. I know this sounds dumb but I'm old and not good with computers, and our friendship rides on this because she will NOT be my friend any longer if that's the case. Also, she knows my schedule, and has been fired from several jobs for "dishonesty," but we've been good friends for about 5 years.

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Do you understand this joke?

    100 buckets of bits on the bus

    100 buckets of bits

    Take one down, short it to ground

    FF buckets of bits on the bus

    FF buckets of bits on the bus

    FF buckets of bits

    Take one down, short it to ground

    FE buckets of bits on the bus...


    I can't figure it out. If it's a computer joke, that's probably why, it's not my thing. Regardless of the fact that I'm on here.

    2 AnswersJokes & Riddles9 years ago
  • Motley Crue fans, do you find this funny?

    I went to a yard sale in an upscale town. There were several garbage bags of women's clothing in my size. It was ten bucks for all of them, and since I was job hunting the blazers, skirts, and other yuppie clothes seemed like stuff I could use. Although some of them were from the Talbot's, which is this matronly, rich-lady store and totally NOT my taste, I figured for ten bucks if one or two items worked, it'd be worth it. So when I got home, I went through them. They were all the same type of stuff, and looked like they had belonged to an uptight but wealthy woman. BUT in one bag I found a sleeveless t-shirt from Motley Crue's 1983 Shout at the Devil tour. I LOVE the crue, and was thrilled to get the shirt. But why was it there? It totally did NOT fit in with the rest of the clothing, the house, or the people running the yard sale. How/why do you think it was there?

    6 AnswersRock and Pop10 years ago