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Lv 4

If god really wanted to give secrets of universe why didn't he gave something like equation for GUT?

Why didn't god talked about about multi-dimensional string theory, sub atomic particle quantum physics, gravitational wave, higg's mechanism, magnetic monopole, Quantum chromodynamics or anti-matter, if he really wanted to give secrets of cosmos to human.

why did he gave something like bible. Koran, Torah.....etc. which look nothing more than imagination of premitive humans.

Tell me about single religion which talk on topic such as equation for Pioneer anomaly, gamma ray burst or equation for quasars and I WILL ACCEPT YOUR RELIGION.



If I write a sentence or story today people can have tons of meaning of that in future. What I am telling why there has not been things defined in exact geometry and equations. You can take example of ancient Greeks and Indian they defined things in exact equation some of them which we still follow.

What you are trying to do is twist word to match disruption of space expansion it not actual description of expanding space. for example, a person do not know about space expansion from before would never say it is talking about space expansion after reading those passages.

9 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    That's pretty advanced stuff, dude, I have yet to see even one holy book knowing that the sun is a star like all the other stars.

    Source(s): Except maybe that Scientology thing, but that doesn't count since it was written way after we knew the sun is a star.
  • Fuzzy
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Can't please all, especially those who worship the devil.

    However, there are things along the lines you demand!

    Until recently astrophysics were ignorant of the fact that the universe is expanding rapidly, The Bible has spoken on this for thousands of years! And, before space travel, it mentions how people from space would see the world!

    Space view:

    Isaiah 40: 22 There is One who is dwelling above the circle of the earth, the dwellers in which are as grasshoppers, the One who is stretching out the heavens just as a fine gauze, who spreads them out like a tent in which to dwell,

    Expanding universe: & end of all things

    Isaiah 51:6 6 "Raise YOUR eyes to the heavens themselves, and look at the earth beneath. For the very heavens must be dispersed in fragments just like smoke, and like a garment the earth itself will wear out, and its inhabitants themselves will die like a mere gnat. . . .

    It mentions that energy cannot be created but that God shapes it, but that he created darkness:

    Isaiah 45: 7 Forming light and creating darkness, . . .

    When we see how the universe is bathed in light from billions of suns, we can see that indeed darkness has been created by various means, dust, etc that absorb this light to give us the dark heavens we are used to instead of being aglow with light! This is called Olber's paradox!

    Here is an explanation:

    Thus we can see how the Bible is right about energy only being transformed from one form to the other, while darkness is created.


    It should be noted by such as you that the Bible mainly is to teach humans how to live so as to obey God so that he is not required to kill us! It does not focus on science, but when it mentions this, it is always true.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    If blue prints were handed out on creating universes they would all be empty because everyone would want one and gather more people in to it as religion does.

    Source(s): me
  • 8 years ago

    god did not give the secrets of the universe

    he simply told us how he created every thing and caused it to exist

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    String theory is now outdated.

    Source(s): ANU Physics 2013
  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Hell, why didn't he clue them in to the fact that the earth was a globe?

  • 8 years ago

    Quran says Big Bang is not a unique event

  • 8 years ago

    Redundant question. God is not real.

  • 8 years ago

    "Why didn't god talked about?"

    "Why did he gave?"

    Wow, stay in school (or go back).

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