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Lv 43,385 points

Devil Worshiper

Favorite Answers8%
  • Do you like watching romantic movies/tv shows?

    If no, why no?

    If yes, why yes?

    3 AnswersMovies7 years ago
  • people who think evolution is wrong...?

    ...Why don't you write a research paper,

    get it peer checked,

    Publish your results in scientific society and


    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • When do you think the present religion of world (Islam, Christianity...) would abolish?

    It has happened in past religious belief like of Mayan, Aztec, Zulu has abolished now. Same way no one believe in Egyptian, Greek, Roman or Nordic gods anymore. The only old religious belief from very old time still existing is Judaism and Hinduism.

    How long do you think that will take present religious belief to fade away.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • What a good person should do, to create religion these days?

    Recently I tried to make new religion, but it failed.

    It all because of damn science and technology. It has made people intelligent and nobody believe you these days.

    I just wish I was born during time of Muhammad or Jesus, I will have a religion by now.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Are you sure god you pray is not actually demon?

    The god of Abrahmic religion (Islam, Christianity, Judaism) is cruel and vengeful. He always demand retribution in blood.

    Gen. 4:15 (Moses 5:40) whosoever slayeth Cain, v. shall be taken

    Deut. 32:35 (Heb. 10:30) To me belongeth v.

    Deut. 32:41 I will render v. to mine enemies

    Ps. 94:1 God, to whom v. belongeth

    Ps. 149:7 execute v. upon the heathen

    Prov. 6:34 he will not spare in the day of v.

    Isa. 34:8 day of the Lord's v.

    Isa. 35:4 your God will come with v.

    Isa. 59:17 he put on the garments of v.

    Isa. 61:2 To proclaim ... the day of v. of our God

    Isa. 63:4 day of v. is in mine heart

    Jer. 11:20 Lord ... let me see thy v. on them

    Jer. 50:28 declare in Zion the v. of the Lord

    Jer. 51:6 time of the Lord's v.

    Micah 5:15 I will execute v.

    Nahum 1:2 Lord will take v. on his adversaries

    Luke 21:22 these be the days of v.

    Rom. 3:5 Is God unrighteous who taketh v.

    Rom. 12:19 (Morm. 3:15; 8:20) V. is mine: I will repay

    2 Thes. 1:8 taking v. on them that know not God

    Jude 1:7 example, suffering the v. of eternal fire

    Are you sure the person you are praying is not actually demon rather than being god?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • how to get size of girl's finger for ring to ask her to marry you, without telling her?


    I am truly and madly in love with this girl. We are in relationship for past one and a half year and now I feel she is right one for me. I want to ask her to marry me and I want it to be surprise. The problem is I do not know her finger size to buy ring to propose her. Can you please give me idea how could I get her finger size without letting her find out that I am going to propose her.


    7 AnswersWeddings8 years ago
  • which is the best toilet cell phone game ever made?

    which game do you enjoy most while droping dump in toilet (you know what I mean...)

    angry birds

    plant vs zombie

    others..... (mention)

    ***If you do not enjoy playing game while sitting on toilet seat, then there is no need to get personal and abusive.

    6 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • who is fastest among these.........?

    1. Road Runner

    2. Speedy Gonzales

    3. Sonic

    4. Flash

    2 AnswersOther - Television8 years ago
  • Why is there so much hypocrisy in Islam?

    A Muslim men can marry non Muslim woman but, when a non-Muslim man marry a Muslim woman penalty is death.

    A person can accept Islam but, when a person leave Islam penalty is death.

    To talk anything against Islam is very offensive (trying doing that on streets of Muslim country, you might also get killed) but, Muslim freely involve in debate and talk against other religion on street of non-Muslim country (UK, USA, Canada : I have seen so far).

    Any TV channel talk against Islam, there is instant demand of ban of that channel, but channel such as peace TV which constantly speak against other religion flourishes under freedom of speech.

    When a unimportant (having no follower) Christian in west do something stupid against Islam (burning Koran) entire Christianity is blamed and Christian are killed all around Muslim nation in retaliation while, when a Muslim kills several innocent in bomb blast, Islam refuses to take any blame by saying they are not main stream Muslims.

    List goes on and on......

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • If god really wanted to give secrets of universe why didn't he gave something like equation for GUT?

    Why didn't god talked about about multi-dimensional string theory, sub atomic particle quantum physics, gravitational wave, higg's mechanism, magnetic monopole, Quantum chromodynamics or anti-matter, if he really wanted to give secrets of cosmos to human.

    why did he gave something like bible. Koran, Torah.....etc. which look nothing more than imagination of premitive humans.

    Tell me about single religion which talk on topic such as equation for Pioneer anomaly, gamma ray burst or equation for quasars and I WILL ACCEPT YOUR RELIGION.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Can you play 3D video with S-video composite cable?

    I have a 3D-DLP projector but there is no connection for HDMI cable available. Can you play 3D video with composite S-video cable. I am using PS3 as player for 3D video.


    3 AnswersHome Theatre9 years ago
  • All Abraham religion support slavery (Islam, Judaism, Christianity)....?

    All of these religion talks how you should treat your slave, beat them or have sex with female slave when you want.

    How can a morally sane person even follow such religion and justify these religion.

    Slavery in Quran-

    Slavery in Bible-

    Slavery in Torah-

    I know many people will come attacking me on my name, I have only one thing to tell them.....

    If not following your hypocritical religion makes me a devil worshipper, I accept that as compliment.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • I have a question for Muslims?

    First let me tell you, I own a Koran and have read it, so any reference you give to me I can directly check it.

    I have heard many times Muslim claim everything claimed in Koran is scientific. I tried to find those part which is claimed scientific. I realize somehow Muslims tries to turn and twist language of Koran to make it resemble to present scientifical achievements. So my question are-

    I want to know one scientifical quotation of Koran (which we have discovered recently and was not known 1400 years ago) which is written in exact words.

    for example; Energy released by sun is 3.826E+26 Joules /sec ; size of milky way is 100,000 light years; Certain activity is harmful because of a particular bacteria or pathogen.

    (Note: Please, Do not try to twist or turn language to give it sense, I want answer in exact words)

    Second question:

    Was turning Jews in to monkey and pigs and bringing dead person alive also scientific?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • A question for Muslim, Christian, Jew and everyone who believe in Abraham?

    First I waned to make clear according to all these religion you believe god is supreme and knows all.

    When you read story of Abraham (Ibrahim in Islam) you will come to know he was considered one of the most faithful person to god. He is founding patriarch in Judaism, progenitor of the Christ in Christianity and prophet in Islam.

    We all know about when god asked Abraham to sacrifice his only son Issac (Ismile is Islam) to test his loyalty. Which is often celebrated as Eid al-Adha in Islam.

    My question is:

    If your god do not even trust his most faithful and loyal follower, and do not even know about him properly-

    how can you even believe that god will trust you for your faith in him ?

    how can you even claim god is all powerful and knows everything ?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • I wanted to know if there have been any atheist terrorist attack?

    Has there been any atheist terrorist attack where atheist claimed to take life because people believed in god? Any kind of violence or discrimination conducted by atheist belief.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Why Muslim living in west want west to become Muslim country when they do not want to live in Muslim country?

    I have met many Muslims in Canada and France (two countries where I belong from), no one want to live in Muslim country or go back to country they belong from. They live a very western life, drink go out with girl friends. Girls do not wear hijab (in most of cases I have seen). But yet when you ask them they will like that country to become Islamic and follow Islamic law.

    I find it very weird, in one place they do not want to live in Muslim country and other side they want to make country where they are living Muslim.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • I am making new religion of video game, how many of you will join?

    You have god names like Atari, Sega, Nintendo, Play Station, Xbox.....etc. in this religion

    You express you devotion by showing keen interest, dedication and determination towards games offend by different consoles.

    Any other suggestion to improve this religion is welcome.

    May video game god bless us all... :)

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago