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Lv 4

All Abraham religion support slavery (Islam, Judaism, Christianity)....?

All of these religion talks how you should treat your slave, beat them or have sex with female slave when you want.

How can a morally sane person even follow such religion and justify these religion.

Slavery in Quran-

Slavery in Bible-

Slavery in Torah-

I know many people will come attacking me on my name, I have only one thing to tell them.....

If not following your hypocritical religion makes me a devil worshipper, I accept that as compliment.


@ Hanith

What kind of god supports ownership of one man over another?

Please let me remind till end of 16th century all Christian churches considered white people were created to serve god and black people were created to serve white people.

No matter how much you justify it, it is racist and wrong.

Update 2:

@ Writer

Prophet Mohammed himself had many slave and had even more slave woman. Still many Muslim country practice slavery.

Its a wrong religion and its shame you justify it.

Update 3:

Steven Dillon

Please read the link I have posted on Bible. Line supporting slavery are actually from bible, I have not made anything up.

Update 4:

Steven Dillon

Please read the link I have posted on Bible. Line supporting slavery are actually from bible, I have not made anything up.

Update 5:

@ Sofiane

I have read Quran. Your god can replace Ismile with a lamb when he was beheaded can make dead Amil alive, but can not convince a bunch of people that they are equal?

Please read Quran. Its not only black who were slave under Islam, but even white people sometimes they were even men and woman from neighbouring tribes (ethnically same).

Update 6:

@ Rich

Was slavery really voluntary in Christianity. It is written in bible you can beat servant with a rod and have sex with female slave.

Wasn't USA always protestant dominant, then why dose it has history of slavery if they condemn it? It was later that country like USA started adopting philosophy of eastern religion like Buddhism where they say "All human being are created equal", If they have followed their old religion "In god we trust", they would still have been practising slavery.

9 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Check your context, bro.

    Most Abrahamic slavery involved serving a debt. When it was paid, they were released. Slaves could choose to be part of their master's households in lieu of returning to their own families, but this was a legal transaction, not forced ownership the way it occurred in the early history of the US and other European colonies.

    In addition, Leviticus specifically calls for a Year of Jubilee, where ALL debts are canceled, slaves are freed, and property is returned to its original owners...something we'd never see in our current capitalistic society.

    But it's cool. Keep linking to sites that have snippets of 400 year old translations taken out of context to prove your point. We'll all fall right in line.

    Additionally, your line about ALL Christian churches supporting slavery pre-16th century is simply false. Greek Orthodox and Catholic denominations throughout history rarely condoned slavery, save for prisoners of war. European Christians of the Middle Ages certainly viewed other races as inferior, but rarely set about to enslave them. Protestants have the most to answer for on this one.

    Source(s): Leviticus. Strongly recommend a post- Dead Sea scrolls translation, such as TNIV or NRSV.
  • 5 years ago

    I'm very curious what you could mean through 'Abrahamic in nature'. The truth that all three hyperlink themselves to Abraham and his journeying from Ur and so on says exactly nothing about the *nature* of every of the three religions. I do not disagree with your normal define (rather then noting that the 'New testament' wasn't codified unless a few centuries AFTER 45 CE!!), but it misses out a significant amount and consequently fails to snatch the gigantic differences between the three. Judaism and Islam have a little extra in fashioned than either do with Christianity, however fairly, if Abraham failed to get stated, you'd certainly not have suggestion they had anything to do with each and every different. It can be like suggesting that Shinto and Zen Buddhism are the same considering the fact that they both originate in Japan.... Simply to notice one of the totally primary variations between Christianity and Judaism, that make it wholly unimaginable to recollect them one of a kind denominations of the identical religion: 1. Judaism regards the divine as whatever absolutely abstract and non-human. Christianity believes the divine to be reward in a real man. 2. Judaism is fully focussed on the right here-and-now and looking to are living a just right lifestyles and doing just right in the world in order to make lifestyles higher for everyone. Christianity is focussed on being good and submissive to be able to get to heaven after death. 3. Judaism believes that it's only one covenant, a covenant that every one Jews are sure by means of, however that others have their own covenant with G-d and are equal before the divine. Christianity believes that folks who do not feel in Christianity are condemned to an eternal hell. 4. Judaism believes we're born good and have the capacity to do just right. Our relationship with G-d is direct. [Most of] Christianity believes we are born with customary sin and need a 'saviour' to act between us and G-d. Is this ample to convince you that we are so totally exclusive that to take into account us as one faith is absurd?

  • Oh hardly.

    Indentured servitude was a regional practice at the time. Amongst Jews, it was a way of working off a monetary or criminal debt or brought into the society as a landless prisoner of war. Jewish law took the progressive step of guaranteeing protections for those who were in such a position. It also put a number of limitations on the landowners for whom they were working.

    That's not 'support' for slavery. It was the crucial first steps towards recognition of equal rights for all.

  • 9 years ago

    Jesus said love your neighbor as your self. Does that mean that God thinks slaves should be treated as animals? Jesus also said Do unto other as you would have done unto you. If you are against slavery and think its wrong and wouldnt want to be a slave. Then Jesus says not to get a slave


    the bible is conflicting isnt it David murdered and had an affair under the old testament that meant death but God forgave him.

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Okay... the Bible supports slavery... and? Get to your point? God wrote it... He said we could have slaves if we wanted to. Us Americans don't want to so we don't... What's wrong with God giving us the liberty to have slaves if we wanted to and not go to Hell? At least He set up rules about it... like if you hit a slave so hard that the slave dies the attacker will be punished - but if the slave gets up after a day or two and is still alive, the attacker is not punished... Would you perfer no laws about slavery, you racist bigot heathen?

  • 9 years ago

    ah you don't know Islam you don't know it at all

    you know the one of the first thing Islam come with in the very first beginning that all people are equal

    but the people there didn't accept that and the say how can this poor black person is equal with me

    and lot of them rejected Islam because of this

    well when Islam won over the disbelievers the people became all the same and Islam rejected slavery

    why don't you people read and learn about Islam that talk all you is giving us those lies and lies

    learn about islam learn

  • Deepak
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    They are just primitive religions by ancient goat herders. Hence they have all these slavery system and all that....

    Christians ignore what ever wicked things their pet god does solely because they are assured of a place in heaven(with lots of slaves and riches) in exchange for their unconditional obedience to whatever the God of Bible does. Let God kill, rape, doesn't matter. Their needs are served and they are happy. Why should they care of all the injustice that god does?

    It's corruption of mind.

  • 9 years ago

    not in al islam religion. we are encouraged to free slaves in al islam. muslims payed alot of money to free the slaves. actually most of the people who convert to the islam at the beggining were slaves.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Yes they do, religion is oppression.

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