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Lv 4

I have a question for Muslims?

First let me tell you, I own a Koran and have read it, so any reference you give to me I can directly check it.

I have heard many times Muslim claim everything claimed in Koran is scientific. I tried to find those part which is claimed scientific. I realize somehow Muslims tries to turn and twist language of Koran to make it resemble to present scientifical achievements. So my question are-

I want to know one scientifical quotation of Koran (which we have discovered recently and was not known 1400 years ago) which is written in exact words.

for example; Energy released by sun is 3.826E+26 Joules /sec ; size of milky way is 100,000 light years; Certain activity is harmful because of a particular bacteria or pathogen.

(Note: Please, Do not try to twist or turn language to give it sense, I want answer in exact words)

Second question:

Was turning Jews in to monkey and pigs and bringing dead person alive also scientific?


@ Med

When I used to question Islam before, people told me to read Koran. Now when I have read Koran, you are trying to tell me to learn Arabic then read it is Arabic. I am pretty sure when I would learn Arabic and then read Koran, there will be another excuse given to me.

Update 2:

@ Person

If earth was egg shaped this is what it would look like.

Update 3:

@ Itami

No scientist ever said moon will shattered, although it is claimed it would leave orbit of earth and these two are two different things.

Can you give me any authentic link where it has been proven mummy were drowned in sea? Even if I believe you, making Mummy technology in not new one, it was known thousands of years ago.

About light coming out of Mecca, when I go in dark my hand to glow like electric bulb, what would you say about that?

Update 4:

لا إله إلا الله I❤ISLAM

I told in direct language but I still can prove all those scientific claims wrong from your link.

1. Origin of Life

We made every living thing from water? Will they not believe? (Quran 21:30)

Many ancient religion already claimed human body is made of Air, water and Earth if you see in a way all element present in living organism consists of element found in air, water and earth. Aren't they even more scientific in saying so, compared to Islam? I do not consider it scientific because it is quite prominent living organism if full of fluid, I would have found it scientific is Islam had claimed 70-80 % of living organism body is made of liquid (or water).

2. Iron

“We sent down Iron with its great inherent strength and its many benefits for humankind.” (Quran 57:25)

People new properties of Iron 1000s of years before in Indus valley and China before Islam was even Invented.

3. Sky’s Protection

“We made the sky a protective ceiling. And yet they are tu

Update 5:

3. Sky’s Protection

“We made the sky a protective ceiling. And yet they are turning away from Our signs!” (Quran 21:32)

real ayah

And We made the heaven a roof, for the earth, [functioning] like the roof of a house, preserved, from collapsing; and yet of the signs thereof, namely, [the signs of this heaven such as] the sun, the moon and the stars, they are disregardful, failing to reflect on them and thus realise that the Creator of such [things] can have no partner.

Sky being roof is believed from ancient Greek time. Any person can tell Quran is saying it is some firm structure is sky, which again is not true. Even though if you call ozone layer roof, it can collapse and had already collapsed in USA.

4. Mountains

“Did We not make the earth a resting place? And the mountains as stakes?” (Quran 78:6-7)

Stakes are put from outside in, mountain comes from inside out due to clash between two plates of earth.

Update 6:

5. Expansion of the Universe

“And it is We who have built the Universe with [Our creative] power and keep expanding it.” (Quran 51:47)

again words have been manipulated here the true translation from neutral source is "And heaven -- We built it with might, and We extend it wide". Any one can can look in sky and say it is vast.

6. Sun’s Orbit

“It is He who created night and day, the Sun and the Moon, each floating in its orbit.” (Quran 21:33)

Quran claimed sun revolve around earth which is false these are lines to prove it.

"Verily, Allah brings the sun form the east; then bring it you from the west." [Soorah al-Baqarah 2:258]

"And you might have seen, the sun, when it rose, declining to the right from their Cave, and when it set, turning away from them to the left." [Soorah al-Kahf 18:17]

Update 7:

7. The Ocean

“Darkness out in a deep ocean which is covered by waves, above which are waves, above which are clouds, layers of darkness, one upon the other. When one puts out his hand [therein], he can hardly see it. Those God gives no light to, they have no light.” (Quran 24:40)

Again it has been misinterpreted. Phrase is from Sura 24 (Al-Noor)

[24:40] Another allegory is that of being in total darkness in the midst of a violent ocean, with waves upon waves, in addition to thick fog. Darkness upon darkness—if he looked at his own hand, he could barely see it. Whomever GOD deprives of light, will have no light.

Muhammad is trying to tell his followers when they are exiled by god they will face such situation, he is not talking about depth of oceans.

8. Lying and Movement

“No Indeed! If he does not stop, We will seize him by the forehead, his lying, sinful forehead.” (Quran 96:15-16)

Please frontal lobe of brain is not responsible for person to lie, other parts of the cerebrum and the

Update 8:

9. Pain Receptors

“We shall send those who reject Our revelations to the (Hell) Fire. When their skins have been burned away, We shall replace them with new ones so that they may continue to feel the pain: God is Almighty, All-Wise.” (Quran 4:56)

Knowledge of pain being caused by skin was known to Egyptian, they use treat the area of pain by treating skin of that region it with special paste of opium and herbs. It is not something Koran discovered.

And please Koran talks nothing in context of Big Bang, it says heaven and earth was together and god separated them. It is very clearly mentioned in Koran that heaven is place with fountains and garden decorated by lamps (star, moon sun). It has no resemblance to present known knowledge universe.

Yeah one out of billion egg is round in shape, but why can't Allah be more intelligent to compare earth with something with more prominent shapes like orange or water melon. Is there no word for circle in Arabic?

Update 9:

@لا إله إلا الله I❤ISLAM

I am giving you reference for all 1 to 9 claims I have made


2. Iron was not sent down by meteorite it was present from very beging of the formation of earth. The formation of earth was not possible without Nickle, Iron core. Can you give me single scientific link which says all Iron and nickel in centre comes through some meteoroid.

3. I do not need to prove much about it and have given quite a good explanation. If you want link on depletion of Ozone layer, here it is-

5. I wish I can show you my Koran which has translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali. About 51:47 It says "With power and skill did We construct the Firmament: for it is We Who create the vastness of pace." According me it is talking nothing about expanding universe.

6. I gave you several reference from quran itself in previous answer please check it.

7. 24:40

Update 10:

7. 24:40 is from al-noor and it is clearly explaining what will happened to those who are exiled by allah, It is not talking about deapth of ocean, please go and read it.

8. This picture of anatomy of brain

The MRI scan of lying area

It is quite prominant its not frontal lobe rather it is more premoter and cortex area (top of your head)

9. Here is link for last claim

I provided you proof with for all of my 9 claims. Most of Muslims claim Koran is scientific by showing around dozen of example (which too is not true, just language is twisted and turned to make it related to scientific achievements) but they neglects 95% of Koran which nothing but filled with Mojo Jojo (like the example I gave about Jews turning to monkey and pigs). If Allah is really so great and creator of all ancient languages on earth, why didn't he provided knowledge in accurate scienti

Update 11:

scientific language instead of twisting it to level that it dose not resembles at all to reality, or is it he did not had good language skills?

If Koran is so scientific, why there is only 4 Muslim noble prize winner out of hundreds in field of science?

Update 12:

@ Marina

Most of people who are converting to Islam, because they are not backed by strong logic. I agree there are many famous figures too who got convert to Muslim (Michle Jackson, Clasius Clay....). Go and read about the personal life of these prominent figure who got converted to Islam. You will find their life in turmoil and going through social problems. Most of these figures have common sense of anger towards society and they want revenge. Conversion is a way of revenge in which you end up hurting sentiment of majority religious population group of that country. Most of people who got convert do not follow rule like praying and not drinking alcohol of Islam, after conversion.

Update 13:

@ S

What is the most efficient way to get rid of people who keep banging your head and telling - you sinner and unbeliever? ......Tell them you worship Devil, they won't bother you any more.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The Qur'an is not a science book with every fact in the world. That is not its purpose.

    God revealed *some* scientific facts that were ahead of their time then.

    Here many of them are mentioned with citations:

    Scientists have also spoken on its miraculousness:


    The other person is wrong. The Qur'an does not say the earth is egg-shaped nor does any translation say that. The Qur'an does not mention the shape of the earth.

    But since we are dwelling on the subject, just want to point out that eggs come in all sorts of shapes, including round like this for example:

    "Was turning Jews in to monkey and pigs and bringing dead person alive also scientific?"

    It's called a MIRACLE.

    Look the word up if you don't know what it means.


    1..Read your link, those ancients also mentioned salty “sea water” and “fire” also. That is incorrect and proves them wrong.. they did not know what they were talking about. On the other hand, the Qur’an mentions “water” which is correct. The Qur’an also says we are created from clay, which does indeed contain elements/macrominerals that are found within both the human body. This information and more could not have been known by any means except through a microscope. Yet the Qur’an contains it (and gets it entirely correct) because it is divinely revealed information.

    2.. Earth has iron in its crust but it did not create its iron itself... it got iron due to explosion of other stars (much bigger than the sun). God sent that iron and He also sends down iron to earth through meteoroids and these are accurate scientific facts ahead of their time..

    3..No, that is your own assumption and you did not give a link about the ancient Greeks. I am still waiting for that. Science proves that the atmosphere surrounding the earth is crucial for life to have existed. It blocks out harmful rays, and does exactly what the Qur’an says – protects the earth. Any holes in the ozone layer are a result of human corruption, which the Qur’an also mentions.

    4..People with actual expertise in this field disagree with you.

    A book titled ‘Earth’ by Geophysicist Frank Press explains that mountains are like stakes, and are buried deep under the surface of the earth.

    Also refer to: Naomi Oreskes, Plate Tectonics: An Insider’s History Of The Modern Theory Of The Earth [10] Stephen Hawking, A Brief History Of Time

    5..You do not understand Arabic so do not play around with translations. Even with the translation that you are citing, the message is still the same.. God keeps extending (expanding) the heavens (universe). Anyone who looks at the sky knows it is vast, what they do not know is that it continues to extend /expand. We know this through powerful telescopes. Hence, it was divinely revealed information.

    6.. That is a strawman fallacy. Stop lying.. The Qur’an does not explicitly say that anywhere so you can not make your own wrong assumption. Indeed the sun rises from the east.. those two are references to sunrise/sunset and are not inaccurate statements. Also, the sun and moon do each have their own orbits and this is stated casually, not with connection to each other. Quran 21:33 mentions that all celestial bodies have their own orbit. An illiterate Arab with nothing but his naked eyes could not have told you this. Everything in the Qur’an is divinely revealed.

    7..The Qur’an is the word of God, not the word of Muhammad (saw). God is saying two things here, as they are written:

    1–He is revealing a totally accurate scientific fact proven by science

    2–He is tying it in with a message.

    You ignoring facts does not make them go away.

    8..None of your links can not be found.. so you still have not proven your claims. Anyway, according to a study from a British journal of psychiatry (2005), lying elicits great activation from the frontal lobe since there is increased white matter in that region.

    9..Your link for this point of yours does not work either. And you are wrong. The skin does not cause pain, it is the pain receptors within it which cause that sensation. The Qur’an mentions burnt skin being replaced with new skin so they can feel pain... this does show advanced knowledge since we know now that you do not feel pain if pain receptors are destroyed. The skin itself, even if intact, can not do that.

    Yes, the Qur’an does mention the Big Bang.

    When it says the Heavens and the Earth were joined together, that is talking about the common origin of the universe as one. Then it says God separated that primary nebula and thus it sequentially led to the formation of the planets, stars, etc..

    Again, the Qur’an does not mention the age or shape of the Earth.

    It is not an all-encompassing science book.

    –Ran out of Room–

  • Person
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    It is not Quran unless it is Arabic. A translation fails to deliver the same exact meaning and impact.

    The Quran is not a science book, so its not going to have numerical science facts; thats not what is is for. It is a guidance, and light for the soul.

    Sura 79:30 " And the earth , moreover, hath he extended in egg shape."

    That is a more or less translation of that verse. 1400 years ago.

    That verse refers to an ostrich egg in specific, the earth is not perfectly round.

    ostrich egg:

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I am not Muslim, but am familiar with what you are saying, and I think you misunderstand their use of the word scientific. Scientific refers to a process of performing an action, observing what happens, reflecting on it, and drawing conclusions or forming a new hypothesis. I think that if you are living a life of faith, you may have gone through this experience yourself until you arrived at the conclusions about life and faith that you have come to. Your goal should be to keep learning and growing. Even the science of Einstein is evolving. If you've stopped questioning your belief system, you've stopped growing as a human being.

  • 9 years ago

    Mr. Devin Worshiper, I looked at your questioning and I wondered also. I dicovered that many of the open minded Muslims do not believe in many verses of the Quraan. especially the scientific parts of it as some narrow minded of them do. Such verses as The sun sinks at night in a Mercury pool. or the earth is flat or that God created the earth in 7 days. we now from the Bible that God created the light in the 1st day, the sky in the 2nd the earth in the 3rd, the stars, sun, moon in the forth, the sea life in the 5ft. and the animals and mankind in the 6th.

    Source(s): Gospel
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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    it is mentioned in quran that the moon will shatter in the judgment day,the scientists approved that the moon in alot of years in future will shatter and it is also said that it was shattered once,and so the smart people confirmed,and about the body of the pharaoh the quran said that god drowned him in the sea,as people confirmed when they examined his body,and the house of god in makkah,scientists velive that theres light coming out of it and going to the sky as some of them confirmed (nasa) ,many people converted to islam by such things

  • 9 years ago

    Try to understand in this Link !

    and why we turn our language ???! is words of allah is not sens to turn words of allah for give a sens .. the Quran is clear sweet and Greatest Things ever whichis Words of allah ..

    Try to know arabic and read the Quran in arabic because allah lfted the Quran in arabe ;) for the nation of muhamed peace be open hem to understand what allah says .. so the arabic is important for all muslim to read the quran like allah lfted her words to a Prophet of allah peace be oipen hem :D

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    i don't know if i'm a muslim or not xD... but your deep thinking and the facts you gave are pretty impressive.

    i just didn't get one part, why are you devil worshiper? that's stupid

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