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Lv 4

Why Muslim living in west want west to become Muslim country when they do not want to live in Muslim country?

I have met many Muslims in Canada and France (two countries where I belong from), no one want to live in Muslim country or go back to country they belong from. They live a very western life, drink go out with girl friends. Girls do not wear hijab (in most of cases I have seen). But yet when you ask them they will like that country to become Islamic and follow Islamic law.

I find it very weird, in one place they do not want to live in Muslim country and other side they want to make country where they are living Muslim.


@ anthony h and martini

off course I do not believe in god, but dose that changes anything. I never ask anyone to follow me or become like me, infact I discourage people who try to follow me.

I love the way things are and I do not want to change it for me. Instead of attacking my faith and believes, isn't it more important to answer the question.

Update 2:

@IbRaHiM my name, do you think I am really afraid of hell?

no, I do not know weather hijab is Compulsory or not, but I do remember when a father killed his daughter who refused to wear Hijab, very close to my locality. You can search it on youtube if you want.

12 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Muslims have gone materialists, they've lost all the religion, and spirituality in them, i encounter many here in Morocco, however they still have that jealousy for the religion, meaning when a guy called to separate religion from state in here, everyone stood against him, even drug addicts, why ? because they are jealous of their belief and culture.

    I myself wasn't a religious guy, didn't do my prayers, i was living the life of an Atheist, make fun of religion and religious people, but deep down i knew the truth. Anyway, i encountered many Atheists, who later became my friends, either on facebook or in real life, i listened to preachings of Christian missionaries, i've read from skeptic quran, and i got mad, i got jealous for my religion, so i started searching, and searching, now i'm a devout Muslim for 1 year, i do my prayers, go to the mosque and everything ...

    To make things short, these people are indeed influenced by anything, and everything but Islam is their culture and belief, they won't sell it easy.

    EDIT : Don't apply your statement on all Muslims, some are very devout in their religion

    Hope it answers the question, Salam

  • 9 years ago

    Westerners are Muslims too you know! I am a westerner and a Muslim, the two are not exclusive of each other, I am not the only one!

    I live in the west because I want to, it is my birth right, it is my linage, this is my country! Plenty of westerners live in Muslim countries, I personally know plenty!

    Muslims no matter where they live in their own country or another are still obliged to follow Islam and if they don't follow Islam then guess what they are not Muslims.

    Anyone who calls themself a Muslim and drinks alcohol, has a bf/gf does not observe Hijab (which PS is for Muslim men and women) are NOT following Islam so what makes them a Muslim? Tell me? Because being born into a Muslim family does not make you as an adult a Muslim. Having a Muslim name does not make you a Muslim, so what makes these people you are referring to as Muslims in your eyes or their even?

    So let me get this right you are asking why these Muslims who do NOT follow Islam want to make your country a Muslim country ergo they cannot do the things you say they are doing? Are you sure about this? Your question seems a little confused!

    There are Canadian Muslims, there are French Muslims and they do not need either Canada or France to be a Muslim state of follow Islam.

    PS Islam does not allow a father to kill his daughter period!

    @Ibrahim - Really?

    ''Asshole doesn't even know about Islam it is optional for hijab and ppl can have gfs I'm Muslim and u will burn in hell no matter what Satan worshipper what's it to u u don't even have a religion''

    Hijab is NOT optional it is an obligation on all Muslims male and female!

    Muslims are NOT permitted to have girlfriends or boyfriends this is Haram!

    The questioner may not know much about Islam but please check your own self. You don't seem to know too much yourself. Perhaps get yourself sorted out first, that should be your priority instead of handing out incorrect information about Islam, not helpful, not big, not clever and not smart!

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Well, I don't know what kind of Muslim would go drink [they should totally repent], but let me explain the other to you.

    In Islam there is a thing called Da'wah which means to teach people about Islam and get people to convert to our religion, Da'wah very rewarding in the hereafter, because "You have saved a soul from the Hell Fire".

    Or they just want to live a more complicated way of muslim life. Ya'know religion mixed with western culture is a big mash and can be confusing!!

    So I guess that answers your question, hopefully! :]

    Source(s): Myself
  • 9 years ago

    if you worship satan why do you care, they are not here asking if you worship satan then why are you not living in hell instead of here on earth, fair enough? they have the right, it is constitutional and civil here, who wants to live over there and poop in a hole in the floor?

    I lived there longer than I cared to, you cannot pay me to go back and I am christian.

    EDIT FOR ASKER: I can appreciate the additional comment you made regarding my answer. my answer was not purposed to ridicule you, just to say fair is fair. you know, i lived there so long nothing impressed me about all the restrictions, oppression and stupidity i saw and witnessed there, right down to beheadings, hands being chopped off and and maimings and stonings. that is the stuff that brings em here, i don't blame them. I am speaking to that and I felt I answered the question.

    you have the right to be who you are, and believe as you do, I don't care that you worship satan, I still love you just as christ commanded us, so let us say no harm no foul? I did not aim to offend you.

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  • 9 years ago

    not all the Muslim living in the west is like this

    most of the muslim would love to live in islamic countries but thier jobs dont allow them to

    i have met more than 100 Muslim living in west and all of them dont drink or go out with girls and girls wear hijab

  • 9 years ago

    That's just one of the ironies of Islam. It's like when they praise Allah as supposedly being a loving god, but then they depress you by saying Allah makes you earn his love and he will NEVER love you as much as a father loves his child (the very idea is considered blasphemous in Islam and is punishable by death in some countries).

    @ Hannan: If Pakistan is really America's puppet, how come every string we pull to free the 110% innocent Asia Bibi breaks?

  • 9 years ago

    Because Islam is not allowed to flourished fully in Islamic countries because of the U.S. which calls it extremism. America always spit bad things about Islam on its media. So Muslims decided to live the way the Americans and Europeans (sponsors of war-on-terror) want them to live. So they're migrating to Europe and U.S. Americans want the right wing political Islamic leaders to be killed by army of the Muslim country. Muslims have no political representation in their countries so they're frustrated with this system.

    Islamic countries are ruled by American and European puppets. See what's happening in Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Libya Iran.




    @Atarah: Because of the public and pressure of Islamic political parties which are not the part of govt. (not because they have no vote bank but because they are labelled as extremists/terrorists by U.S.). The govt. has to keep balanced between Islamic political parties and U.S.

  • Martin
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    You name really says it all about the country you want to live.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Because theyre stupid people

  • Lynn
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    It says a lot, doesn't it.

    Their religion makes their home countries miserable, so they leave and want to destroy everybody elses home, too.

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