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Lv 7
daddio asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 8 years ago

so, is everything "fair" now?


A & point exactly.

Update 2:

as i look at the world around me, i see opportunity...dwindling.

the rich are not the reason opportunity is declining.

government is 100% responsible for that single reason the world is in the funk it's in.

see my next question for a good follow up to this one.

9 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Children worry about fair. Adults know better.

  • 8 years ago

    Things were more fair when when 20% of the citizens were under the poverty line. Now most of the working class is there too and the middle class is next.


    How much longer must we offer gifts to our upper class gods? The Middle Class, Working Class and Poverty Class only own 4% of America's wealth now. We've been bled to the bone over the last thirty years paying homage to the upper classes. Do we need to give up the remaining 4% too? Will they stop wrecking the economy if we do? Will they provide jobs if we do?

    Most of the people on any form of government assistance would rather be working.

    @Texas Mike:

    Most of the world has "freedom" today but you seem to only respect Rush Limbaugh-style freedom. How about freedom from corporate tyranny? What "freedom" does the 60% of Americans have that must share a paltry 4% of her assets?

    Do you find it interesting that our government, thankfully, must be a liberal democracy using a republican form of government but much of America must endure dictators in a job that doesn't pay enough to survive, a job that one can't even afford to take a day off from to search for a better job?

    Do you find it interesting that most of your non-governmental job growth in Texas has been at or near minimum wage? Are you aware that the per-capita debt in Texas is about the same as in California?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    No. The leaches at the top still pay at a far lower rate than actual working people.... but they do pay slightly more than they were a couple weeks ago.

    We should be talking about rolling back the Reagan tax cuts. After all, that is really the starting point of when our debt began to go out of control... which is exactly what the Republicans had planned to have happen, in the first place.

  • 8 years ago

    Arthur, are you stupid?

    Bush gave everyone unnecessary tax cuts for one.

    For two, Obama only increased taxes (like they should be) on the 400K+ salaries.

    Since you are on Yahoo! Answers, you probably don't make that much. So what are you b*tching about?

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Sure why not....10% of the nation funds 90% of the treasury via taxes while 50% who consume most of it pay "0" to get it. Oh.... that's going to get us out of the abyss voters have dug for themselves.

    Collectively, the nation is one GIANT dumb a$$.

  • 8 years ago

    Forced "fairness" and freedom cannot co-exist. True fairness only exists when freedom comes first.

    Source(s): TM
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    As long as the circus is in town.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Yes. Obongo gave everyone a tax hike (everyone who WORKS, anyway). What could be more "fair" than that?

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    NO. Honkys are still alive.

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