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Ice cream sandwich rom?

So I've got a couple of questions cause I know nothing of this stuff! I have a lg Optimus 2x p990 and I want to install ics 4.0.4 on it. It's a rom and something about v30a. My questions are, is this official ics or just sort of piracy? What is a rom? And do I need to root my phone for this process? I know how to upgrade to ics, but I don't know if I need to root it! Thnx a bunch! SIDE NOTE: I will be using smart flasher tool, if this helps you answer the question.

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    So I've got a couple of questions cause I know nothing of this stuff!

    ----------- STOP.. HALT... READ!!! RESEARCH!!! GOOGLE!!! This is not an iphone and dont expect the Android Community to blurt out answers without you knowing nothing about terminology, pros, and cons... we were all n00bs... we all learned the hard way... a mod will not assist you if you have no android education. just a fair warning.

    I have a lg Optimus 2x p990 and I want to install ics 4.0.4 on it. It's a rom and something about v30a. My questions are, is this official ics or just sort of piracy?

    --------- Piracy???? Offical ICS??? Oh dear lord... you really need to do some research into android...

    What is a rom?

    -------- the firmware on the phone. You do know what firmware is.. right? Android is an open source program just like Ubuntu for computers. Google makes Android. They release the Android Update TO EVERYONE ON EARTH in the form of an SDK, software development kit. Think of this as unbaked raw cookie dough. 2 things can happen. 1) geeks and developers can get ahold of it, and make a CUSTOM ROM for a phone/make/model of there choosing. Its Android 100%. There is nothing illegal about it and 100% ethical. Geeks are loved cause they can make a ROM in 1-2 weeks after Google releases an android update. or..... 2) OEMs get the SDK. Tweak it so they have android on their new upcoming phones. But since they ar ein contracts with wireless carriers, they must have their permission and input. This is why it takes a wireless carrier 6 months to 2 years to make an android update. Pointless bickering and snob fest.

    And do I need to root my phone for this process?

    ------- thats always step 1. Wireless carriers and OEMs lock the internals of the phone so you dont have admin rights. Rooting grants you admin rights/superuser access. Thats all it does. With SuperUser access, you can do anything.

    I know how to upgrade to ics, but I don't know if I need to root it! Thnx a bunch! SIDE NOTE: I will be using smart flasher tool, if this helps you answer the question.

    -------- i dont care what tool you use... there are many ways to flash a ROM.... but I forsee you bricking your phone if you dont know what youre doing... please read up on Android.. please... i dont want your phone to brick

    Source(s): Sincerely, AndroidCore, Wireless Genius & Tech Support… Catch us on Facebook / Twitter / LikePlum / iHeart / Pandora / AppBrain
  • 8 years ago

    you just need to go to settings/about and check for updates

    if you want to install a ROM, that does require rooting.

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