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  • Who dis is?

    12 AnswersOther - New Zealand3 years ago
  • heating my body on command?

    Hey guys, i was just wondering if anyone can heat their body on command without use of external objects such as heater or blankets. So the way i do it is, i connect my fingertips and really concentrate to search a pulse. It takes longer on cold days bt its still manageable. So once i get a pulse the rest just fall in place. The hard bit is concentrating to find the first pulse. After i get it in any one of my fingertips (usually in index or middle finger), i start anticipating when its coming and this guarantees my search for pulses. Next it spread through all fingertips and soon i can hear feel my brain pulse as well as hear my heart beat. This really gets the blood going and i feel quite warm. However i dunno how to cool down. Anywho, any other weirdos out there?

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care7 years ago
  • Clearifiny basic calculus?

    Hey guy, i was introduced to calculus a few days ago and wanted to ask if im right. What ive learned:

    The gradient of a chord is the rate of change of a graph. As h tends to 0, that point is the gradient of a tangent line which gives the gradient of a single point on a graph. Btw, is h a proper notation that is used to represent x+h - x (x2-x1) or is it a random one off thing? Anywho so the process of this is called differentiation and the product is called the gradient function. So if im not mistaken the gradient function gives the gradient at any one point of a graph.

    Plz point out any mistakes and 1 last question, if the gradient function of f(x) is f'(x) then is the gradient function of dy/dx is d^2y/dx^2

    Sorry i would have asked my teacher but hes a total tool. Ignores everyone with a question. I swear they pick teachers off the street. TYVM

    1 AnswerMathematics7 years ago
  • how much power is my pc using?

    Hey guys, im buying a new medium ranged graphic card and the guy at the store told me you would need atleast 510 watts otherwise it wouldn't work properly. So i need to know how many watts are being supplied to my pc. how do i check? i asked two people at the store and one said if you open your cpu it will show the number and the other said there are softwares online that determine this stuff. So im kinda confused. And if there are software online, could you please recommend some free ones. TY very much!

    1 AnswerOther - Hardware7 years ago
  • GTA V ignition bomb doesnt work?

    Hey guys, so i bought an ignition bomb in my car and researched to find out that a player that enters my car gets blown up. But it never works on my car, people be stealing my car all the time and nothing happens. Alot of the places i researched said i need to turn the engine off but i dont know how to do that! So if you would be so kind to help a fellow noob gamer out. TY.

    yesterday a random guy (obviously a hacker) was putting 207mill bounties on people and before he left the game he gave every one like 3 mills but for some reason he gave me 64 mills. So who every helps me out, ill give them a couple of mill (if you want). Just leave your ps3 name. i dont know if we have to be online at the same time or something but ill figure it out. TY

    3 AnswersPC7 years ago
  • laptop GHz comparison?

    hey guy, im buying a new laptop and i am stuck between two laptops. they both have all the exact same specs but one has 2.5GHz processor and the other has 1.8GHz processor with 2.4GHz turbo. So which one is better? Personally i like the laptop with 2.5GHz because it has a very nice feel to it. :). BTW they both have same price (1400 NZD). Ty very much plz reply quickly, the deals wont last long lol.

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks7 years ago
  • should i use a 2 amp charger to charge my 1500mAh phone?

    so this portable charger has two options. 5v/1a and 5v/2a. My question is should i use 2a to charge my 1500mAh phone because it will charge faster? And my ipad two has 6930 mAh can i use 2a here as well? if someone can tell me how this amp stuff has something to do with mAh. TY

    3 AnswersOther - Electronics8 years ago
  • should i drain my battery before storing it.?

    Hey, i just got a solar charger and it came fully charged. so i wanted to store it and not use it for now. From past experiences, i learnt that a fully charged phone battery that doesn't get used turns fat and goes dead. so i was wondering to prevent this, should i drain the battery completely and then store it?

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics8 years ago
  • solar charger electrical stuff help.?

    hey, i just got a new solar charger and there are two big lights on the left hand side, the top one indicates 5v/1a and the bottom one indicates 5v/2a. when i press the button the light switches to the between these two. so what does 5v/1a and 5v/2a mean? how does it effect anything?

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics8 years ago
  • how do decomposers make methane?

    so i was told that under anaerobic conditions decomposers produce methane? A detailed clarification with some examples would be nice. and how does this contribute to the carbon cycle.

    1 AnswerBiology8 years ago
  • rooting gingerbread android?!?

    i have been trying to root my lg optimus 2x (2.3.4) and nothing is working. i have tried superoneclick but it says not responding after "daemon not running". i have tried Zroot and that just takes me to a racing game. so if you know how to fix these problems, plz do tell. If you know any other working methods to root gingerbread plz tell me. ty very much

    1 AnswerMobile Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • Basic chemistry!!!! Halp?

    So I got my exams tomorrow and I need help in something. Well I know how to balance an equation. But I don't know how to determine how many atoms a certain element or compound has. So if you gave me an equation, I could balance it because it already has the small number on the bottom right hand side of the element. But if you we're to give me a word equation such as (potassium + water > potassium hydroxide + gas) I wouldn't know how many atoms are present in the reactants. So how do I determine the number just from a word equation?

    2 AnswersChemistry8 years ago
  • how often should i change my cats litter box?

    she urinates about 3-4 times a day and she defecates once daily. i immediately get rid of the feces but i just cover the urine over with litter that is already in the box. i dont add any more new litter to it. so how often should i completely change the litter. btw it doesnt smell at all but i guess thats no good because cats have a higher sense of smell. thnx a bunch XD

    2 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • backing up android on pc?

    So can i just connect usb to pc and make a copy of everything onto computer? I need to factory reset my phone so will that back up every single thing? And will be be complete normal how it used to be on the android phone? Thnx a bunch!

  • Hard drive format problem?

    I am using windows 7 ultimate. When i try to use my hard drive it says you have to format the disk in drive before you can use it. does that mean its going to erase everything? i really need to access it! It gives a format disk option. so what do i do!? plz hlp

    2 AnswersAdd-ons8 years ago
  • Ice cream sandwich rom?

    So I've got a couple of questions cause I know nothing of this stuff! I have a lg Optimus 2x p990 and I want to install ics 4.0.4 on it. It's a rom and something about v30a. My questions are, is this official ics or just sort of piracy? What is a rom? And do I need to root my phone for this process? I know how to upgrade to ics, but I don't know if I need to root it! Thnx a bunch! SIDE NOTE: I will be using smart flasher tool, if this helps you answer the question.

    2 AnswersMobile Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • basic chemistry correction?

    so i think i have the wrong notes, i have my examinations tomorrow! plz correct.

    these are the notes ive got. btw i dont know how to type arrows so ill use "..."

    metal+water... metal oxide+ hydrogen

    alkali metal+water... metal hydroxide+ hydrogen

    1 AnswerChemistry9 years ago
  • photoshop/gimp text background?

    so im a beginner and im trying to put a background made of text but it keeps on showing in front of the picture! how do i make it behind the picture and not on top!? ty lol if you just tell me what its called so i cant search it up or best to just gimme a link!! thnx

    1 AnswerSoftware9 years ago
  • what do children like and dislike as they mature?

    well, im making a static image and i for the background, im using these words. its point is to show, childhood is too short and other stuff. so the words start at the top and as they come down, the person is meant to mature (in a bad way). i want a smooth way of showing maturity, so i need happy...dull and followed by bad! the happy represents childhood, dull is teenager and bad is adult! such as ice-cream...depression and responsibly! or something like that, plz give as many as you have and try to make it a smooth transition. btw its actually from a movie, which shows the childhood is too short theme! ty very much

    Homework Help9 years ago
  • magnets neocube vs nanodots?

    well, I would like a long lasting fun set of magnets! which is better? I was gonna buy neocube but i heard, they get chipped easier so i have no clue what to buy :/ does the strength really matter, when playing around or making shapes?

    2 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation9 years ago