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laptop GHz comparison?

hey guy, im buying a new laptop and i am stuck between two laptops. they both have all the exact same specs but one has 2.5GHz processor and the other has 1.8GHz processor with 2.4GHz turbo. So which one is better? Personally i like the laptop with 2.5GHz because it has a very nice feel to it. :). BTW they both have same price (1400 NZD). Ty very much plz reply quickly, the deals wont last long lol.


They are both hp and intel.

3 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Clock speeds aren't everything. What are the processor models?

  • 7 years ago

    The 2.5 GHz is clocked higher which means its faster if they are processors made by the same company. If they are different companies like intel vs amd for example, 2.5 GHz for intel might mean 2.3 GHz for amd. If you just need a laptop for surfing the internet they both are very capable just get the one that you want

  • Nunya
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    without more info, (like processor model/architecture/cores) the only answer is 2.5Ghz.

    More likely the 2.5Ghz one is a dual core while the 1.8 Ghz one is a quad core that can turbo to 2.4Ghz

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